superman's destroyer revelation

Odin's Lapdog

Jun 17, 2003
Reaction score

To all you slow pokes you haven't yet finished watching the end of the last series of justice leage unlimited, leave and don't get spoiled.

I'm not sure about some of you but his comment to darkseid at the end of JLU reallyl do disturb me a great deal...

let me reiterate

I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard ... always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment or someone could die. But you can take it can't you, big man? What we have here is a rare oppurtunity for me to cut loose... and show you just how powerful I really am.

now i'm sorry but it just seems to me like this is all for show, especially since supes has shown definitely in the animated universe that he's gone out to hurt people and performed it in a much more brutal manner

most notably are two instances.

one was in his own series when lobo first appeared in the main man two parter. He literally hit lobo unaware all the way across metropolis right to the shore, i mean C'MON. it's arguably the hardest single hit given out to anyone in the dcau. it certainly packs a larger punch and is more drammatic than whatever punch supes gave darkseid (which i would personally put on par with the punch the Thing gave terrax when he appeared in the fantastic four animated series).

secondly and most notably was the captain marvel bashing and i mean HE WAS A HERO. he tore cap marvel a new one and they were both on the same side effectively, supes just got wound up and let it loose on him, effectively demolishing a mini city.

also mongul's bashing for the man who has evertying was a far more vidictive affair and should have also been on a larger scale but it's quite clear due to the lack of damage to the fortress that it was not. Although if streched out to two parts i would have loved to see that battle take place across the whole fortess and the icy surface above as well potentially using up a whole continent in their battle.

and also when fighting 'dangerous foes' such as a zombie grundy and also dr ivo's andriod, i don't see why he wouldn't have used the same 'not cut back' approach, especially against the andriod.

all and all, i felt a little bit cheated that what we saw was the upper limit of the superman in question, if that was the case he shouldn't have boasted so much about it since we've clearly seen him (i believe) go at it harder.

it's a silly gripe but still...
at the end of destroyer before whacking darksied in the face...
Some people haven't see the episode yet, so spoiler tags my friend.

how far behind are you guys, crikey.

i mean it's not like you can't find it on youtube.

even though for the longest part, yanks have not used spoiler tags when talking with respect to their rest of the world counterparts when talking about certain eps, when the shoe is on the foot, the rest of the world has to play nice.


fine, i'll ammend my first post.
I thought the fact that we were talking about what happens in Destroyer should be enough for people to know that we're talking about it and that spoilers might be present....shrug.

As for his cutting loose, it was a re-iteration of the speech he gave to Darkseid in the Girl From Krypton story in Superman/Batman comic.
"Bruce Timm once jokingly said that he wished they could kill him (The Flash)off, because he could conceivably be everywhere and defeat everyone before they could even move. So, some toning down was required, as it was with Superman for his own series."

Superman could kill all of his enemies with out much effort if he was always that powerful, which is a cool idea but not very interesting tv.
i don't mind him grading him down and all that's fine....

it's just that the fact that he's no longer holding back showed him to actually being more lenient on darkseid as supes has been on previous enemies or even in previous battles with darkseid.

it's quite clear to see that there was far more malice towards captain marvel, a HERO than there was to darkseid in that last bout.

that's what doesn't make sense to me.
Pictures or screencaps of which, the superman/batman series or the hit from Destroyer?
I have to dig them up. It's superman/batman issues 11 or 12 where superman goes all ape on Darkseid, takes him out in space, into the sun, and then boom tubes him to the wall and leaves him there.
Were they as powerful as Darkseid, though? It's my understanding that in the comics, at least before Our Worlds at War I think it was, that Darkseid was very tough for Superman to beat, if he even beat him at all. The other guys seem to be in his class, but for Darkseid, it's not so much that he can cut loose, it's that he has to.
Although it may not address the topic in this thread, I have a question about Alive and Detroyer:

I finally got around to watching these last two episodes on YouTube, and I noticed that the voice-overs of some of the characters seemed a bit off; Martian Manhunter's vocals seemed particularly off. Was it another voice-actor or was it just the quality of the video on YouTube? Darkseid also sounded a bit odd. Was it a different voice-actor?
LobokDaikon said:
Were they as powerful as Darkseid, though? It's my understanding that in the comics, at least before Our Worlds at War I think it was, that Darkseid was very tough for Superman to beat, if he even beat him at all. The other guys seem to be in his class, but for Darkseid, it's not so much that he can cut loose, it's that he has to.
powerwise i'mm not sure...

he 'seemed' to put everything into those two blows and darkseid just pretty much got up afterwards not particularly worried.

in their first bout, the omega beam was turned against him. and in tilight i can't remember what happened but i can't recall supes doing that much damage to darkseid except for burning through his foot.

so yeah, i'll say darkseid still outclasses supes in strength or at the very least durability.
They even bring up the first encounter, to which supes states he was holding back then, not trying to kill darkseid, just subdue him. This time, the kid gloves come off, so to speak.

Found the images, should be posting up sometime today.
It wasn't baseline Darkseid though. It was Darkseid ramped up after absorbing all of the power of Braniac.

So yeah, considering it took the anti-life equation to bring the big man down, I think Superman's performance is still pretty aweinspiring.
IMO, this was certainly the one time Superman really showed what he did.

In the quote, he says that he has to make sure no one gets hurt. Watching many of superman's fights, there are hundreds of spectators. Superman pushes himself as far as he can while keeping in mind those who may be watching or may be caught in the crossfire. Thats how Superman thinks. Never about himself, always about everyone else.

IMO, Darseid-Brainiac is probably the most powerful foe Superman went up against (probably except Amazo, who was on a equal power level in realtion to strength on top of any other power Amazo had picked up.
I gotta admit, the huge shockwave that rang out before DS flew from the punch was amazing; I was thinking what could be done with "the final death punch" from Superman vs Doomsday if turned into a movie :)

I got a little teary eyed at the end when everyone was going out before it zoomed up on the Bat logo; nice way to end a series but it shouldn't end now :(
Ok, here's the sequence from superman's issue 12.

Ok the first one is just because I love how Michael Turner drew evil kara.




cryostar is there anychance of perhaps posting a bigger version, the dialogue isn't so clear, i can't make out what's in teh blud boxes or anything supes says on the last page.
I can see what I can do, problem is, I'm running out of space to host the files . :p
Morg asked that I post my query about the Destroyer Episode here:

... who threw a shield like Captain America? I tried looking it up and only saw some references in and a couple others that said it was Steel - but it blatantly wasnt as Steel is well... Steel coloured and this guy clearly had a red suit with a star on his chest and a half face cowl and was fighting baddies hand to hand prior to throwing the shield.
chris moore said:
Morg asked that I post my query about the Destroyer Episode here:

... who threw a shield like Captain America? I tried looking it up and only saw some references in and a couple others that said it was Steel - but it blatantly wasnt as Steel is well... Steel coloured and this guy clearly had a red suit with a star on his chest and a half face cowl and was fighting baddies hand to hand prior to throwing the shield.
Commander Steel

He went by the moniker of Steel earlier and is referred to it at times.

Cryostar1177 said:
I can see what I can do, problem is, I'm running out of space to host the files . :p
if you post them up, i can rehost them for you no probs, i've got some hype priveledges.

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