Super Bowl Trailer


Jul 24, 2002
Reaction score
Just to let you know Adage thinks a SB trailer for 'Wanted' is very possible!
The TV spot looks okay. I'd just like to see more than exaggerated shootouts.
Yeah, it looks very cool. Brilliant movie, terrible adaptation.
woah!!! amazing!
lmao @ goodbye bullet =D

cant wait!
Wow. Um. That looks really really lame and corny and cheesy.
Angelina Jolie looks stupid. Morgan Freeman is beyond this crap.
But it does look better than the Speed Racer trailer.
Neither of which are worth seeing.
Hell of a nice shot of Angelina! [BLACKOUT]You know what I'm talking about ;-)[/BLACKOUT]
Meh. Would've been a glorious shot if she didn't look so damn emaciated. Shame, that's a real sexy shot of her body and tattoos too. :(

Anyway, the spot definitely did it's job. Makes it out to be a sfx fest that will have some fun action in it. I'm sure the audience will like it.
This looks great! You know, action movies just don't have enough slow motion bullets, guys shooting two guns in different directions, or scenes with old african-american men teaching naive young white guys how to use their abilities to become total badasses! It's a really fresh approach to the genre!
should title be changed to w.i.n.o.? wanted in name only.that being said,it looks cool indeed.
you should change your name to whino...
wow, movie looks cool. I'm definitely seeing it.
I'm getting a Jumper vibe from it. That's not good.
The fact that they're trying to pass this off as "Wanted" with a straight face is insulting.

Oh, and for the record, Morgan Freeman is NOT beyond this crap. Take a look at his resume. In terms of movie quality, it's a mixed bag. In terms of performance quality, it's always Morgan Freeman doing the same damn Morgan Freeman thing. Same performance over and over again.
Saw the Superbowl trailer and while it was okay, I liked the first trailer I saw some weeks ago better. That one at least gave some idea of what the story is, this really didn't tell us much about the plot.
Saw the ad again tonight on large screen tv, and....still stupid looking.
Trying waaaayyyyyy too hard to be the Matrix.
GOD! I thought the film industry was way beyond that now!
Oh, and Angelina Jolie still looks very stupid in the role. She doesn't even look hot, she looks sickly.
Major thumbs down on this one.
Saw the Superbowl trailer and while it was okay, I liked the first trailer I saw some weeks ago better. That one at least gave some idea of what the story is, this really didn't tell us much about the plot.

it was only 30 sec long. the other one was around 2 mins. They'll probably release another long one.
i saw and liked the first trailer, this one just felt dumb. :csad:
I liked the trailers. I can understand how people would be pissed...but I find it pretty funny. It will provide good eye candy though.
Its amazing, the trailer actually took my excitment for this film from 0 into negative territory.

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