The DJ_KiDDvIcIOUs News Hour (TDKNH Network)

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Seriously. I wonder if he doesn't make one country's olympic team can he then go try out for the other one?

Becky Hammon did it for the 2008 summer games. Didn't get an invite to try out for the USA team. So she applied for Russian citizenship and went to play for them. I remember she got a lot of hate for it. Branded a traitor, her patriotism was questioned, etc.
So given the wording of this law, does this mean that I can start a business in Arizona and deny service to Christians and Republicans, because their way of life goes against my religious beliefs?

Because if so... I may just take advantage of that fact.
Great idea!
The cleaning lady did the museum a favor by taking out that rubbish. Maybe she should start a new career as an art critic because she has better taste than most of the people working that con today.

She definitely deserves a promotion.
This story sounds so fake. The woman works at an art gallery and has never seen weird pieces of art there? If it was at the gallery, it would be on display and pretty difficult to miss and assume it was just garbage.

Maybe she was new? But this just sounds like a publicity stunt.
Where does the term "the missing link" come from?

Like most great ideas that are actually wrong, "the missing link" comes from the ancient Greeks. Plato believed in a great chain of being: that there are absolute hierarchies of the universe wherein divinity is above humans, humans are above animals, animals are above plants, and plants are above non-living things. The earliest attempts to categorize animal life, which as far as we know are those of Aristotle, used this framework for thinking. There were higher and lower animals, and humans were, obviously, way way higher than even the highest of animals. Because we can sit around all day and make up ideas about how things work. Raptors never spent time doing that, so they're obviously less awesome.


This great chain of being got absorbed into early Christian theology/natural history as the scala naturae, and theology/natural history didn't really do much for ... about 2000 years, even though Leonardo da Vinci came up with an explanation for fossils. (Seriously. And it wasn't the wrong answer.) In the 18th and early 19th century CE, two very influential natural historians both used the scala naturae in their very different studies on the natural world. Linnaeus used it, complete with theological implications, in his organization of known species of plants and animals. Hierarchies are all over the place because Linnaeus believed that the Intelligent Designer (...which, back then, everyone just called God) had deliberately created categories of life and that the purpose of natural history was to discern these categories. If you learned anything about Kingdoms or Phyla or Orders in biology class, you have Linnaeus's belief in the scala naturae to blame for it, because he very literally could not make sense of the natural world without thinking that it was divinely ordered into very delineated organizations.


A very different early 19th century natural historian used the scala naturae to promote a very different idea, because he was French. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was a pre-Darwinian evolutionist who gets made fun because he said that giraffes get longer necks because they try to hahaha what an idiot EXCEPT that he lived during a time where people thought bacteria spontaneously generated out of mud so honestly for the time he wasn't that dim.


Hey wait isn't that what evolution contrarians think evolution says is true? That life should be being formed out of non-life all the time?

Yeah, isn't that weird? Evolution contrarians think modern evolution says something from the 1680s.

Anyway. Lamarck accepted the scala naturae, but he made two giant departures from most previous natural historians. Firstly, he thought that these categories could be transcended: he thought that plants and animals could move up the great chain of being. Not all animals and plants were moving up the same chain... the best analogy is to imagine a row of ladders that every organism, alive now, has been moving up, and for which every step up the ladder represents a succession of species from least to most advanced. Secondly, since there are both very primitive and very advanced forms of life still present (literally no one knew this until the 1680s when microscopes were first used) that must mean that the most primitive forms of life are being created all the time from , and what separates (for example) man from (for example) monkeys is that monkeys haven't evolved for as long as man.

Hey wait isn't that what evolution contrarians think evolution says is true? That monkeys have been evolving for less time than man?

Yeah, isn't that weird? Evolution contrarians think modern evolution says something from the 1800s.

While not very good at convincing people that species could transmute into other species, Lamarck's writings were influential in many ways, particularly because popular accounts of his writing spread out. The 19th century was really the first in which popular science as we understand it existed, because a middle class capable of having leisure time to bother reading popular science existed. Fossil discoveries by amateur natural historians and professional proto-paleontologists showed that there used to be life on Earth that apparently was not around today. One of the people who used fossils to argue for an Earth older than any natural historian had ever before claimed was Charles Lyell. He helped found modern geology and for much of the 19th century he was very popular in both scientific and public scientific literature. And he's credited with the first English usage of the phrase "the missing link"-


Aha! an image of a geological column, in an 1851 publication. In describing how two rock units of Ages X and Z must be missing a rock unit of Age Y from in-between, he referred to that missing rock as a missing link:

A break in the chain implying no doubt many missing links in the series of geological monuments which we may some day be able to supply.

To be extra confusing, in an 1863 publication, he proposed that human ancestry must be very far in the geological past, and that the linkage between humans and non-humans was, as of that time, missing.

So an evolutionist came up with the term "the missing link"!

If by "evolutionist" you mean "guy raised as a creationist who was struggling with evolution's implications", then, yeah. Darwin and his colleagues were, privately, pissed about Lyell's comment because they felt that it didn't help them out at all. Lyell, like many religious people 151 years later, had problems with accepting that humans had evolved from anything: he saw an enormous gulf between humans and non-humans. He, unlike religious people of today, had two great excuses for thinking this. Firstly, he was raised and taught that the scala naturae was a real thing, and secondly there were zero fossils at the time exhibiting the transition between humans and non-humans.

The only other scientist of the 19th century who really discussed "the missing link" in relation to evolution was Ernst Haeckel. In 1868, in a text which got translated into multiple other languages, Haeckel claimed that humans were the final or current stage in an evolutionary process of 22 steps, of which the 21st was...missing.

So an evolutionist used the term "the missing link"!

In Haeckel's case, yes, totally. But Haeckel's ideas weren't accurate. He still had been raised in the scala naturae mindset and he still was thinking in those terms as well. In addition, he had a concept of phylogeny through ontogeny that no one today thinks is accurate. In addition, when he first used the word... there were still zero fossils at the time exhibiting the transition between humans and non-humans. He embraced "the missing link" as a hypothesis that was in need of testing; that some form of animal would be found that would be not-quite-human but not-quite-non-human.

So "the missing link" is a pre-evolutionary concept only used in reference to evolution by two scientists, one of whom was a Christian struggling to understand evolution and the other of whom used it as a term indicating an as-of-yet undiscovered fossil record of human transitional fossils?


So when evolution contrarians ask for "the missing link" they are asking for something that was antiquated as soon as human transitional fossils were found?

Right, when they got found in 1891, that's when "the missing link" became something no evolutionary scientist was asking for. Once "the missing" link got found, congratulations, it's not missing anymore.

So why'd it become entrenched in popular culture?

The heck if I know, but part of the reason why is that the popular culture, including science fiction and fantasy, immediately jumped onto it, back in the 1860s. A lot of our "Stone Age" popular culture ideas started back then: Jules Verne's 1864 Voyage au centre de la Terre included a "man-ape" creature who was not civilized like man but wasn't as brutish as ape. A hundred years later The Flintstones were still showing this bizarre "missing link" between apes, which lack record players entirely, and ourselves, who have record players not powered by animals.

What, if anything, is scientifically accurate about "the missing link"?

Uck. Not much. It's one of those phrases that makes me die a little inside, like "homeopathic medicine".

1. Among life present today, there is no such thing as a more or less evolved species. Everything alive today has been evolving for at least 3 billion years. It's ...kinda... accurate to say that an animal living in the past is "less evolved" than a modern animal, but it still sounds weird, because...

2. Evolution isn't a progressive process.
Unlike what Lamarck might have told you, evolution is not a railway. It's a diverging and only-partially-predictable process in which there's no guarantee that a species present at Time 1 will have a "better" descendent species in Time 2. The only way in which a species at Time 2 will be "better" is that it will have survived for longer.


3. The kiwi bird is NOT a direct descendent of "the" Tyrannosaurus rex. What the heck, Sebastien Millon. You apparently are not the mayor of science town, because...

4. Evolution isn't a pit a ladder, evolution is a series of dichotomies.
Unlike what Lamarck might also have told you, a species does not evolve into a species into a species. Sometimes that process is what occurs (as the process of anagenesis), but other times a single parental species splits into two species (as the process of cladogenesis). This series of dichotomies is what gives rise to the hierarchy that Linnaeus, in his wisdom, saw: that some organisms are more closely related to one another than to other organisms. Life is... mostly... sorted like matroyshkas, in which categories are found within other categories.

5. Every fossil species is, until proven otherwise, a transitional fossil.
Transitional fossils are the closest thing in accurate scientific terminology to "missing links". They're fossils that show primitive traits and advanced traits. But every fossil species found is, unless it can be shown to be the last in a lineage, a transitional fossil. The only fossils that aren't transitional are those of the last species in a lineage.

Mammuthus primigenius? Not a transitional fossil: it doesn't show have any relationship to a later, more derived, animal. Smilodon fatalis? Not a transitional fossil, same reason. Australopithecus sebida? Probably a transitional fossil, since it shows a relationship to a later, more derived animal, namely, us.


How many fossils have to be ignored in order to claim that "the missing link" is still missing?

A couple thousand of them. There is literally more fossil evidence that humans evolved from non-humans than there is fossil evidence that Tyrannosaurus rex is a thing.

So if a person claims "the missing link" hasn't been found, they should be intellectually consistent and say that Tyrannosaurus hasn't been found?

Exactly. You can't be intellectually consistent unless you either deny, or accept, both hominin fossils and Tyrannosaurus.


Just gonna leave this out here for all the Creationist out there

Listen to this young girl playing her sheng, a Chinese instrument invented thousands of years ago. The woodwind may be ancient, but the sound is pure 1980s nostalgia—it's the Super Mario Brothers theme, right down to the sounds of Mario collecting coins and mushrooms. Amazing!

Music was a big part of the old school Nintendo experience, and it's eerie how the notes coming out of an instrument you probably never heard of sound so shockingly familiar. This young musician has certainly put in a ton of practice—clearly, all those hours playing Super Mario have paid off.

I have no words for awesome this is.

California is the most populous state in the US, with more than 38 million people spread across its 163,696 square miles. A new initiative wants to split California into six states, deeming the current California "ungovernable."

Venture capitalist Tim Draper filed a ballot initiative in December to get a measure on the California ballot in 2014 to divide up the state, and he has just received a greenlight from California Secretary of State Debra Bowen to begin collecting signatures for his ballot petition. He proposes creating six states: Jefferson, North California, Silicon Valley, Central California, West California, and South California.

Six Californias Map Proposal

In an email with TechCrunch, Draper said that he has put forth the proposal so that Californians would receive greater proportional representation in the US Senate, to encourage greater competition, to allow states to "start fresh" with "a more relevant constitution," and to make governing "decisions more relevant to the population." Of course, it would also likely change the party make-up of the US Senate (Edit: and, as commenter monsieurxander notes, the distribution of California's electoral college votes); although Draper contributed to Barack Obama's presidential election campaign in 2008, he is a Republican.

Draper has set up a website for his Six Californias plan, and hopes to have a measure on the ballot as early as this November. Even if Californians were to approve the measure, the US Constitution states that the federal Congress must vote on whether to welcome new states into the Union.

You can read Draper's proposal at the following link:

Six Californias Proposal

Petition to Split California Into Six States Gets Green Light

Under Draper's plan, the proposed state of Central California would have the lowest per capita personal income in the country.

Ya I don't think this is ever going to happen, seems like the rich just trying to distance themselves from the have nots
Okay, that's it, let's just hand over the keys to the planet to China, that's too cool.
A state can't vote to break itself up and declare the parts little statelets. Congress would have to act to make those statelets states. There are some morons here in the backwards panhandle of Maryland who want to break away and form a new state too, but it ain't happening in either case. Congress would never approve such measures, but they can't even get together to pass budgets, much less create new states. And there's no more room for new stars on the flag. :o
When I was 12 I drew Spider-Man. You know how hard it was to draw that webbing?
I know right?! How does it sound exactly like Super Mario Bros yet it's been around for so long? Crazy
something i didnt realize yet: the arizona governor has yet to sign this into law. she is supposed to be receiving it on monday, at which point she has 5 days to sign or veto it. the arizona governor is a conservative, but has vetoed legislation similar to this before. so far, she's given no indication as to where she stands on this particular bill. so, there is still hope that rational thought may prevail.
I highly doubt she'll sign it.

And I swear to God, it just seems like some politicians are from Mars because they're so out of touch with the real world.
Being religious--or claiming to be--does not entitle you to be a dick to people just because you don't like the way they live (or how you assume they live).

Maybe I don't like how you live. I wouldn't deny you service because of it. Being civil to people you disagree with is part of being a mature adult.
As has been previously brought up in another thread there were certain sects of the early Christian church that did perform gay marriage btw just to bring that to your attention
I've solved the mystery. It sounds like the Super Mario theme because that's what she's playing.
And a lot of homosexuals would do well in remembering that paradigm instead of always acting like a five year old, throwing a temper tantrum, when something doesn't go their way in our nation's or a State's legislature.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but that door swings both ways and applies to some Christians who act like they were put on Earth to whine about gay rights 24/7 and seem to care far more about this than they do about, say, charity, helping their fellow man, etc.

I for one do not think suing a Christian leader for refusing to marry two homosexuals is the mature thing to do.

Neither do I. I also do not believe churches should be coerced into performing same-sex marriages.

If homosexual marriage is legal in your area, it was the government that made it legal and therefore homosexuals should look to the government in order to get married.

This, or it's also fairly easy to find churches that sanction same-sex unions. I agree that churches that do not believe in same-sex marriage should not be forced to perform them.

It is illegal for our government to compel any person that lives under and or with a belief in the Holy Bible to act contrary to their beliefs.

Nor do I think they should be.

all this legislation does is protect religious leaders from civil liability due to their religious faith. Period.

And here's where we part ways. This legislation allows business owners to refuse service to homosexuals. Business owners are not religious leaders. IMO, if you are going to run a public business, you have an obligation to treat all paying customers the same.
Modern art eludes me. I remember going to the MOMA in SF a few years back, one exhibit was a letter written in hair... Another, one that I'm not entirely sure was an art piece (but I'm also not sure it wasn't) was a room full of high powered fans. If it was art, it was timely art cause it was hot as **** up in that museum.

MOMA was such a huge ****ing waste of money for me. :o
I think two would be sufficient, really. And not unrealistic.

The name suggestion of Silicon Valley makes this plan seem rather silly.

I don't know about California, but supposedly as part of the deal with Texas joining the Union, Texas is allowed to break itself up into five states. Just imagine five Texases.

That's ten crazy senators.
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