World Thanos Question


Dollar Store Diva
Jan 9, 2011
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I am looking to faithful comicbook readers about Thanos. My biggest interest is in just how powerful Thanos is without the Infinity Gauntlet and just how powerful is the Infinity Gauntlet without the Infinity gems?
I wish I still had my old Captain Mar-Vel books, and Warlock books. Thanos is pretty powerful on his own.
All the Inifinity Gauntlet really can do is give the wearer control over all the gems all at once. It really doesn't have any powers of it's own.
Ah, okay. That helps me a lot with my creative writing project. Thanks. In terms of pecking order though, just how powerful is Thanos utilizing the MCU pantheon of characters? I've put Odin on the top of that list so I'm assuming that Thanos might be stronger than Thor but not as strong as Odin?
thanos without any of his tech or thingy bobs is just below skyfather but way above a herald or someone like thor. his real trait is his durability though. he can take planet destroying blasts to the face from point blank range and basically just laugh it off. he fought odin before, odin won, but the fact that thanos actually made old one eye work for it was impressive. parts of asgard were being destroyed because of all the energy thanos and odin were putting out.

he's basically reed richards, victor von doom, thor, hulk and silver surfer all rolled into one.
thanos without any of his tech or thingy bobs is just below skyfather but way above a herald or someone like thor. his real trait is his durability though. he can take planet destroying blasts to the face from point blank range and basically just laugh it off. he fought odin before, odin won, but the fact that thanos actually made old one eye work for it was impressive. parts of asgard were being destroyed because of all the energy thanos and odin were putting out.

he's basically reed richards, victor von doom, thor, hulk and silver surfer all rolled into one.

My friend put it this way. Doctor Doom is what most villains want to be. Doom wants to be Thanos.

He's much smarter than reed richards, more powerful than thor easily, stronger than your average hulk, more powerful than surfer, and as durable as a freakin god knows what. Odin was winning the fight, but thanos was ready to go for more when the fight ended. Though Odin was clearly going to be the victor

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