Evil Dead 4?


Jan 7, 2008
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Not sure if there is a thread for this but there is now.

Thursday, May 3, 2007
Get more Evil Dead 4 news

I'll believe when I see it, especially since writer/director Sam Raimi's been saying it for years now, but Spider-Man director tells The Herald Sun that he’s trying to recruit his brother Ivan to write the screenplay for a third sequel to his indy horror classic The Evil Dead, “I'm trying to get my brother, Ivan, to write the screenplay with me [for The Evil Dead 4]. He wrote Army of Darkness, the third one, with me and we have been talking about another one, but we haven't started work on it”, says Raimi. Does this mean we won't be seeing the remake for the original Evil Dead? I hope so... write your thoughts inside!


Is this the rumored Evil Dead 4 or is that still forthcoming?
Ash had better be the friggin' store manager of S-Mart by now.
Be hilarious if he wasn't. Telling some women about fighting demons and then the manager who is younger than him tells him to go clean up some puke.
Be hilarious if he wasn't. Telling some women about fighting demons and then the manager who is younger than him tells him to go clean up some puke.

That's how it should be. This whole series Ash was the guy who could never really get much respect. He was the hero but he wasn't really a Knight in Shining Armor type. Most of the casual fans of these movies I've talked to love that the most, that he gets his ass kicked a lot throughout the whole thing.

To fit with the previous 3 I wouldn't want him to be a manager, it would work better as the clean up guy telling wild stories to the customers.
I So Hope They Make This :(
it has been too long without an ash movie.
Oh lord please let this happen.
by the way, when the hell is my name is bruce coming out?
Hmmm... I read a while back that Raimi was going to make an ED4, but w/o Bruce Campbell. There's no way that could be done without the entire thing flopping, so I really hope that if this goes through it has BC in it.
Hmmm... I read a while back that Raimi was going to make an ED4, but w/o Bruce Campbell. There's no way that could be done without the entire thing flopping, so I really hope that if this goes through it has BC in it.
Hmmm... I read a while back that Raimi was going to make an ED4, but w/o Bruce Campbell. There's no way that could be done without the entire thing flopping, so I really hope that if this goes through it has BC in it.

I thought that was going to be the remake that was planned a couple years back. I don't see Raimi making Evil Dead without Bruce. Hell, he couldn't make a Spider-Man movie without him.
Alright I was on wikipedia, and it said Sam Rami is gonna make an Evil Dead 4 coming out in the future. It was suppose to be a remake but will just be a sequel to Army of Darkness. So what do you people think?
I would image a combination of Evil Dead 2 with the humor of Army of darkness.

Actually, I would love it if Raimi called Evil Dead 4...Army of the Evil Dead.
ummm. yeah..the whole series is based on humor except for the first film. Have you not seen Evil Dead 2's black humor or Army of Darkness' slapstick nature?
Yes I have seen all 3, but really humor is not needed. I rather have them be like how they were in Part 1.
why do you put yourself into these situations, Fresh Prince?
I'd be cool if it would continue the post-apo ending of Army of Darkness.
I'd be cool if it would continue the post-apo ending of Army of Darkness.

I agree. As much as I love the more 'hero saves the day and gets the girl' ending to AoD, I think the original ending fit the character much better. He's always dealing with bad luck and bull **** that it just works.
I agree with Fresh Prince actually I hate this series past Evil Dead and thought it suffered once humor was added.

Though Bruce Campbell is still badass.
I agree with Fresh Prince actually I hate this series past Evil Dead and thought it suffered once humor was added.

Though Bruce Campbell is still badass.

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