Lex makes me laugh.


Nov 22, 2005
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I was watching the episode today when Lex finds out he's dieing from the Kryptonite, and he gets ticked off at Superman saying it's all his fault but, Lex was trying to kill Supes with the stuff and he gets mad at Supes. That is too funny, what a jerk.

That would be like if you were going to stab someone and then you cut yourself on the knife and you got mad at the person you were going to stab 'cause they were the reason you were holding the knife in the first place.
Morgoth said:
I was watching the episode today when Lex finds out he's dieing from the Kryptonite, and he gets ticked off at Superman saying it's all his fault but, Lex was trying to kill Supes with the stuff and he gets mad at Supes. That is too funny, what a jerk.

That would be like if you were going to stab someone and then you cut yourself on the knife and you got mad at the person you were going to stab 'cause they were the reason you were holding the knife in the first place.
reminds me of this guy that broke into another guys house.. Slipped and fell on a knife or something and sued the guy who owned the house... and frickin won the lawsuit :/
SsM said:
reminds me of this guy that broke into another guys house.. Slipped and fell on a knife or something and sued the guy who owned the house... and frickin won the lawsuit :/

I'm pretty sure that was a plot device on the movie Liar,Liar
Trainwreck2100 said:
I'm pretty sure that was a plot device on the movie Liar,Liar
Nah... They mentioned something similar in Liar Liar But in Liar liar the guy fell from a skylight onto an old ladies knife or something. This only happened a few years back In Baton rouge. I remember it only because it was all over the news for like seven or eight months atleast once a day :/
If you thought that was funny, you should have seen "The Great Train Robbery." Lex was hilarious in that one, from being a pure *****e and being totally lost.
jaydawg said:
If you thought that was funny, you should have seen "The Great Train Robbery." Lex was hilarious in that one, from being a pure *****e and being totally lost.
:/ I like how you said train robbery instead of brain robbery.. I got a little chuckle out of that.. Its :p But that movie did rock...
Ha, must have been thinking about that when I was typing it. It is a classic after all and both involve a train robbing.:p
Have you noticed that he always does these over dramatic moves & gestures...He tries too hard...
Lex? Its all about his apperance. He is the most intellegent man in the DCAU after all.

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