The best Tarantino or Rodriguez half-movie


Psychological Anarchist
Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
Don't argue semantics ppl. Just which movie deserves the most love.
Wouldn't "From Dusk 'Till Dawn" count too? Tarantino wrote it, Rodriguez directed it.
Wouldn't "From Dusk 'Till Dawn" count too? Tarantino wrote it, Rodriguez directed it.
Also Sin City? It was Rodriguez's movie but Tarantino directed one part of the movie.
Kill Bill Volume 2. I love Volume 1 too, but not quite as much as a martial arts western.
Kill Bill Vol. 1, which I feel I'm alone in thinking is far superior to part 2.
I'm voting Planet Terror ONLY because I see both "Kill Bill" volumes as one huge movie.
... Yeah, Four Rooms is definately the best. Tim Roth is a god in that film.
Yeah I gotta say Four Rooms as well. Planet Terror and Death Proof were so-so to me, but in Kill Bill I just couldn't buy Uma Thurman as an unstoppable killing machine. Four Rooms entertained me the most.

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