Ok, Supreme Power was more than cursing and nudity. The reason Squadron Supreme is lacking the awesomeness of Supreme Power is plain and simple: Characters. In Supreme Power, we had a smaller cast and Hyperion was the main character. We got to know him, ow he works, where he comes from, whats his mission. The same with Joe Ledger, and Nighthawk. We cared about these characters and were intrigued to find out the deal with Amphibian and Zarda. They were interesting.
In Squadron Supreme the cast has multiplied and we have to get to know the se new characters. But the problem is, the interesting characters, the ones we care about Hyperion, Doc Spectrum, Blur, Amphibian, and Zarda have taken a back seat to new characters like Emile and Inertia. The last 3 issues weve been dealing with Inertia and her backstory is unoriginal and plain and simple stupid with its portrayal of christians. JMS wants us to care about the character, but we dont. Did you guys even know Tom Thumb was part of the team, I was surprised to see his pic on the first page. Thats the problem with Squadron Supreme. The nudity and cursing were just extra, and at most times gratuitous. JMS needs to get back to worrying about the characters.