I've read them all, and from what I recall, the books felt very un-americanized...(british slang prevelant, etc)great idea to finally get a seperate book/music section
I'm curious about the British to American translation.
Do they use American english names for things and British slang in the American Harry Potter books?
I knew for certain JK wrote that in their just so it would be used in the movie"NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU *****!"
I knew for certain JK wrote that in their just so it would be used in the movie
I think Rowling needs to write a book about the life of Grindewald and how he came to be with the Elder wand and how he meet Dumbledore, etc...up until his final words with Voldemort.
Done, this one is public![]()
If you thought I was being serious before, you mustn't know me at all. :heart:
I knew all along. There's a reason I voted you for funniest Hypster. And Survivor interview damnit![]()
From best to worst of the books:
1. Deathly Hallows
2. Prizoner of Azkaban
3. Order of the Phoenix
4. Half-Blood Prince
5. Goblet of Fire
6. Chamber of Secrets
7. Sorcerers Stone (still a good book, but the others are soo much better)
I have far too many awesome things to juggle at the moment
That's why I didn't take my application any further. I may not have the time, so thought it only fair to allow the position to go to someone who can definitely show up.
I don't like being a drop-out no-show bastard, so I'm not doing it. Sorry dude.
It's like you ripped that straight from my brain![]()
I knew for certain JK wrote that in their just so it would be used in the movie
I think Rowling needs to write a book about the life of Grindewald and how he came to be with the Elder wand and how he meet Dumbledore, etc...up until his final words with Voldemort.
That is the greatest line ever. Mrs. Weasley is bad ass. That whole chapter is bad ass.
Mrs. Weasley is the one character from Harry Potter I would kill multiple times if I could.
Not Voldemort, not Dobby - ****ing Molly Weasley.
She kicks ass and you know it.![]()
I know a lot of people were disappointed that Neville did not kill Bellatrix, but not me. Neville never would've lasted a second against Bellatrix. In fact, I am a bit disappointed that Neville did not die. It would've been epic if Neville finds Bellatrix during the final battle for their expected show down that fans have been hyping up since book 4, only to have Bellatrix kill him with one quick avada kedavra. It would've felt so realistically and darkly anti-climactic and would've worked perfectly, in my opinion.