The Superhero Cinematic Civil War

Yeah I certainly understand why people like Hardy’s performance but on the whole I think we'd be better off deleting the entire line of “Spider-man movies without Spider-man” out of existence. Apologies to people who enjoy the Venom movies as I know you're out there :funny:

I understand how people still see Venom as a Spider-man villain, but he hasn't been a Spider-man character in well over a decade, imo. And honestly, there are a lot of characters tied to the license that don't need Spider-man.

The good news is we'll probably seeing the last of them this upcoming year, at least in terms of solo flicks. After this year's box office I don't see them not flopping royally, and that includes Venom 3.

They may not make amazing money, but keep in mind, that Morbius and Madame Web are both a lot cheaper than anything Marvel has put out recently. I mean, Morbius, while not a success, its low budget meant it wasn't exactly a huge flop.
Let there Be Carnage didn't lose half of its international audience because of disinterest, it lost half its audience because the movie wasn't released in their country. The first film grossed $269M in China alone, which almost entirely accounts for that huge drop off since the second film didn't get that China release.

Yeah, I was saddened by that. Just because I needed to see how they translated the rave scene to get past chinese censors.
Well, I didn't know that but China hasn't been a huge box office draw for quite some time now and I still think if there's a downward spiral for the majority of superhero films these days, it will certainly affect Venom 3 as well.

As for the rest of the Sony movies, Morbius is a prime example of barely costing anything (for a blockbuster movie) and still managing to flop. And that was at a very good year for superhero films. I can't imagine what Kraven and Madame Web will do at a time where interest is rapidly fading away for far bigger franchises and characters.
Btw China is the only thing that might save Aquaman in a few weeks. The last movie did gangbusters there and they love Mamoa over there so theres a chance AQ2 actually ends up the highest grossing DCEU movie this year because of that.
Wade’s s***-talking is perpetually ruined by Reynold’s try-hard “I think I’m hilarious” deliveries. He is terminally unfunny to me, and always has been.

Tom Hardy, meanwhile, is genuinely hilarious to me and just wildly fun to watch as a performer. So while the Deadpool movies are technically better-written and better-crafted movies, I’ll always enjoy the Venom flicks more. That’s the power of a charismatic lead, I guess.

God im so happy to hear this because ive about had my fill of Reynold’s “schtick.” I tolerate it when he plays Deadpool but man every other movie hes in he does the same thing and its come to grate on me. I started getting tired of it around Detective pikachu TBH.
Yeah, I weirdly really liked Reynolds as Deadpool in the 2016 movie, for some reason it seemed like a perfect match at first, but I grew a bit tired of him in the second one and he's pretty much insufferable in everything else.
God im so happy to hear this because ive about had my fill of Reynold’s “schtick.” I tolerate it when he plays Deadpool but man every other movie hes in he does the same thing and its come to grate on me. I started getting tired of it around Detective pikachu TBH.
Reynold's has always come across to me as that guy who won "Class Clown" in high school and let that define his entire personality for the rest of his days. And what was deemed funny in high school didn't exactly carry over beyond that.
Here’s the thing though, there are some actors that I love because they play the same character in every movie. It works for some actors. Like, oh i dunno, Jason Statham for example. I never get tired of watching him playing a tough cockneyed badass in every movie he’s in.

But Reynolds’ thing just wore on me pretty fast. I liked his schtick a lot less in Deadpool 2.
God im so happy to hear this because ive about had my fill of Reynold’s “schtick.” I tolerate it when he plays Deadpool but man every other movie hes in he does the same thing and its come to grate on me. I started getting tired of it around Detective pikachu TBH.

Now that part I do agree with. I watched Detective Pikachu for the first time last week, and while some of the jokes was funny, he should’ve reined himself back in.
Here’s the thing though, there are some actors that I love because they play the same character in every movie. It works for some actors. Like, oh i dunno, Jason Statham for example. I never get tired of watching him playing a tough cockneyed badass in every movie he’s in.

But Reynolds’ thing just wore on me pretty fast. I liked his schtick a lot less in Deadpool 2.
The Rock is fine when playing an idiot on steroids and taking the piss out of himself. When he tried going serious it was disastrous! :D :csad:
As someone who loved 2 Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place, Reynolds has never really bothered me too much. I don't actively seek out his stuff, but it doesn't bother me too much when he shows up.
With Deadpool/Reynolds and Venom/Hardy I have almost the opposite opinions of the respective combo. I think Reynolds fits perfectly for Deadpool but often doesn't work for me outside that so I'm pretty much only hyped to see him in that role. While Hardy does a good job in Venom for what it is but I didn't really find anything else in the first film to be very good, and he always does a good job with his roles, so I'd rather see him in pretty much anything else over Venom.
I like Reynolds better in small doses. Like, I'm anticipating Deadpool 3 now but I'm not so sure I would have felt the same way about two years ago after Free Guy, Red Notice, and The Adam Project on top of all the commercials you see him in promoting his stuff like Mint Mobile or Aviation Gin. He's definitely way overexposed.
I like Reynolds better in small doses. Like, I'm anticipating Deadpool 3 now but I'm not so sure I would have felt the same way about two years ago after Free Guy, Red Notice, and The Adam Project on top of all the commercials you see him in promoting his stuff like Mint Mobile or Aviation Gin. He's definitely way overexposed.
Red Notice was a horrific abomination. I’ve been trying to erase it from my memory.
I couldn't even finish it, I was bored beyond belief.
I actually can't remember if I finished it. As mentioned, I've been actively trying to delete that experience from my life. I can't fathom how a whole bunch of people got together and thought it was a good idea.
Re: Reynolds and Hardy

I agree Tom Hardy is a better actor then Reynolds, but the wrting in the Venom movies is abysmal. He tries his damndest but there's only so much he can do. I don't find those films funny in the least

On Reynolds, I've enjoyed him in various parts, but moreso when he's allowed to have range. DP1 I thought he showed some range and wasn't schticky the whooole time... The scenes dealing with the cancer early on I thought were pretty great. DP2 he didn't get to do that as much. (And Deapool the character I also think is better when he's not a non-stop joke machine, ala Remender's Uncanny X-Force (still one of the best X-Books ever imo)) But I also thought the Adam Project and Free Guy were pretty great, Adam Project especially I thought he played really sweet and not his typical "hey look at how funny I am" thing.

That said, if he never tells anybody to "gogogogogogogogogogogo" again I'd be cool with it lol

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