Sue Storm's Powers?


Feb 11, 2006
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Now I'm no die-hard fan of FF, but Sue was always my favorite. And in the MUA thread, someone gave me a rundown of her powers for the game, and one of them mentioned "telekinesis" along with energy attacks. Can someone tell me how she has telekinesis and all tose energy attacks? Better yet, just tell me what her powers are right now in the comics? Not only does she have those powers in the game, but on the show too (and i've seen pictures with it).

Edit: I forgot I can just show ya'll her powers in the game,lol:

Invisible Woman
Game Powers:
Concussion Blast – Basically a powerful force blast.
Telekinesis – Levitates enemies and objects – very cool!
Kinetic Bolts – Fires kinetic bolts at enemies.
Kinetic Surge – Release a wave of kinetic energy to cause a lot of damage.
Kinetic Snare – Spin target in a kinetic sphere causing crushing damage.
Invisibility – Become invisible to enemies – also stunning enemies who receive a critical hit.
Fantastic Shield – Creates a large shield that deflects projectile attacks.
Ultimate Overload – Xtreme power. Creates a large arc of energy that damages ALL enemies on the screen and stuns them for 40 seconds. If the enemy is already stunned, then it critically hits them for 50% of their life. Girl power!
Verily, In the beginning, there was Susan Storm, and it was all good.
She could turn invisible. Period.
Later, she found she could:
Turn other things invisible;
Create a force field.
And she became more skilled in martial arts.

Over time, she has developed her powers.
She can't strictly "levitate" things, but she can create a platform of force under things and will the platform to move.
She can move her force field and my moving it quickly can impart a concussive blow.
She can create a "pillar" of force under herself and expand it, causing her to
rise or appear to fly.
She can create a bubble of force around an individual's head and cut off their supply of air (an oft-used tactic).
She can create a bubble of force within an individual's body and expand it, causing severe internal damage (recently threatened toward a wife-beater, but not actually implemented).

In the early days, she came acros as more of a liability to the team and much less confident and forceful (no pun intended). This was addressed in issue #11 (Impossible Man/A Day in the Life of the FF), and since then she has become a strong, confident and assertive team member. Even Doom has acknowledged she may be the strongest of the four!
Thnx! Do you have some scans of her doing some of that stuff? Or some issue numbers for some you didn't mention?
She can manipulate thoughts now also. Since her run in with psycho-man I believe, not sure of the exacts, but it happens in one of the later Marvel Knights issues, it was pretty cool.
^BWUAHAHAHAHAHA! Man, I didn't think she'd become THAT kind of character this early.
TripleF said:
She can manipulate thoughts now also. Since her run in with psycho-man I believe, not sure of the exacts, but it happens in one of the later Marvel Knights issues, it was pretty cool.

From the context, I THINK that power only existed between her and P-man, and not as a general ability to read or manipulate thoughts.

I would suggest referring to the latest Marvel Encyclopedia or the website for a definitive answer. Anything I can add would be purely speculative.
gerbstat said:
From the context, I THINK that power only existed between her and P-man, and not as a general ability to read or manipulate thoughts.

I would suggest referring to the latest Marvel Encyclopedia or the website for a definitive answer. Anything I can add would be purely speculative.

Yes, she says that its because he manipulated her mind.
But, it could be a power that she develops. Evolves so to speak.
Invisibility may be cool, but what powers did she have when she was malice?
Her and Malic switched bodies?
javon said:
Her and Malic switched bodies?

No she becomes Malice. I believe with Hate Monger, and Psycho-man involved, the inner anger from what she has been through takes over, making her Malice.
OKAAAAY, too drama. Does Sue have an pffical thread aroud here?

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