The evil dead appreciaton thread

superkong 500

Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
Yes I had my evil dead anchor bay dvd on my shelf just resting I decided to watch it again, my second time watching evil dead, and it is really a great horror movie. Heck is one of the best horror movies, its original, creepy scary some times and its wonderful that a film made with such a low budget has the great make-up FX it has, yes the make-up is cheap but that cheapness its what makes it look even scarier, specially Cheryl's make-up.

She's the creepiest looking of all the possessed rearing her ugly head up the cellar all the time and growling like a rabid dog. Even the stop motion when she's disintegrating looks creepy.
Damn this film is just too much fun. This movie has some great gory scenes(bloodied severed limbs twitching). But most important of all is that it has atmosphere it has a mood of dread similar to even that of the original Texas chainsaw, some people describe it as campy eh? this is not funny at all(to me this is real serious horror unlike the sequels). Evil dead 2 and AOD are another story unfortunately for me. I would have preferred if raimi continued the evil dead story in a serious tone like the first one but instead he went for cheesy gags and slapstick cartoony looking deadites instead of the more natural scary looking zombies of the first one.

I know lots of people love parts 2 and AOD. Anyway discuss evil dead(yeah talk about part 2 or as I call it the remake and talk about AOD as well) and talk about the movies and filmmakers that have been influenced by it.
They're all great. My favorite is 2. Love how one is so serious, yet 2 is half horror half comedy, and three is full on one liners., oh and EVIL DEAD 2 IS NOT A REMAKE! If evil dead 2 is a remake, than so is every sequel that starts by recapping the previous one. they just had to reshoot the recaps. it's a sequel.
i hate army of darkness with such a passion. i loved it when i was 12, but then i realized its a shallow hole of a movie. however the original two are awesome, with the first taking itself more seriously, but the second has some damn good scenes.

and... tree rape anyone? you ask me, that girl shouldn't have been dressed like that in the first place...
They're all great. My favorite is 2. Love how one is so serious, yet 2 is half horror half comedy, and three is full on one liners., oh and EVIL DEAD 2 IS NOT A REMAKE! If evil dead 2 is a remake, than so is every sequel that starts by recapping the previous one. they just had to reshoot the recaps. it's a sequel.

Yea the recaps but everything that happens its the same damn thing basically. the only real difference is that ash ends up traveling through time.

even if its not technically a remake it feels like it is if you know what I mean
If you havent done so yet then go out and see the musical :)
i hate army of darkness with such a passion. i loved it when i was 12, but then i realized its a shallow hole of a movie. however the original two are awesome, with the first taking itself more seriously, but the second has some damn good scenes.

i wish they had made another one with ash but it doesnt seem likely and i could care less about a remake
i love Evil Dead. the second one is better, i think, and Army of Darkness is fun, but the pure low budget horror of the first is priceless
I love Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness. I don't like the first one as much because it was less comical than the other two, and I always favored the humor of the Evil Dead series over the horror.
Well, I'm probably the most hardcore fan of Evil Dead on these here forums and I'm glad to see an appreciaton thread that has to do with the franchise. Anyways...

The Evil Dead is a classic B movie and there's no denying that. I mean, everything from the tree rape scene to where Linda got stabbed in the ankle with a pencil to where Scotty got his eyes goughed out was just great fun. I couldn't think of a more original horror film than Evil Dead; it has a special place in my heart.

I gotta say that I liked how Evil Dead 2 expanded on the originality and that's what makes it my favorite of the trilogy. In my opinion, it was a fine blend of horror and comedy and it's responsible for launching the careers of Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell. Evil Dead 2 really got me hooked on horror movies and its known as the definitive cult horror film according to The Gore the Merrier aka The Making of Evil Dead 2.

Now, Army of Darkness, I saw that first, not really familiar with Bruce Campbell and the world of cult horror films. I've seen AoD the most and I have a little story about it: Ok, so one night about two years ago, I was looking for something to watch with my dad and I found the "paper bag" or official bootleg edition of the director's cut of Army of Darkness. I went up to my dad and asked, "Hey, what's this?" He replied, "Oh, that's Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness." I said that I wanted to watch it and we did. I liked the movie and I was glad I watched it. I saw Evil Dead 2 and the Xena episodes with Bruce Campbell shortly thereafter. And here I am today, an Evil Dead fan and proud of it.

Hail to the king, baby!
Ive loved all the Evil deads for years and years first one i saw was ED2 on tv about 9 years ago i was watching it thinking what the hell is this?? OMG this is amazing! been a fan ever since.

Anyone seen within the woods? for what it is thats a pretty good short by Sam and Bruce
Yeah I have Within the Woods in poor quality, but I think that's the only quality it's in.
Well, I'm probably the most hardcore fan of Evil Dead on these here forums

But have you seen evil dead the musical? lol :)
Why the hell not? lol I mean make the trek to canada or new york to see it!

(and try be in the front row for the massive blood splatter that bathes the first few rows :))
we need clips

[YT]<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>[/YT]

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[YT]<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>[/YT]

[YT]<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>[/YT]

[YT]<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>[/YT]

[YT]<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>[/YT]
Why the hell not? lol I mean make the trek to canada or new york to see it!

(and try be in the front row for the massive blood splatter that bathes the first few rows :))
I live in freakin' California, though.
I just want to point out to the people who call AOD a shallow hole of a movie, that that complaint can be made for all 3. None of them are particularly deep and the characters are paper thin in all of them as is the repetitive story. These movies have always been driven by visuals for the most part and Campbell's charisma wasn't even that prevalent until AOD, so I wouldn't say that.

The visual of the zombies, the camera tricks, the invisible force, the long shots, the tilted moving shots, the extreme gore, a guy with a chainsaw for a hand. *****ing that AOD was shallow and then calling ED2 a classic is hypocritical.

I personally like AOD the best of the three because Campbell is his funniest in it and it isn't a boring rehash of the first one (I love the scene where it is just campbell vs. his hand in ED2, but I can leave the rest of the movie) and is hilarious.

The first is a guilty pleasure due to its innovative and unforgttable photography and camera work compliments of Sam Raimi. And it actually is unerving at times and full on gross out with the rape scene and the last scenes in the movie. And it somehow does create a sense of poginancy in the bad acting and writing when Ash contemplates cutting up his girlfriend but simply buries her instead and her return from the dead.

But the third is just more fun. I think the whole trilogy is a good testament to Sam RAimi. Bad scripts, thin characters but amazing visuals. Okay let me explain, most of his movies overall are visually oriented (these, Darkman, Quick and the Dead etc) over story and character. Sure he did the Spidey movies and The Gift and A Simple Plan but his movies are always a little silly and contrived in presentation or tongue in cheek. People ***** about that in the Spidey movies but it works. And again it is visual style that reigns supreme.

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