The Dark Knight TDK gets spoofed on Amy Adams SNL


Sep 10, 2004
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Anyone else see this, it's a song performed as a digital short and "Batman" (or some combination of Begins Batman and BF Robin) get their ass beat down. It's pretty funny
:lmao: yea I saw it. t was funny when the guy was signing then he just gets punched, and punched, and punched ...
"You're very brave". I laughed my ass off at that part.

I kept thinking "this is the fate of all real life superheroes".
Any link to the video or is it too early for there to be one?

Also, how much do you want to bet this will be put on the DVD like the MTV Movie Awards thing?
I just saw it but I dont think it had to do with batman
Crap!! I wish I wasn't asleep when it was on. I hope someone post it on YouTube asap. That will make up for it before the rerun air. has it up.

Andy looked like he was wearing a Robin costume from "Batman and Robin." I don't think it would go on any DVD. The short is not that oriented to any specific superhero.
that wasn't that funny at all. it was funny the first three punches and then after that...ehhhh
that wasn't that funny at all. it was funny the first three punches and then after that...ehhhh
Basically. I got an initial laugh out of the sudden punch, but afterwards was just :dry: all the way through. A couple of additional, shorter scenes with him getting his butt kicked and more of that goofy song would have made it better.
They could have shortened the "punching" scene. I thought when she crosses him and says "You''re very brave", that was pretty damn funny. Either than that, they could have cut the punches in half, and gotten the same result.
Pretty much. I was expecting it to turn into a theme where he shows up to interrupt some crime, gets pounded on by the crook and the person being accosted gets away/crime gets foiled because of the distraction. All that while the song reflects what's going on.

As it stands, the repetition mostly killed it.
it's a typical snl drag on sketch. i stopped watching this show years ago
it's a typical snl drag on sketch. i stopped watching this show years ago

It stopped being funny when Ferrel left - or when Fallon started being the main guy; I can't remember (maybe both :ninja: )
i loved it!!!

although initially I thought he was going to do an american psycho spoof because he looked do much more like patrick bateman than bruce wayne lol
snl sucks so much ass since the good people left
Not terrible. Andy Sandberg is funny, Hot Rod was amazing.
It's cool because It spoofs Bale's role in American Psycho too.
that was pretty funny, Amy Adams is so hot

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