I had to split this post into 2 because of the pics so make sure to read both before you reply.
Fo-shizzle, it's kind of funny really, I never considered the name "combiner" as some form of an official title for that group of Transforrmer. Much like what Golgo said I always considered it a nickname, and as far as I know there still is no official designated title for this type of TF, I guess because they are a kind of sub-group among the standard set they never really got their own official toy group ie headmasters. This also brings up the question of Triple Changers, was that a nickname or did they actually have an official sub-group title?
Well I know the triple changers were called that on the toy catalogs from day 1.
I'm not injecting anything into it. You made it seem as though there is no way the comics and cartoon could have been written together and you keep using the TIME in which they were put together and released, as your defense for that. If time isn't even the issue then why even keep bringing it up?
You are injecting words into my post and your dong it again.
I never said that "THERES NO WAY" that the toon and the comic were developed at the same time and by the same writter.
I said that its is a "FACT" that they werent.
See the difference???
Saying that "theres no way" is saying that there isint a possibility.
What I'm saying is that its a
Fact that they were not.
O.K a few posts back you frowned upon my use of Wiki as a source, because it was written by fans. Fair enough. But now you yourself use Wiki.
Where did I use Wiki in this part????
According to wiki:
Bob Budiansky revised what O'Neil laid down and it was greenlite by Hasbro. Budiansky came up with the concept, the characters and their bios. What Budiansky wrote turned into the comics and the cartoon, hence my previous statement: The comics and the cartoon came from the same guy. A fact in which you've twisted and warped as a way to contradict this, from the very beginning.
I know what Wiki says and I'm not twisting anything.
Not only are you ignoring Bob's own words in his interview but your putting more faith in Wikipedia.
Not only have I read the interview I have heard the man speak on the topic some years ago.
The man says he never worked to develope the cartoon
You tell me who I should believe????Bob or Wiki?????
And who said "TIME" is not an issue????
My point is Hasbros database on catagorgies, bios,etc are sometimes different from what we get/got in the comics & cartoon, so you can't keep citing Hasbros definitions as the definitive source, regardless of their holding on the TF franchise. I used Jetfire and Galvatron as an example of how things in their databases don't match up with what the fans recognise in other mediums of certain TF characters. So you constantly saying that by Hasbro including the Micromaster category into their database, automatically puts Reflector in the combiner category, has no weight.
I think Hasbro is just as confused as you are about the whole subject.
And again none of this is relivent since I'm not talking about the fiction.It is a well established fact that the toy info does not always match the fictions.
I'm sure she'll be happy to hear that. I'm married too. :high five:
She'd kill me if she knew....which is why I lie.
Is that a compliment????
You must be sub-human to remember such details of events that happened 25 plus years ago. Do you also remember the day, month, time, weather conditions, and astrological alignment of the moon and it's phases at the time, too?
I have
Asperger's Syndrome.Its a form of Autisem.One of the positive
symptoms is a photographic memory of events.
One of the less positive symptoms is a need for repetetive actions.So I could tell you what day of the week and around what time of day I bought those toys because I always did my toy shopping on the same days at the same times.
I know it sounds nuts but its what I have had to deal with.
I got most of that under control now a days.
If you're actually ABSORBING anything in my posts, you should have gotten at least ONE of my points by now.
Not yet.
This is absolute hog wash.
Lets see if you can prove that......
Let me entertain your theory that the Tech specs of Galvatron were indeed altered not to give away a key plot point of the movie, fine. That was in 1986. Why then in 2005 do they remain exactly the same, as i mentioned before- 22 odd years after the movie... regardless of whether Takara released it, Hasbro released it, or Tom, Dick or Harry released it? When translated (yes, i honestly look it up..with great difficulty btw), they read exactly the same.
And I repeat....why would they be changed????Takara never changed any of the other reissues bios, Not even Hotrods or Rodimus Primes, so why would Galvatrons be the only one to be changed????
Like I said Takara tryies to keep as much as possible the same as the original, particular the bios and the box'es.
Furthermore Takara's Galvatron re-issue is NOT indentical ( as you claimed their re-issues are) to the original Galvatron. Their re-issue is UP-GRADED to match the color scheme of Galvatron from the animated movie; Hasbro's '86 Galvatron did not.
I didnt say "IDENTICAL" and I refered to the bios and the box's.
I said nothing about the toys.
Takara does like to make the toys look more show accurate but that has, as of yet, not extended to the bios.
They have made no changes to what they printed in the 80's.
As i said before, this theory has been debated back and forth for as long as i've been a TF fan (i can't remember correctly but they might mention something about this on the commentary for the 20th anniversary release of the '86 movie...but i'll get back to you on that, as i haven't watch it in a while): the writers of the movie took what was to be a new Decepticon, and made him Megatron's incarnation.
And you still havent made a single point.
I dont see how Takara choosing to stay with the original bio has anything to do with what Hasbro originally intended.
If your trying to make a connection between the two your not doing a good job of it.
The G1 toys were targeted at kids. Yes kids read, but they had Galvatron's rank listed as a '9' back then, and still do. They wrote it up they way they did, but listing his rank as a 10 (as all leaders are) wouldn't give away any of the movies spoilers to kids, would it..?
It would have for me and my buddies.
The first time we say Galvatron, which was on some kind of poster for up coming toys ,at Forbidden planet, we all thought that it was Megatron in a new body.
The poster had no names or info about the toys just pics.For that matter I freely admit that upon seeing Ultra magnus I thought he was a new body for Optimus Prime, for obvious reasons.
But when we finally saw the box a few months later, and after reading the bio and seeing the ranking we all assumed that we were originally wrong.
And them months after that we find out that the bio lied to us.
And its funny you keep forgetting that the same tatic was employed on 4 other characters.
Hotrod, Rodimus Prime,Cyclonus and Scourge have no mention that they were ever connected to other characters.
Only Scourge's bio had a slite "HINT" about it and it wasnt much of one.
All it said was that he was made from "Decepticon Werckege" which could mean a few things.
And even thou the toys were targeted at kids the comic book was not.The toys target age range was 5 to 12 but the comics were 13 to 16+.
So Hasbro would have had good reason to want to keep the plot a secret as long as possible.
BTW, movie makers go out of their way to keep the plot of their films a secret.
Completely? Are you even reading what i'm writing, or merely skimming through?
Like i said before, hopefully by now, you should have at least absorbed one of them; minimum.
I'm reading them completely but you still havent taught me anything.
O.K, if Hasbro has widened their definitions of sub-groups, and the inclusion of micromasters puts Reflector in the 'combiner' group, then isn't Hasbro INDEED the source in which your basing this statement on?
Or are YOU putting words in Hasbros mouth, so to speak...?
To some degree I am, but its not unreasonable for me to do so.Let me explain.
At the beginning I would have agreed with your use of the term "Combiner".
Reflector was a single case and he differend from the other characters that were called "Combiners".
While I saw a possibility for claiming he was a combiner it didnt make sence to because unlike the others called "combiners" he did not form a super robot, he did not have separate alt modes.
Then came the Micromaster combiners.They did not have seprate alt modes, they did not combine to form a super robot.
If they can be called "Combiners" then why cant Reflector???
I asked you that question a few times but you have failed to answer it.
Headmaster and Powermaster do not have two INDEPENDENT alt modes. Headmasters-the head portion- gives power to the lower LIFELESS lower body.
In Hasbro version of Headmasters the lower body is not lifeless.
That was Takara Masterforce....dont mix thing up.
Targetmasters are definately not COMBINERS. Megatron Transformed into a gun that had to be fired by another TF, but i've never heard him referred to as a Targetmaster, nor a Combiner; or are YOU gonna make the dillusional assumption that he now is one......?
I never said Targetmasters were combiners.Altho there is an argument for including some of them.
If I'm right the "Double Targetmasters" combined to form a super gun.So the term "Combiner" can be applied to them.
And I made no such statements about Megatron.
Dont try to paint me as delusional just because you cant come up with an argument that refutes mine.
I answered this at the very beginning of this post. Hopefully it sunk in this time.
No it hasent because your denying Bobs own words on the topic.
Here they are again....
3. How much - if any - involvement did you have with the original animated series, the movie, and Marvel UK?
Zero, none and zilch. Over a period of about five years, I provided names, character profiles and story treatment additions to Hasbro as new toy lines were introduced. What the animated series, the movie and Marvel UK did with them afterwards was none of my concern
I hope it sunk in this time.The guy who developed the comic [90%] had nothing to do with the cartoon.
I'm not saying your not a true fan at all; just a rather misguided one. It is YOU and a few others who i suspect injected the notion that Reflector is a combiner, and are now trying to force feed it down everybody elses throats, as you have repeatidly stated yourself that there is no 'official documentation' that he is one.
I havent been shoving anything down your's or anyones throats.If you chose to disagree with me thats your right.
I never said you were wrong.
I said "TECHNICLLY" Reflector was the first "Combiner" and then I provided the reasons why.
So far you havent been able to come up with an argument disproving mine, other then popular opinion.
Which is not the way to win a debate.
If the word is indeed a fan made one, how can you merge a fan made definition, with the category that a toy company came up with, and independently start throwing certain TF's, like Reflector, into the fan created ones?
I didnt merge the two, Hasbro did by useing the term to describe others with
some similar capabilities.
The catagories should remain independent of each other. The fans don't see Reflector as a 'combiner' by OUR definition of the word (and we have the right to define the word, as it is ours) and YOU and a few others consider him AS one.
Your making some rediculos statements here.
1] How can you say the fans dont see Reflector as a "combiner" when its obvious that some [even if a small amount] do
2] If it is a fan term do I not have just as much right as any fan to use the term as I see fit since I helped to create it???
3] How can you dictate the definition of the word for all when we cant even prove that its a fan term???
On that I did some research and I really cant come to a 100% answer.....but I did find evidence of Hasbro useing the term "Combine" to describe the Protectibots and the Stunticons.
Those are from the 86 TF toy catalog which introduced those teams.
Its for years before the Micromaster combiner catalog from 90.
Its not proof who came up with the term first but it is proof that Hasbro was useing it much earlier then we thought.
Your forgetting; your saying your a fan; going by a fan definition but also going by definitions that Hasbro has created. They're contradicting each other in this case and your confusing yourself with it. You can't say your a fan, but only acknowledge fan slang when it suits you
Who are you to dictate how the slang should be applied????
O.K well this definition of what a combiner is (taken from a similar source) more 'definatively' defines what a combiner is.
I posted it before but apparently you missed it:
Logical proof from a similar source, 'wiki'; for the fans; by the fans...and THE FAN'S HAVE SPOKEN!
I didnt miss it and your source is from the "GENERAL" Wiki while mine is from the "SPECIALIZED" TF Wiki page.
Which page do you thing should have more presise info as to Transformers?????The page that has an opinion on
everything in the world or the one that only focus's on
only Transformers????
Reflector does not combine to form a 'SUPER ROBOT'.
His 3 individual robot modes, do NOT have independent alt modes.
Just like the Micromaster combiners.
If they are combiners then why not Reflector.
And heres a better question.
Here is a link to your source.
And here is a link to your sources Micromaster's page.
The Micromaster combiners are listed as "
Combiner Squads".
If you dont want to hit the link here's the info:
Combiner Squads consists of three vehicles, each of which can transform into two separate Micromasters. Combiner Squads are specifically themed.
Looks like your source contradicts itself from one page to the next.
Thats why I never use anything I find on Wiki's general pages as a source in a debate.
It only makes one look foolish.
If your going to put your faith in a wiki page your pest to trust the stuff on the "SPECIALIZED" pages.
They are normally written by more dedicated fans.
Therefore, he is NOT a COMBINER!
You still havent shown me why not.
The term "Combiner" (sometimes called "Gestalt") refers to a sub-group of Transformers able to combine their bodies and minds into a singular, larger, more powerful super-robot (the process is referred to in Computron's Marvel tech spec as "combinatics"). The term "Combiner" comes from the sub-group's ability to "combine" into a larger robot. The first combiner was Devastator, formed from the Constructicons, but the technology was eventually duplicated by the Autobots, leading to the creation of more combiner teams by both sides.
The term "gestalt" was adopted by fans as the catch-all name for combining Transformers. Although not officially employed on any merchandise by Hasbro, it appears that the term is recognized by them for its use in the fandom.
Now, if by some miracle you can find documentation where Hasbro has used the term 'Gestalt' and Reflector in the same sentence (as the source above stated
Hasbro HAS indeed adopted the term in certain places), then i say you've won this debate. But judging by the definition above..i say your up ****'s creek without a paddle, my friend!
Dude your not even following your own source....
Your source says ...."The term "gestalt" was adopted by fans as the catch-all name for combining Transformers.
Although not officially employed on any merchandise by Hasbro"
But then you claim "
Hasbro HAS indeed adopted the term in certain places"
Where are you getting that????
And I dont understand why you want something with the term
"GESTALT" now when that term is
synonymous with "Combiner".
But since your hook on the fact that there is only
1 type of combiner let me show you something........
These are from issue 8 of DW's profile book.
While they do not mention "Reflector" specifically they do seak about "Other Combiner Technologies".
That include the Micro Master combiners and even Powermaster Optimus Prime
As you can see there is more then 1 type of "COMBINER" and that the others include Powermasters and the Micromaster Combiners.
So again I ask you.....If the Micromaster combiners can be called , which they are, "Combiners" why cant Reflector?????