Comics Supergirl: Not Doing Well


Mar 12, 2002
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It seem that the new Supergirl comic book is dropping through the bottom of the floor, sales-wise, so much so that Dan Didio asked, 'Why are ladies not reading Supergirl?' in a recent online post.

As well, feminists and other people are having problems with the Supergirl title, as can be seen in this post from Dean Trippe here at his blog (most of the problems have to do with the bare midriff) :

Thoughts on Supergirl.
I've been reading posts around the blogosphere this week regarding the upcoming changes to the Supergirl series. I realized something the other day that sums up the problems of the Supergirl series in a nutshell, and I thought I'd share it, though it's not usually my style to offer negative opinions about a mainstream series. In this case, I'm really seeking to offer positive advice, so I hope it's heard.
It's easy to argue back and forth as to whether or not Supergirl has been portrayed as a 'typical teen,' because it's a false model. Some say yes, some say no. But we're not talking about a typical teenager, we're talking about one of the most recognizable superheroines in comics. She even had a movie (well, not a very good one, but still). The recent internet uproar over the portrayal of Supergirl (and Batgirl!) demonstrate how strongly she strikes a chord with both male and female readers. And yet in Supergirl's comics she has been portrayed as anything but heroic. It's been incredibly disheartening for those of us who want to see a Supergirl we can admire. It's also easy to blame ALL of the problems on the art, which, with the notable exception of Amanda Conner's excellent fill-in issue, has shown her to look too old, too tall, too skinny, too ****ty, and seriously unfashionable by anyone who knows teenagers. The writing and art often come off as a rant about how dumb teenagers are, rather than offering teenagers a model (even an imperfect one) to aspire to.

The 'nutshell' epiphany I had was this: Imagine young Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Bruce Wayne or any of the incredibly selfless, awesome HEROES we know and love, and run them through the ringer of degrading stories Kara Zor-El has been put through since her reintegration into the DCU. She's not had her own story, she's not had hope, and she's not had a good costume. If Peter Parker was portrayed in the recent Spider-Man movies as a 'typical teen' in the manner that Kara has been, I really doubt anyone would have enjoyed it. The same goes for Clark Kent on Smallville (though in that instance, they may have erred to far in the whitebread direction). Of course Peter Parker shouldn't be drawn making out with his cousin. Of course Clark Kent shouldn't be nearly naked in every show. Of course Bruce Wayne shouldn't have his origin story mired in knowing every single character in the DCU. Of course not, but wait, is it because they're males? Or because they're supposed to be heroes?

BTW, this is his idea of a Supergirl comic book, art-wise:

[image][/image] (smacks of the Golden Age, dosen't it?)

Here's a sampling of how other people reconcived Supergirl's costume:

Is everybody right? Or full of hot air? Discuss.
I guess I'm the only one who's been liking the new Supergirl series...if they change it to a more classic "I'm the good guy, watch me save the day every month! ta-da!" approach, I'll drop the book...
I agree with the blog post. I don't havea problem with her costume but the stories have been BAD.
I have been reading since issue one and have enjoyed the book. The last issue has been one of the best so far.
whats the problem with the bare stomach. This kara is not a saint and proves to be a 'real' character rather than the all american hero. She has problems she gets through them and we admire her for it- surely thats what a real hero is
The problem is the writing sucks.

Except for the ish with Batgirl using Red Son lightsabers. That made me really happy inside.
Supergirl's introduction in the Superman/Batman book is my favorite arc. i dug the first arc for Supergirl's book . . . but then she went into the future with Legion of Superheroes for reasons i can't find anywhere and i got frustrated because, well . . . i don't really care about the Legion. i'm waiting for the other Supergirl books to hit TPB, but i agree with Trippe on some of his points.

i'd like to see someone like Brian K Vaughn come in and write her, i love the way he writes teens.

personally, i'd like to see her join the Teen Titans. i think that'd be fun and as much as i love her, i haven't been convinced yet that she deserves her own book. but i want her around! i love her interaction with Supes and think she could have a really fun relationship with Lois.
It seem that the new Supergirl comic book is dropping through the bottom of the floor, sales-wise, so much so that Dan Didio asked, 'Why are ladies not reading Supergirl?' in a recent online post.
That's because it sucks in the writing department. The funny thing is that Supergirl is actually a cool character....outside of her own book where she isn't Super-Britney and thinks about killing Superman. Also appealing to women to read the damn book is just damn stupid. Mostly due to there are very few girl comic book readers compared to manly men such as myself that reads them. This isn't the video game world where the non-existant female video gamer is a misconception.

As well, feminists and other people are having problems with the Supergirl title, as can be seen in this post from Dean Trippe here <A href="" target" target=_blank>at his blog (most of the problems have to do with the bare midriff) :p
Wow, these women must also have problems with Tigra, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Ms. Marvel, and nearly every female superhero.
As well, feminists and other people are having problems with the Supergirl title, as can be seen in this post from Dean Trippe here <A href="" target" target=_blank>at his blog (most of the problems have to do with the bare midriff)

Yes, shame on them to single-out Supergirl.
The problem with the Supergirl title is it has no... zing... the character has no personal internal center, however jaded or unheroic she may be, the character fails to even be a compelling anti-hero to me as she flits from one zany adventure to another, one character collaboration to another, with little regard for who the heck is Kara Zor El... she doesn't embrace any part of her identity and derives much of her acclaim from her associations with others...

Perhaps typical of teenagers, but not much for making a compelling character. When I saw Kara split into herself and Black Kara I almost screamed. I don't know who the heck she is, why should I care, much less understand, if she gets split into 'good' and 'evil' Kara... even the reunification gave no insight into who this girl is.

There's a lot of great guests in the book, I enjoy the art, adore the costume, and like her bad little lost girl attitude, but the book, and the character, are without a center, and I don't think it can stand up long without either guests or compelling original antagonists.
whats the problem with the bare stomach. This kara is not a saint and proves to be a 'real' character rather than the all american hero. She has problems she gets through them and we admire her for it- surely thats what a real hero is

I agree with this. While I do think a character like Superman should be the epitemy of what a HERO is (I still think he should struggle to live up to that role tho), I don't think it should be so easy for the other heroes. Being a superhero makes the shoes big enough to fill already... now imagine being a superhero who wears the iconic "S" on your chest. I think it's a great idea showing somebody with the powers but not quite with the drive or desire. That's reality, and it's good writing. Not every superhero is perfect, and heroes are at their best when they struggle to live up to what they are "supposed" to be. Superman is an awesome character but that doesn't mean I want 8,000 Supermans. Other heroes should be different in how they do what they do.
My main exposure to Supergirl is the stuff what I catch on Scans Daily, and I thought they're taken out of context, that's what makes Kara appear as a selfish ****e who's *****ing about having to save people.

Then I've read the Brave and the Bold issue with her, where her dialogue consists of begging Hal to get into her panties.

I'm not saying it's wierd, or unrealistic, it's just not the kind of stuff most people are compelled to read about.
My main exposure to Supergirl is the stuff what I catch on Scans Daily, and I thought they're taken out of context, that's what makes Kara appear as a selfish ****e who's *****ing about having to save people.

Then I've read the Brave and the Bold issue with her, where her dialogue consists of begging Hal to get into her panties.

I'm not saying it's wierd, or unrealistic, it's just not the kind of stuff most people are compelled to read about.

:wow: The writers are turning her into one of the Girls Next Door!

I'd be compelled to see her character die if this is where they're taking her :(
They should just cancel the Supergirl book and just make her a side character in Superman and Action Comics along with her being part of the Teen Titans.
I guess I'm the only one who's been liking the new Supergirl series...if they change it to a more classic "I'm the good guy, watch me save the day every month! ta-da!" approach, I'll drop the book...

Me too.

As I've said before in another forum at another site (My response(*) starts at the end of Just-Me's response to my earlier post-Darkstar)


Personally, I hated the "new" Supergirl's first appearances in Superman/Batman, and the very few issues of her comic I purchased.

She's been drawn (by adult males) to be some kind of jailbait "hottie" for other adult males to drool over (ewww&#8230;) and, according to he origin story, was sent to earth to kill Superman.

[sarcasm] Yay. [/sarcasm]

I have only liked the character in Mark Waid's stories, first in Legion of Super-Heroes and then in Brave and the Bold.

So, yeah, I have to agree with the post you quoted. The character has been mishandled from the start.

&#8230;and for this they got rid of the wonderfully written (and drawn) Supergirl series by Peter David?

*Yes, mostly because the Peter David Supergirl was sooo being based on a stupid concept that John Byrne was forced to come up with to bring back Supergirl after he expressly said that Superman was the only survivor of the planet Krypton. Protoplasmic cloning/Earth angel whosit-whatsit/Linda Lee Davners bull****, indeed!

At least this version of Supergirl truly comes from Krypton, and is, in the tradition of Marvel Comics, a fully human and slighty relatable character with flaws, trying to find her way in the world first rather than just leaping willy-nilly into being a female clone of her cousin, Big Blue. I would assume that due to the popularity of similar remakes of the characters from Battlestar Galactica, people would be more accepting of this version. But. it seems that they're not. (And now they know how fans of the original show feel about how their favorite characters were remade)!

Supergirl: Not doing well on the Spacecast forums

My real response will be in the next post.
okay. so i just finished the "Candor" TPB and it was some kind of awful. the art was pretty, but the story was random and impossible to follow . . . except for the very last issue that was bound into the book (Supergirl #9). the story was sweet, touching, and actually scratched the surface on the character of Kara. and it ended with the enigmatic "A Beginning," instead of "The End."

which got me to thinking . . .

maybe Supergirl has gotten the shaft because of the Infinite Crisis. her story was going along, and then all of a sudden, it jumped to one year later and the writer(s) tried to keep the same story going (while going to Kandor and bringing the despot Superman back and blah blah blah).

so maybe, just maybe . . . things are going to get more interesting. maybe they've figured out what they need to do wit her. i feel really bad for her and her book because i really like the character, it just seems like the writers aren't sure what to do with her (and sharing her book with Power Girl isn't helping).

but in Supergirl #9, i really liked her date with Boomer and i really liked her bonding with Cassie. i hope those relationships are explored further. if nothing else, i'd like to see her become a supporting character in the Superman books. or a Teen Titan. because i like the idea that she's a reluctant hero. i like the idea that she's more or less being forced into this by her everyone's expectations of her. i think there's a lot of room there for growth, development, and success.

anyway. here's hoping.
I guess I'm the only one who's been liking the new Supergirl series...if they change it to a more classic "I'm the good guy, watch me save the day every month! ta-da!" approach, I'll drop the book...

That's what superheroes are about. :huh:
now that she's a teen titan, DC might as well just cancel this title.
now that she's a teen titan, DC might as well just cancel this title.

Then I guess that they can also cancel Robin's appearences in

Batman, as well, since he's really not needed there.
i don't know about all that.. apples & oranges i guess.
The problem is the writing sucks.

Except for the ish with Batgirl using Red Son lightsabers. That made me really happy inside.

I liked the introduction of the "crystal defense system". My girlfriend first started reading the title, then I got into myself.

I wasn't a fan of the whole "Back to Kandor" arc that went on for those 3 issues, but I agree with you CCon that Batgirls Appearance and battle was very pleasing.

I LOVED Jeph Loebs writing stretch on the title, he made the character a little more funny then previous incarnations. I hope he'll come back soon and add something to this title to keep it going.:woot:
I liked the introduction of the "crystal defense system". My girlfriend first started reading the title, then I got into myself.

I wasn't a fan of the whole "Back to Kandor" arc that went on for those 3 issues, but I agree with you CCon that Batgirls Appearance and battle was very pleasing.

I LOVED Jeph Loebs writing stretch on the title, he made the character a little more funny then previous incarnations. I hope he'll come back soon and add something to this title to keep it going.:woot:
You misunderstand.

I loved the Batgirl with a lightsaber thing in a "this is so horrible, it's great" way.

The writing on the title, IMO at least, has been consistantly horrible from Loeb to Rucka to Kelly (especially Kelly). The "Back to Kandor" arc was good compared to what Kelly's been shelling out since.
I must say, that interview gets me more excited for Supergirl than I've been for a long time. Bedard seems to grasp that Supergirl isn't some angsty teen *****, or semi-psychotic schizophrenic, but simply a slightly naive newcomer to Earth. I'm not expecting her to be all uber bubbly like pre-crisis Supergirl (an interpretation of the character I LOVE myself), but his take - at least - seems much more fitting for Supergirl than we've been getting with her recent writers.

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