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The big question: Who is 'X'?

Who is 'X'?

  • Green Arrow

  • Martian Manhunter

  • Chloe Sullivan

  • Lana Lang

  • Lex Luthor

  • Brainiac

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk

  • Martha Kent

  • Jor-El (via another vessel)

  • Someone else...(please name)

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Amazing Amazon
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Your guess is as good as mine...let the speculation begin!!
Lex makes more sense, the message "You are not ready yet" sounds like him, the mentor talking to his apprentice. But, knowing the FOS will be back soon,
8.09 Abyss when Clark will ask Jor-El to help Chloe or an earlier episode
if someone returns the crystal to Clark, then it could be someone else like Lana. It was a very nice twist, I'm wondering how and when Clark will recover the crystal, it should happen in the next few episodes.
^^^ it has to be either LEX or Clark

1st i thought it would be lex but i also want calrk to be the one who stole crystal that will be GREAT twist and will show clark's Inttelect and how he fools everyone and taunts tess
^^^ it has to be either LEX or Clark

1st i thought it would be lex but i also want calrk to be the one who stole crystal that will be GREAT twist and will show clark's Inttelect and how he fools everyone and taunts tess

Oh, I don't think it's Clark.

Lana maybe or Lex, but definitely not Clark. It's not his MO to taunt people like that. If he had it, he wouldn't announce it. He'd keep it secret like when he took Kara's crystal and then later her bracelet.

But if it is Lex, why would he go to the trouble? What would be his motive?

It might be a Brainiac-influenced Chloe, that would be interesting.

But at Dragon*Con, James Marsters suggested his phone calls weren't getting returned about coming back.

I hope he was just joking, I would love to see him come back.

Whoever it is, the whole thing's perplexing, so I'm looking forward to see where they're taking this story arc.
Well the whole "X" thing has me intrigued. Like Triplet, I refuse to believe that it's Clark. IF it was him with the crystal, I'm sure we would have seen a scene with him examining it or something.

Now, just because the email is signed with an X, doesn't completely rule out Lana for that reason. I mean, if you're staying annonomous, you're sure not going to sign your name, or itinals for that matter.

So, either it's Lex. And he's hatching up on final scheme and wants Tess to know she's "not ready" for the truth or whatever, then I could be fine with that.

Or it could be Lana, protecting Clark, which is why she stole it. But why would she send a not saying that "you're not ready"....like she would later explain it's power to her or something.

The whole thing is cool and intriguing, and the whole speculation leading up to it should be fun. So, for now, I'm gonna go with Lex. He just seems to be the more obvious for me.

Or I'm completely wrong and it's just some new character coming in, and this person has posession of it and knows everything about the crystal, Clark, etc....

My brain is overloading with all these guesses.:o:woot:
maybe it's Red-X. I don't know if he has ever actually been in the comics, but was used in the Teen Titans series. And if they have Cyborg already in Superman's past, they probably could play around with a character that to my knowledge doesn't have a concrete story.

Wasn't the X red in the email anyway?
could be LOIS

i remember there werer spoilers this summer that lois steals something from Tess

lois may find this alien artifact intresting scoop for her story and she steals from tess
could be LOIS

i remember there werer spoilers this summer that lois steals something from Tess

lois may find this alien artifact intresting scoop for her story and she steals from tess

What the hell is wrong with you?


*checks thread title*

This isn't a spoiler thread, yet you said:

I remember there were spoilers this summer that Lois steals something from Tess

I still say its probably lex to continue his story still in the behind the scenes role untill they know for sure or not if they can convince michael to return at all during the second half of the season. Since they start work soon on episode 10 and then i belive on there hiatus period for a month or so and wont be back to filming again to late dec/early jan i believe. They should then have official word from CW/wb on if they are given the go ahead for a 9th yr or not. And if its not and michael still doesnt have any work at that point they may be able to convince him to return for a little work/money and he might be willing to return for the fans if its the end.
I think Lex is in the crystal, and can therefore not be X
I think it's Lex. But then how does
Clark recover the crystal if Lex has it? Maybe Lex gives it to Clark so he can build the FOS again. Then Lex can learn more about him through the FOS since he now realizes he can't control him. Just a thought.
here's a thought: Clark has always had a person in a place of relative power who was protecting him. At first it was Pa Kent, and then it was realized that Lionel was also protecting Clark. Both are gone now. Then there was MMH, who is now depowered and I'm assuming, useless. However, Lionel also began interacting with Martha heavily in the last couple of previous seasons. So much so, that is now a federal senator. Could it be, that Martha Kent has taken on the mantle of protecting Clark? I mean in theory, her power and influence is now equal to what Lionel's was. Is she Clark's ace in the hole. The one that is cleaning up his messes behind the scenes without his knowledge. I bring this up, because her interaction with Lionel was taking place at precisely the same time that he was projecting Jor'el's will. Could she be X?

1) Ma knows about the crystals
2) Ma was very close to Jor'el's envoy
3) Ma is one of the few characters on the show that has the resources to steal from Lexcorp (other than powered people)
4) Ma has a reason to protect Clark

I dunno. It kind of makes sense to me. But I suppose it's all dependent on Annette.
Lex is way too obvious a choice.

I think Lana is a good outside choice, followed by Chloeiac.
Lex is way too obvious a choice.

I think Lana is a good outside choice, followed by Chloeiac.

I think if Chloe had had it, she wouldn't have gone to Tess to go have a look at it, under the guise of being angry for the earlier break in. And if she's not in full control of herself, maybe that could work... but they have to start laying those seeds soon. However, I think it would be redundant if there were two characters this season that are 'goodies' who don't know they are turning into 'baddies'. (ie. Chloe and DD)
What about that Doctor/Scientist guy from the beginning of the episode.

Maybe he knows what this crystal really is.. not exactly what it is but he know its alien and thinks it's connected to all the weird s*** going down in Smallville. So he steals it... maybe?
I guess that's possible. But probably not him, cant say for sure though it could really be anyone. Maybe Shelby?? lol
Red X! :wow:

Nah... Would be fun though. But I don't think it's Lex. If he's still around, why would he be hiding?
Wow, so because the X was red is Red-X, jeez, pure "genius"! :lmao:

Originally, Red X was an identity Robin had conceived in an unsuccessful attempt to get closer to Slade. In the third season, the Red X suit is possessed by an unidentified antagonist, though not an outright adversary, of the Titans. Though he is a thief who looks out only for himself, the new Red X displays anti-hero tendencies such as helping Robin against Professor Chang and freeing the other Titans.

Red X's suit allows him to teleport, while the belt relies on power from a source called xenothium. His X-shaped palm gloves can form x-shaped projectiles which can act as shuriken, saw blades, restraints, timed explosives, instant openings and other functions.


Lex inside the crystal makes no sense, he's not going to pop out of it, but the FOS will and soon. He's "out there", which suits the show better since TPTB don't know if Michael will appear again or not, and the phrase "You are not ready yet" sounds like Lex, time will tell.
If it's Lex, I hope they've got a good reason for him why he's hiding.
Lex knows Clark's secret, taking some time off to come up with a new strategy is not a bad idea, the JL is after him already. Of course, it all depends on Michael returning to the show, if he doesn't, we may only have a cameo in the series finale or some voice acting.
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