The 2012 Presidential Debates: Debate 1


Feb 24, 2008
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We are just days away from the first presidential debate of the 2012 election cycle! The debates always help the public determine who they ultimately vote for. In today's incredibly polarized political climate, the debates often tend to be more entertaining than anything. (Whether it is due to candidates stumbling over their words, avoiding questions all together and resorting to talking points, or putting their foot in their mouths.) In any case, the debates can still make or break a campaign.

The first presidential debate of the cycle takes place on October 3rd at 9pm at the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado. It will focus on domestic policy and will be moderated by PBS host Jim Lehrer.

Will you be watching?
.....the debates often tend to be more entertaining than anything.......resorting to talking points

Talking points generally annoy the hell out of me, entertaining, I think not
...talking points annoy the hell out of me too man.
If you haven't decided who you are going to vote for by this point, your are either an idiot who's easily swayed or completely uniformed.

...actually, that's the same thing as being an idiot.

Okay, if you don't know by this point, you're an idiot.
I do think there are a lot less undecided voters now than in years past. Both of these candidates are incredibly polarizing.
I do think there are a lot less undecided voters now than in years past. Both of these candidates are incredibly polarizing.

I think it's a combination of that plus we have so many 24 hours news networks plus other media sources(internet) that basically divided the population to sides. The over saturation of the media basically got people to decide before the conventions(generally a time when people start making a choice)

I think at this point it's a try to drive out as much of the base kind of vote.
Should be good, true contrast of styles and philosophies.
You lose more and more credibility with each post.
Televised Talking Points.

Who wins debate, is who regurgitates the Talking Points they want to hear the most.

I predict Obama wins this, because more posters want to hear his talking points. Meanwhile ETM will be screaming about Gary Johnson and the NWO. Short of a Palinesque gaffe nothing surprising at all.
Perhaps there should be a debate on pure abstract and political philosophy. Instead of TeH Policy. It sounds crazy but it might nail down the meta beliefs of the candidates. Or rather the lack thereof. This type of abstraction could make for good prognostications.
I think they have literally done polls or studies that show that the incredibly small number of undecided voters in this country (I believe the percentage is single digits, and may actually be below five percent right now) are either notoriously fickle, voting for a different party almost every other election, or, indeed, woefully ignorant as to who is running and for what.
You lose more and more credibility with each post.

Listening to "no regulation! no government!" vs "my accomplishments are all regulations and big government ideas!" is about as different as it gets.
Well, actually Excel....that would be a Ryan vs. Obama debate....

Romney's tax code reform actually adds regulations....
I just don't see the debates swaying many people. I will be watching though
I just don't see the debates swaying many people. I will be watching though

Romney will have to have a Reagan moment........hmmmm....don't see that happening.
With the way each candidate has tried to lower expectations, I expect this to be one of the most pathetic Presidential debates in many years.

I mean, look at this crap.

DNC predicts Romney debate win in battle of lowered expectations

Woodhouse says the way the DNC sees it, challenger win the first debate when they are up against incumbents.
"Mitt Romney has had a lot more time to debate, the president has not debated in the past four years in terms, of a campaign debate. I think the president will hold his own, but he's not known for sound bites. And these are 60 second, 90 second responses."
Woodhouse says Democrats are "trying to be realistic about expectations because the president is "lucky to be able to devote three consecutive hours to debate preparation."
Woodhouse also paints Romney as a good debater and gives him credit for "dispatching Newt Gingrich who was considered a pretty good debater coming into this race."

Romney adviser raises expectations for Obama in first debate

"Voters already believe – by a 25-point margin – that President Obama is likely to do a better job in these debates. Given President Obama’s natural gifts and extensive seasoning under the bright lights of the debate stage, this is unsurprising. President Obama is a uniquely gifted speaker, and is widely regarded as one of the most talented political communicators in modern history. This will be the eighth one-on-one presidential debate of his political career. For Mitt Romney, it will be his first."
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Well, ya do have to consider that Obama has not been in a debate since 2008, and has had NO TIME to get ready for this one...whereas Romney has had 23 in the past 4 years and a full 3 days along with today I get ready, and has been practicing short, concise answers, whereas Obama isn't known for soundbites. So if Romney comes out a little on top, doesn't really matter too much in the big picture. Romney has to have a HUGE debate this first time to get any kind of momentum out of this, IMO.
Romneys still Romney; he is an awkward arguer in general. He doesnt come across as an arguer or persuader, much more a presenter.

Obama got the best of Hillary in 2008, which is no easy feat. I am expecting a decisive obama win on this one, mitt just has too many contradictions. All the big arguments Romney will make against Obama can be cut down to size, and I expect O to be pretty good at doing that.
Romneys still Romney; he is an awkward arguer in general. He doesnt come across as an arguer or persuader, much more a presenter.

Obama got the best of Hillary in 2008, which is no easy feat. I am expecting a decisive obama win on this one, mitt just has too many contradictions.

IMO, he beat Gingrich heavily in Florida in their last debate....he has a night like that, he will do well. Gingrich is one of the best.....the only reason I wanted him to be the candidate was to see him debate Obama...I wouldn't have voted for him either, but it would have been fun to watch.
I am actually looking forward to the Ryan and Biden debate. Never seen Ryan debate before. Amusing enough for me to watch.
I am actually looking forward to the Ryan and Biden debate. Never seen Ryan debate before. Amusing enough for me to watch.

I've seen him in committee debates before, not too bad....

I just love watching Biden talk....ya never know what he's going to say, will definitely be entertaining.

I think the problem ALL OF THESE guys will have is giving concise, yet informative answers....and again that depends on if these moderators hold to strict debate standards.
Right now, I think the Obama team is trying to think of a legit way to have Bill Clinton debate for him.
Right now, I think the Obama team is trying to think of a legit way to have Bill Clinton debate for him.

That guy could debate, he is right up there with Reagan....
Here are my thoughts on the "undecided voter".

I really hate how they stick them in a room and give them stupid buttons to push based on their reaction to a talking point that if they've been paying attention this cycle, they would have heard already.

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