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supreme power questions for all

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Oct 24, 2005
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anybody like this? i love it. its like ultimate dc. it sucks that for dc that marvel can write their characters more interesting then they can. last year dc was real good i'm not gonna lie, but looks like they're bringing back in the lame factor.

so my questions are:

1) do you like supreme power?

2) do you think its well writen?
though i disagree with your assertions regarding DC i answer yes to 1 & 2.
not really no. I think its taking the DC archatypes in power and origin but altering their personalities and putting them in a more realistic setting.

As such i don't think it's ultimate DC.

And i don't think marvel writes dc characters better than them as a result.

Supereme power though it stems from DC is it's own thing. (one could argue like watchmen stems from the old charlton characters).
gildea said:
not really no. I think its taking the DC archatypes in power and origin but altering their personalities and putting them in a more realistic setting.

thats what the ultimate line does though for most parts.
I like it.

But the only reason you think that "Marvel writes DC Characters better then DC" is because they can start fron scratch and completely change whatever they want to about the character. I don't think we should start a petition to get JMS onto JLA.

Maybe a peteition to get Supreme Power back into MAX.
JesusOfNazarath said:
thats what the ultimate line does though for most parts.

Ahhh but the ultimate line keeps the personalities more or less the same.

Ultimate superman should NEVER plan to take over as hyperion is.
I like Supreme Power and I think it's well written.

The only thing I don't like about SP is that it should be published by DC since the characters are "alternate versions" of their JLA members. Not sure if I would call it a Ultimate DCU, though.

As for the Marvel writing the character's better I would much rather read the current DCU instead of SP if I had to choose just one.
I like the DCU as it is now.
one of the best comics ever and i think not only comic fans but everyone should read it.its wonderfull.After the last issue of night hawk ive decided id sell my own blood to read this comic every month.
gildea said:
not really no. I think its taking the DC archatypes in power and origin but altering their personalities and putting them in a more realistic setting.

As such i don't think it's ultimate DC.

And i don't think marvel writes dc characters better than them as a result.

Supereme power though it stems from DC is it's own thing. (one could argue like watchmen stems from the old charlton characters).

I like supreme power, and I agree with Gildea. Though the supreme character's origins and powers are similar to the DC characters thats were the similarity ends - Hyperion acts nothing like Superman, though they essentially have the same powers. Ultimate versions of characters are still similar to their 616 counterparts.

I would imagine DC could write the same characters in an equally good way to Marvel.

My concern with Supreme power though is if its no longer a Max title, will the stories be affected ?
Squadron Supreme 1 in the Marvel Knights format is now out. I read it yeaterday. It has Gary Franks art so it is better than the Hyperion mini.
It seems to have lost little so far and was an excellent first issue more like Supreme Power than any of the Spin Offs. I recently reread my old issue of Gruenwalds Squadron Supreme from the eighties they are still excellent if you haven't read them find the trade and treat yourself. JMS I think will do an excellent job he likes timed arcs (Babylon 5's % years as an example). Read issue 1 and you will see that it's 2 years to Hyperion becoming Hyperion from the mini - The events have that long to unfold. JMS loves this sort of time regression he did it will Galen in B5.

- Whirly
Whirlysplat said:
JMS I think will do an excellent job he likes timed arcs (Babylon 5's % years as an example). Read issue 1 and you will see that it's 2 years to Hyperion becoming Hyperion from the mini

so whata ya mean the squadron supreme series happens before the
hyperion mini happend? i haven't read that mini yet or that first issue.
I really enjoy SP. The writing is tight and relevant and the art is good stuff too. Plus, you get superman except he doesn't hypnotise everyone he comes in contact with so they don't know who he is!
I love Supreme power. It's just so terrible that it's incredibe. Michael Redstone is a freak. Love the Amphibian.
I liked the first issue. I'm looking forward to more with Inertia. She's spunky. Tom Thumb was pretty funny, too. :)

I don't see a need to go back to the MAX label. They've adequately explained why there won't be nudity anymore in Doc Spectrum's "conversation" with Amphibian: the Squadron's a public team now, and you can't have government-endorsed heroes working in public with no clothes on. As for the cursing, I've always felt cursing's pretty overrated anyway. I don't really see a difference between printing the F-word and printing "%*#@." Every single one of us knows exactly what those symbols are standing in for and can replace them with the real word in our heads if we want. Meanwhile, more readers get to share in the greatness of JMS' Supremeverse.
JesusOfNazarath said:
so whata ya mean the squadron supreme series happens before the
hyperion mini happend? i haven't read that mini yet or that first issue.
No, the Hyperion mini-series happens before the first issue of Squadron Supreme. It directly precedes it, in fact.
gildea said:
Ahhh but the ultimate line keeps the personalities more or less the same.

Ultimate superman should NEVER plan to take over as hyperion is.
What Ultimate comics are you reading? I can think of several Ultimate characters who are vastly different from their 616 bases.
TheCorpulent1 said:
What Ultimate comics are you reading? I can think of several Ultimate characters who are vastly different from their 616 bases.

I don't think many of the Ultimate characters are as different from their 616 bases as some of the Supreme characters are from their DC bases. I mean, most of the Ultimate characters at least keep some of the basic aspects of the character (Sinsister, of course, excluded, because Ultimate Sinister sucks ass). Some of the Supreme characters are a good deal different.
I wasn't comparing their degree of difference to Supreme Power's characters' degree of difference from their DC bases. The fact remains that quite a few Ultimate characters are wildly different from their 616 bases, though.

Also, Superman has already tried to take over the world a few times.
I love supreme power. I don't think nudity and language in a Max line is what is necessary for it to maintain success. It is most interesting to see characters with DC type powers but engaging personalities that only marvel can bring.
Yeah, none of DC's characters have personalities at all. They're all like, "lolz, ur bad guys were gonna beat u" and then the fight's over. :up:
TheCorpulent1 said:
I wasn't comparing their degree of difference to Supreme Power's characters' degree of difference from their DC bases. The fact remains that quite a few Ultimate characters are wildly different from their 616 bases, though.

Well, in some ways yes, and in some ways no. The largest examples are The Hulk and Thor. The Hulk having become a violant canable and Thor having become a political activist/environmentalist who hangs around hippy comunes. But if you think about it, Ultimate Hulk shares alot of traist with two of 616 Banner's less frequent and much nastyer personalities. Joe Fixit and Mindless Hulk. Ultimate Hulk's got Joe's cynical outlook, selfishness, and ego. He's also got Mindless Hulk's animalistic tendancies, severe anger issues that make Savage Hulk look tame, and tendancy to act out soley upon his basic instincts and needs (sex, food, and shelter), and kill anything that gets in the way of these things.

As for Thor, yes, his actions are quite different. And, at first glance, he seems quite different. But his aditude towards the government is about the same as 616, (who's often disagreed with the suits who look over The Avengers), his tendancy to speak his mind (which 616 Thor does alot, even when it does more harm than good), and 616 Thor's basic sense of honor. The only thing that he did that seems very different from 616 Thor was not helping with The Hulk until the president doubled the international aid budget. But really, that is a weird kind of honor right there. He knows the U.S. can help these people more, and he suddenly finds himself in a position wher he can get them to. They never really showed Thor when he said this, so for all we know he may have felt somewhat guilty over it and gace it a good deal of thought.

Now, obviously I'm not saying that they;re exactly the same. Just saying, Supreme Power, in some cases, is much more of a departure than the Ultimate line, and at least the Ultimate line keeps some of the basic aspects of the characters when they change them. Except for Ultimate Sinister, who sucks.
You're stretching the Thor comparison a lot. Holding out on fighting the Hulk, which could potentially cost dozens of human lives every second he delays, is something I feel comfortable saying 616 Thor would absolutely never do. Ultimate Thor is politicized to the extent of being unrecognizable to 616 Thor, as far as I've seen. They're both boastful. That's about all I can see in the way of similarities between them.

Ultimate Hulk wouldn't have been one of the characters I'd have said was hugely different from his 616 counterpart, since his 616 counterpart's had various versions over the years. I agree that Ultimate Hulk is most like Fixit and the original version of the Hulk, who was basically just an arrogant jerk and a bully.
TheCorpulent1 said:
You're stretching the Thor comparison a lot.


TheCorpulent1 said:
Holding out on fighting the Hulk, which could potentially cost dozens of human lives every second he delays, is something I feel comfortable saying 616 Thor would absolutely never do.

True. Still, we never actually saw how Thor came to the descision. It may not have been as simple for him as "let the freak kill 'em, lol". But yeah, they are a good deal different in some aspects.

TheCorpulent1 said:
Ultimate Thor is politicized to the extent of being unrecognizable to 616 Thor, as far as I've seen. They're both boastful. That's about all I can see in the way of similarities between them.

You have a point. Still, I tend to see Ultimate Thor as "if Thor had done this just a bit differently, this is how he would have ended up". I can actually see Thor being quite political. It's just in 616, they never thought to explore that.

TheCorpulent1 said:
Ultimate Hulk wouldn't have been one of the characters I'd have said was hugely different from his 616 counterpart, since his 616 counterpart's had various versions over the years. I agree that Ultimate Hulk is most like Fixit and the original version of the Hulk, who was basically just an arrogant jerk and a bully.

The Question said:
You have a point. Still, I tend to see Ultimate Thor as "if Thor had done this just a bit differently, this is how he would have ended up". I can actually see Thor being quite political. It's just in 616, they never thought to explore that.
They explored it in the King Thor saga. They just explored it in a way that made sense for the 616 Thor as he was portrayed in that context. He basically went around bettering the world in various ways that only a god with incredible resources could, then presented himself to the UN as basically nothing more than a courtesy. Later, he intervened in a country's corrupt government and, later still, he took over Earth completely for its own good. Granted, he lacked his human perspective at the time, but for the most part I've always found that 616 Thor tends to just ignore Earth's governments altogether and offer aid to people wherever they need it, whether the government likes it or not. He's beyond terrestrial governments because he believes his authority is greater than theirs, unlike Ultimate Thor, who pretty much spent all his time before joining the Ultimates appealing to the governments of Earth for change.
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