The Dark Knight The Joker to be Revealed!

for the love of god, i hope your thread making priveleges are taken away from you
I can not wait. This picture will be amazing. I am so excited!
Trust Empire to respect us movie fans and give us what we want. Better than what WB have done so far. many threads shall be created today about this 1 topic?
I can not wait. This picture will be amazing. I am so excited!
Trust Empire to respect us movie fans and give us what we want. Better than what WB have done so far.
Ummm, You know the WB gave them the right to reveal this picture right?
Sorry I don't live on the boards like you guys. I just woke up, thought it was awesome, didnt see any topic about it, so I posted it. I dont think this is the Teaser Poster...
Ummm, You know the WB gave them the right to reveal this picture right?

Yes, but it seems strange that WB would go to all this effort over the Viral Campaign, just to then give Empire the first full reveal of the Joker.
Yes, but it seems strange that WB would go to all this effort over the Viral Campaign, just to then give Empire the first full reveal of the Joker.
Not strange at all, On the road to the Viral Campaign the WB has gave us 2 good looks at the joker: the Knife picture and the Backseat Joker picture. Soooooo.
I can not wait. This picture will be amazing. I am so excited!
Trust Empire to respect us movie fans and give us what we want. Better than what WB have done so far.

What do you mean WILL be amazing? We already can see the best part.

Socks FTW.
So uh, is there a pattern on how the cards are being removed? Or did we just find it with 3 cards missing?
I think that 3 cards will be removed each day. So in 2 days the full image will be revealed. Then i think it will be on a future cover of Empire (which will most likely become there fastest selling issue ever. Well i know i will buy it)
I don't need to see anything more of the picture.

The socks are the best part.
I don't need to see anything more of the picture.

The socks are the best part.

I hear that, the could have the magazine cover just like that and it would rock.
Thats a link for the teaser poster, not new promo images.

Can't wait to see this pic. It will be the one that finalizes many opinions.

But the last thread like this got merged into that one...:huh: Oh well.
Dawn it! Cant wait to see the whole image!
well this is news to me. how long until a card burns up?

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