The Book


Poetic Violence
Apr 18, 2006
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Has anyone read the book yet? I heard it comes out today.
Some have had it since before today. I've had it since Friday actually. Lots of Wal Marts put it out earlier than today.
How much does it cost, and can you tell me who dies?
I got it for 4.88 at Wal Mart.

Cyclops dies. Xavier dies. Mystique is cured and rejected by Magneto. Rogue goes to take the cure, returns ambigously, still wearing gloves. It's never stated whether she took it or not. Magneto is tricked by Wolverine and stabbed with the cure by Beast. Wolverine stabs Jean and kills her. Storm takes over the school as Headmistress. Beast returns as a teacher.
Thanx! Does it tell what happens after the credits role? I know there is not credits in the book, but shouldn't it tell what happens. 'Cause I hear all this stuff about a new X-Trilogy?
No, the book ends with...

Magneto and Moira playing chess. Moira leaves, when she leaves Magneto watches her, he reaches for something metal and it moves slightly. He smiles and walks away collecting the pieces in his hand.
I'm waiting til the movie comes out in theaters to read any spoilers.
Damn! Magneto is one of my favorite characters. He makes the top 5. I'm gonna be pissed if he loses his powers. Does Pyro whoop Icemans a** at least? give me some good news. There makin' this movie so depressin' for me. [sigh]
JustABill said:
I got it for 4.88 at Wal Mart.

Cyclops dies. Xavier dies. Mystique is cured and rejected by Magneto. Rogue goes to take the cure, returns ambigously, still wearing gloves. It's never stated whether she took it or not. Magneto is tricked by Wolverine and stabbed with the cure by Beast. Wolverine stabs Jean and kills her. Storm takes over the school as Headmistress. Beast returns as a teacher.

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