Superpowers that Shang-Chi will have in the MCU...?

Shang Chi should be a lot more like Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff: a superhero without any powers but a very valuable member of the Avengers

So, why do you even want Shang-Chi to get a movie if you want to strip him of his defining schtick?
I posted this in the General thread but it's also relevant here. There was a article from Empire recently where the director said some pretty interesting things regarding Shang Chi's abilities.
“It was important for us from the beginning to have the MCU’s first Asian-American superhero be a superhero,”

“We want him to be on par with other superheroes in the MCU and not just be the master of kung fu. Shang-Chi is an incredible martial artist, but he’s so much more than that.”

I've seen some speculate that it may mean he'll get the rings or his clones ability that he got once from the comics. But I think this will just be a boost to his strength, speed, and durability. Basically putting him in the super soldier tier physically. And I'd be pretty happy with that if it were the case.
I mean, that would make perfect sense, since that is the way he has always been in the comics ( even if half the people even on this thread seem to not know that ).
Calling it now...

The Mandarin and Shang-Chi fight over the Rings will be the best live action version of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER type fight we've seen in blockbuster films so far.
So we see several things from the trailer that could mean him obtaining powers in some form or fashion.

-He meets Michelle Yeoh's character who is shows off some kind of air bending powers to him. She's trying to teach him something, right?

-He meets the dragon who is probably the Great Protector. Unless it's just wise words, maybe the Dragon helps him obtain or unlock something so he can fight his father?

-When he battles his father, he has his own glowing aura like his father does. This could be the inner chi power thing that many have speculated. And it could also be something that he needed in order to fight his father for control of the rings?

-Lastly, might he obtain the rings himself and continue using them. This probably won't be a popular idea among comic fans though. Would be weird for the master of Kung Fu to be shooting out energy blast and sending rings out to attack and recall them a la Thor's hammer lol.

One quick prediction I do have. I think Shang Chi defeats his father and then orders the Ten Rings army to stand down because he now possesses the Ten Rings. Which basically means they have to see him as their new king. But when all is said and done, he'll destroy them or give them up.
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Calling it now...

The Mandarin and Shang-Chi fight over the Rings will be the best live action version of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER type fight we've seen in blockbuster films so far.

I agree I think this movie will have by far, the best hand to hand action in any superhero movie thus far.
This is what Simu Liu had to say in regards to shang chi powers. "He also has a secret and a superpower that he doesn't quite understand and has not stepped into."

And a while ago Simu Liu also had this to say, "Shang-Chi can definitely throw a punch. As for his other skills and powers, you’ll have to wait and see."
He doesn't have any powers without 10 rings which I'm glad for. However, he's a sick fighter.

EDIT: The air bending stuff seemed like power anyone can learn though. So I don't know if it counts.
I'm hoping he gets a little of his duplication powers but in a limited fashion.
EDIT: The air bending stuff seemed like power anyone can learn though. So I don't know if it counts.

That power seems limited to the magical land only which the Great Protector provides to them. So Shang Chi has that power too like his mom. But also like his mom he should lose it when he leaves the magical land.

So yeah he should be back to being a regular guy who is just extremely skilled although they will at times or even often will make him look kind of superhuman.

But he also kept the Ten Rings and I guess it's Marvel's intention for him to keep them and use them in battle. So that itself will make him a pretty powerful foe to deal with.
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That power seems limited to the magical land only which the Great Protector provides to them. So Shang Chi has that power too like his mom. But also like his mom he should lose it when he leaves the magical land.

So yeah he should be back to being a regular guy who just extremely skill although they will at times or even often they will make him look kind of superhuman.

But he also kept the Ten Rings and I guess it's Marvel's intention for him to keep them and use them in battle. So that itself will make him a pretty powerful foe to deal with.

Oh Really? Makes sense then.

The 10 rings basically makes him invincible and OP.

I did love how they used the rings though. It was so creative and fantastic.
I'm glad he kept the rings, I hope they become a standard part of his kit from now on. I wonder if they'll basically be the new Mjolnir. I mean the way they're used is basically like having ten tiny Mjolnirs, so that seems to be the vibe they're going for.
I like that he has the rings too and will use them for good. He can be a super martial artist and also have these powers to elevate him when it comes to taking on the bigger bads and contributing to future super-teams like a new Avengers team.
Basically, the MCU has set it up that Shang can be as nerfed, street level or OP as the plot demands. Thanks to Dr. Strange, they've established that "magic" in the MCU is very closely linked to martial arts, so they really can go anywhere with him. That would bode well for him as part of any future Avengers or other crossover property.
Basically, the MCU has set it up that Shang can be as nerfed, street level or OP as the plot demands. Thanks to Dr. Strange, they've established that "magic" in the MCU is very closely linked to martial arts, so they really can go anywhere with him. That would bode well for him as part of any future Avengers or other crossover property.
Yes, I love how it’s been handled and he could suit a variety of levels depending on if he has access to the rings at the time.
Basically, the MCU has set it up that Shang can be as nerfed, street level or OP as the plot demands. Thanks to Dr. Strange, they've established that "magic" in the MCU is very closely linked to martial arts, so they really can go anywhere with him. That would bode well for him as part of any future Avengers or other crossover property.

True, I can easily see them making a change in the sequel "well actually he can use his ancestral gravity defying wind powers away from Ta-Lo after all". Especially if they ever want to take the rings from him.

But I hope he keeps the rings and continues to use them. They're pretty unique in how they can be used in a variety of ways. Then there is that line that Michelle Yeoh's character said in one of the TV spots that didn't make it into the movie. It was about about how the Ten Rings are the most powerful thing or something like that. So what we've seen already might only be the tip of the iceberg of what the rings are capable of.

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