as someone who's tried their hand at doing Computer FX and traditional FX, all I got to say to these critism's is...
Can you do better?
Now, that may sound cocky, but seriously, I honestly think people just think they are too smart and knowlagable about FX anymore for their own good, and dammit, are just f**king spoiled. "I've seen stuff on my PS2 that looks better", gee, no kidding? Those computer games have as much budget, as thick storylines, and hire the same designers and artists as these films. Hell, video games are practicly big budget films anymore, so is that really a negative comment anymore?
Really, it makes me laugh to hear people be so critical. especially when the person tossing out these critical analysis of state of the art FX would S#!t their pants if they had to render 10 seconds of CGI action with one of these programs.
I just think you a-holes are just too spoiled. Fluid comic book level Action can finally be prodused onscreen, and you complain about realism about films with flying aliens, 10 ft. tall green skinned man monsters, 30 ft. silverback Gorillas, and teens sticking to wall's.