Suggest a SSBB Character.

Well if Snake's available, I think its time for
I guess one of the boxers from mario punchout couldn't hurt....

not king hippo, the other popular one...
Viewitful Joe, would be sweet :up:
Odin's Lapdog said:
I guess one of the boxers from mario punchout couldn't hurt....

not king hippo, the other popular one...

You mean Li'l Mac? He'd be cool.
Here's my list of who is it possible for them to appear

Paper Mario
Donkey Kong Jr/Diddy Kong
Space Pirate (Metroid)
Krystal (Star Fox)
Captain Olimar/Pikmin
Pokemon (all)
I put down for Reggie Fils-Aime.

I want to play as him, kicking ass and taking names!
hippie_hunter said:
I put down for Reggie Fils-Aime.

I want to play as him, kicking ass and taking names!

You win the thread :up:

Stick Reggie and Shiggy in the game... That would rock.
John Mclane... then again I guess they wouldn't let his pose be him going "Yippe Kaiaye mother f**ker" :(

Sonic is a good choice.

But if we're getting Snake then I'd like him to have Grey Fox, Raiden and Liquid for secret characters.
kypade. It's like Jiggly-puff but even less effective.

Ash (His moves would be based off a mixing of Pokemon he's had on the anime).
-Move wise, I'd have Squirtle's hydro pump be his up B (Think Link's Spin attack), Bayleaf's vine wipe would be his grab, Heracross' megahorn would be his side B, Treeco's bulletseed would be his B and Phanpy would do rollout for down B. Pikachu would help him with all the A moves (somewhat like Ice Climbers).

Ganon. If Ganondorf is a Cap Falcon clone, fine. But at least represent the real version of Nintendo's greatest villain. He needs to throw those electic spheres, have his trident, have fiery bats attack his foes and teleport. And visually, he needs to look similar to his Ocarina apperance.

A change with Young Link. If they want to keep him, turn him into the Majora's Mask Link. That means all his B moves change him into a different LoZ race. One Deku, one Goron and one Zora. Now that would be interesting.

Vic Macky.

Ryota Hayami. The flagship character of Wave Race and 1080, he could be very interesting to play as. Representing key Nintendo sports, I'd imagine him to be balanced, like he is in both franchises, and maybe have a few water and snow based moves as well....

Samurai Goroh and Rick Wheeler. Two very intersting characters from the F-Zero franchise. They should handle similar to their racers.

Diddy Kong. Do I really need to explain this? The guy already has had his own games.

Blastoise. He should be more that simply a one trick pony. Keep the Hydro Pump. Add spin attack for an u B, use body slam for a down b, blizzard for the side b and Skull Bash for a smash attack.

Raichu. If Pichu is a character, then dammit, make Raichu one too.


Sonic. And thats it. Lets keep this a Nintendo game, shall we?
simon belmont ....lil mac.... and sonic ...all beautiful choices:eek: good job guys:up: bout megaman???
I'm surprised no one has used any of the Punch-Out fighters as of yet. Fight Night has him as secret character and all, but Nintendo should really give us a new punch out game, period.
jaydawg said:
Ash (His moves would be based off a mixing of Pokemon he's had on the anime).
-Move wise, I'd have Squirtle's hydro pump be his up B (Think Link's Spin attack), Bayleaf's vine wipe would be his grab, Heracross' megahorn would be his side B, Treeco's bulletseed would be his B and Phanpy would do rollout for down B. Pikachu would help him with all the A moves (somewhat like Ice Climbers).
They should have you pick the Pokemon team.

A change with Young Link. If they want to keep him, turn him into the Majora's Mask Link. That means all his B moves change him into a different LoZ race. One Deku, one Goron and one Zora. Now that would be interesting.
Oni Link!
Kid Icaris
Eggplant Wizard
Captain N Gamemaster
I hope everyone is remembering to actually click the link. If he gets enough for one character, he may put it in.
Kevin87 said:
I hope everyone is remembering to actually click the link. If he gets enough for one character, he may put it in.

You better have suggested for Reggie :mad:

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