The Amazing Spider-Man 2 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Video Game Thread

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Nov 3, 2011
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Since, at the time of this post, talk in the main thread has skewed towards the video game for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, I've created this thread so we can speculate on the inevitable release.

There are no details yet on the game, but as news come in, it will be posted here.

I didn't know a video game was announced.
If they do I hope it's not as buggy as the last one. Plus like I said in the other thread, I hope Beenox are no longer doing the Spidey games. They couldn't get the swinging right and the stories were awful. I wouldn't say the games were downright horrible, but they were certainly forgettable.
I would love to see a Spidey game where the city as i stated in the other thread is thoroughly detailed, full of life. and HUGE. Also I think it would be great if like in the SSM show, they made boss fights and levels to utilize NYC locations instead of sewers and factories. How great would it be to have to search for Kraven in the Museum of Natural History or Central Park zoo. Have a boss battle in Times Square, I remember loving the Grand Central Station level in i think it was the spider-man 1 game.
Lol, would be nice to have a better city to free roam in thats accurate to real life, with more landmarks, a movie accurate Oscorp Tower, subways, sewers, access to Queens, Statue of Liberty, and maybe add in Stark Tower for ****s and giggles.

Also, better swinging mechanics where the webbing actually hits the buildings and some parkore moves.
I know its pretty difficult, but take GTA IV as the template for a faithful NY everytime I play that game and fly around in the helicopter or go on a rooftop I WISH I could just throw spidey in there. The same goes for car chases, imagine being spidey and having to stop a GTA styled car chase instead of one of those slow boring ones from the games we have.
I would love to see Spider-man 2's swinging, Ultimate Spider-Man's incredibly detailed NYC (with more realistic graphics), crazy boss fight, more use of landmarks for missions, free roam sewers, subways, and Queens, TONS of extra costumes, a large variety of side missions that happen in real time (like in Spider-Man 2), and a simple combat system that allows you to pull off crazy moves. That would be my perfect Spider-Man game.
We can't talk about skinny jeans in this thread, correct? Lol.
The first thing that comes to mind is that I want boss fights where you actually have to think. And boss fights that have some personality as well.
I thought ASM was a very good game. I dunno, I guess I'm on the short list of people who possess that view. The swinging was pretty damn cool imo, but then again I don't care whether the webs attach to buildings or not. I could care less for the SM2 swinging system...however I understand the complaints for those that cherish that system.

Anyways, really the only things missing from ASM were better "thinking" boss fights as Oz has pointed out and organically occurring random crimes with a greater variety. Maybe a few more side missions and polish up the combat and I'm good.
I thought ASM was a very good game. I dunno, I guess I'm on the short list of people who possess that view. The swinging was pretty damn cool imo, but then again I don't care whether the webs attach to buildings or not. I could care less for the SM2 swinging system...however I understand the complaints for those that cherish that system.

Anyways, really the only things missing from ASM were better "thinking" boss fights as Oz has pointed out and organically occurring random crimes with a greater variety. Maybe a few more side missions and polish up the combat and I'm good.

I enjoyed it too.
I thought ASM was a very good game. I dunno, I guess I'm on the short list of people who possess that view. The swinging was pretty damn cool imo, but then again I don't care whether the webs attach to buildings or not. I could care less for the SM2 swinging system...however I understand the complaints for those that cherish that system.

Anyways, really the only things missing from ASM were better "thinking" boss fights as Oz has pointed out and organically occurring random crimes with a greater variety. Maybe a few more side missions and polish up the combat and I'm good.

I'm with you, man.
i hope that this time they do a fps like spidey game for this one.
Even though I much rather want a non movie licensed game, I'm very excited because this game will be on next gen.

Which also means that animations and graphics should be alot better than in ASM. Don't get me wrong, the graphics were great many times but some characters both looked and moved very ugly.

More fluid free flow combat with even more creative moves (especially more variations of takedowns).

I hope for more varied and challenging missions.

An overall more fun tone. I want banters between Spidey and his supervillains like in SD.

Better webswinging.

No animal hybrids. Keep villains as classic as possible.

No first person web rush. Have it 3rd person instead. Would make it look much cooler.
No first person web rush. Have it 3rd person instead. Would make it look much cooler.
While I agree with the rest of your points, this one does not need to be, Spidey's head will block the view of some targets
I forgot to add one thing: Shocker! ;)
I honestly wouldn't mind a smaller, USM scaled NYC, but with Arkham level detail and a populated city that reacted to your presence. More unlockable (NON DLC!) suits would be great too
Which also means that animations and graphics should be alot better than in ASM. Don't get me wrong, the graphics were great many times but some characters both looked and moved very ugly.

No first person web rush. Have it 3rd person instead. Would make it look much cooler.

Some? with the exception of Spider-Man himself, the models in that game, especially Gwen, looked awful imo
Anyways, really the only things missing from ASM were better "thinking" boss fights as Oz has pointed out and organically occurring random crimes with a greater variety. Maybe a few more side missions and polish up the combat and I'm good.

Sounds good to me
I liked the ASM game well enough. but It was lacking.
The detail in the city is what bugged me, swinging around the city just wasnt very fun after a bit because there was no detail, I mean, they had the chrysler building, and that was about it...the empire state bldg didnt even look right and the oscorp bldg didnt match the movie.
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