Comics Superman Vs. Aquaman? Vote!!


Aug 11, 2003
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In a comics brawl we've seen supes overatedly beat the Hulk twice, loose to Batman, fight predator etc. Would it be a good short comic series in which Aquaman battles Superman toe to toe? Who would win & Why?
Aquaman has super speed, strength & 100 lb wieght advantage, the water, technology, etc.
Supes: Super speed, strength,land & air, 2 in hieght advantage, freezing abilities, heat vision etc.
You ever see one of those things that's so blindingly obvious you just don't know how to respond?
Well this vote is going good. Supes can't hit, burn, freeze what he can't catch. he could never hit Aquaman in water like Aquaman couldn't hit him in the air. However, On land, toe to toe would this be a good match?
No. On land it's one punch and Aquaman's neck is snapped. In the water, he'd pull a Flash and create a pocket of no water so Aquaman couldn't swim and then flash-fry him with heat vision. It's a non-contest.
I'm not gonna argue with you! Would Aquaman's super strength give him a shot?
Originally posted by Superboy1518
You ever see one of those things that's so blindingly obvious you just don't know how to respond?

Im so fricken shell shocked right know i just don't know what to say:confused: If you can't figure out on your lone some who would win between Superman and Aquaman then, i can' t help you...

Originally posted by mike5005
I'm not gonna argue with you! Would Aquaman's super strength give him a shot?
No. It's not close to the scale it'd have to be to hurt Superman.
Aquaman should be b@$%H slapped for being such a lame superhero, end of stroy Superman wins
i dont know how old this is but Aquamans magic hand packs a good bit of punch and allows him to stay out of water with out anything bad happing to him
It would really depend on the battle feild and who started the fight. If they're fighting at the very bottom of the ocean, Orin will stand a pretty good chance of wining. If it's on land, the odds fall in favor of Clark.
Determine a location, whether or not A.C. get's to use weapons, and then maybe you can decipher something out of the topic question. This is as vague as "what is the meaning of life?" Specify, people.:up:
The location, really, means everything. If it's at the ocean's floor, Clark has alot of disadvantages. He's got all the pressure bearing down on him, meaning he'll have to fight while supporting it all. He's not used to that. Orin is. Also, seeing as how there's virtually no sunlight at the bottom of the ocean, Clark is cut off from his power source, meaning he'll tire out more quickly, and cannot see. And, seeing as hiw Clark can't breath under water, there's the whole no breathing problem. Clark has great lung capacity, but eventually his brain would become oxygen starved. He's become lightheaded, dizzy, would have a hard time thinking, have sluggish motor control, and ultimately would die is he stayed down there too long. Fighting would only speed this up.
The Question said:
It would really depend on the battle feild and who started the fight. If they're fighting at the very bottom of the ocean, Orin will stand a pretty good chance of wining. If it's on land, the odds fall in favor of Clark.

i agree on land i say a.c gets 1-2/10
and under water maybe about 6/10 :doom: :spidey: :thing: :ghost:

um how do u put avatars and sigs on ur profile
there is a comic panel somewhere on this board where martian manhunter disguised as superman fights aquaman, and aquaman beats him up, after which MM says something along the lines of "you wouldn't have stood a chance if I was really Kal-El"...i'll look for it...
The line wasn't exactly that. It also doesn't make much sense, since J'onn is just as strong as Clark and actually a bit more durable.
The Question said:
The line wasn't exactly that. It also doesn't make much sense, since J'onn is just as strong as Clark and actually a bit more durable.

and to my understanding hes not vonerable to magic like superman to i have that pic here
King Of The sea said:
and to my understanding hes not vonerable to magic like superman to i have that pic here

That's a common misconception. Superman doesn't have a special magic weakness. It's that he's just as vulnerable to magic as everyone else.
The Question said:
That's a common misconception. Superman doesn't have a special magic weakness. It's that he's just as vulnerable to magic as everyone else.

mm's not vulnerable to magic and he still knocked him around with it
also ill say Aquamans is sort of vunerable (but he can over come it) to magic but even before his hand i saw him over come it for instence when he was inpresioned in a magic immoblizing feild in the 4 part mini series he punched his way out of it
so not all are vunerable to magic
MM is indeed just as vulnerable to magic as Superman. :confused:

Why wouldn't he be? :confused:
I didn't even know Aquaman had super strength.
Can't he only just command fish and stuff?
Ben Urich said:
I didn't even know Aquaman had super strength.
Can't he only just command fish and stuff?

no thats not all aquaman now has a magic hand that increased his strength to class 100, control over all water at a moleculor level he can heal all wounds/near death also heals all forms of mutation makeing them normal again, swimms at high speeds now he never gets dehydraited out of water,stays at peak of his powers out of water,can control fish can use talapath powers on fish,humans,martians and he is so durable he can take gun shots with no harm and his hand nullifis all other types of magic except his own :up:
Correction: He doesn't control water with his new hand. The waterhand can merely extend its own matter into a larger pool of normal water, spreading throughout said normal water. This enables him to manipulate that particular pool. But he can't just, say, look at a lake and control the water within it. He'd need to enchant the lake with the waterhand and put some of the hand's magical water into it.

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