The big revelation in #18.


Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
All I have to say is:


As if GR's continutiy was't already screwed up enough. I can see a few ways to make this still work, but this is the biggest retcon yet.

Honestly, it makes the end of the first GR run seem pointless, if this is true.
I was hoping the big revalation would be that it would be revealed that John Blaze was actually a skrull that messed up and got his various versions of GR jumbled and skrulled into an amaglam version of GR and then the Dan Ketch GR would show up and would kill Skrull Blaze and then we would follow the adventures of Dan Ketch GR as he searched for John Blaze... one can hope they plan on fixing things right?
I was hoping the big revalation would be that it would be revealed that John Blaze was actually a skrull that messed up and got his various versions of GR jumbled and skrulled into an amaglam version of GR and then the Dan Ketch GR would show up and would kill Skrull Blaze and then we would follow the adventures of Dan Ketch GR as he searched for John Blaze... one can hope they plan on fixing things right?
id definitely go for that idea then whatever theyve been doing.
i love it.. I hope for more mayhem as the 'wrath of G' ghost rider..

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