Justice League The J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter Thread

Lily Adler

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Aug 24, 2011
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Everybody's favorite punching bag get's his own thread. So who to cast and costume ideas are welcomed.
These days, I would say cast Lance Reddick. Costume. . . ugh, would be trouble. I can't see any way for his classic costume to work.
I always liked this look.

Why do you call him a punching bag? He's pretty close to Superman in value as a team member. He has most of the same powers as well (with a few extra). It kinda depresses me when people say that they should leave him out of the movie :(

Anyway, I like his appearance in the Justice League cartoon on Cartoon Network (when it used to be good). Both his alien form and the form he usually took. But the Young Justice/Crisis on Two Earths style was cool too. I just hope they don't go buck wild with the CGI for him.. The budget needs even distribution lol

As to casting they should get someone who does a really deep, monotone voice very well and is known for playing laid back characters. I don't think that they should make him super talkative but when he speaks his voice should be somewhat commanding.
I called him a punching bag, because he's the go to guy who gets a beat down. I remember watching JL/U and wondering why J'onn was practically useless if he was supposed to be like the Martian Superman. I found him a little redeemable on Tabula Rasa when he helped save the day with AMAZO. I just wished they showed him kick ass more and show more of his shapeshifting abilities.

As for casting, if Laurence Fishburne hadn't been snatched up for Perry White I would love him in this role.
I called him a punching bag, because he's the go to guy who gets a beat down. I remember watching JL/U and wondering why J'onn was practically useless if he was supposed to be like the Martian Superman. I found him a little redeemable on Tabula Rasa when he helped save the day with AMAZO. I just wished they showed him kick ass more and show more of his shapeshifting abilities.

As for casting, if Laurence Fishburne hadn't been snatched up for Perry White I would love him in this role.

But to be fair everyone was severly underpowered in that show. Superman was a doormat until the end of the last season of JLU when Darkseid came back. Plus Flash was soooo slow during most of the episodes. I remember he was having trouble keeping up with a delivery truckin that one Gorilla Grodd episode -_- And don't get me started about GL's fluctuations in strength. It's all about cartoon logic haha.

But yeah I agree about Laurence Fishburne. People may facepalm at me suggesting such mainstream actors but Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman have good voices for MM.
I always liked this look.

That really is a great look.

But why he's the punching bag?? I think it's because he's pretty obscure to a lot of people and i dont think he's that original. Shapeshifts (many comic characters do this), detective (batmans forte) and is like Superman from mars since he has most of his powers.
He is often the only psychic in the league, they could certainly work with that.
As to casting they should get someone who does a really deep, monotone voice very well and is known for playing laid back characters. I don't think that they should make him super talkative but when he speaks his voice should be somewhat commanding.

I don't want J'onn to have a monotone voice or be laid back but I do agree with the deep voice. He should be calm, wise, and stoic, but also emotionally expressive when he has to be so the audience can connect with him.

John would be so cool to see because of his shape-shifting and telepathic abilities. The Martian creatures he can shape-shift to would be wild to see in a movie, especially as he's constantly shifting from creature to creature during combat.
That really is a great look.

But why he's the punching bag?? I think it's because he's pretty obscure to a lot of people and i dont think he's that original. Shapeshifts (many comic characters do this), detective (batmans forte) and is like Superman from mars since he has most of his powers.

But his shapeshifting and telepathy are what make him unique from the other League members. It's not like he doesn't add ANYTHING to the group.

And the obscurity argument doesn't really apply all that much anymore since iron man, thor, hawkeye, and black widow weren't really in the public eye until their respective movies/the Avengers initiative. Now pretty much anyone could tell you who they are and what they do. All it takes is one movie and everybody could love (or possibly hate) J'onn!
I actually enjoy his Martian Form alot more than his Earth Form. He appears truly 'alien', and intimidating as hell.


But his shapeshifting and telepathy are what make him unique from the other League members. It's not like he doesn't add ANYTHING to the group.

And the obscurity argument doesn't really apply all that much anymore since iron man, thor, hawkeye, and black widow weren't really in the public eye until their respective movies/the Avengers initiative. Now pretty much anyone could tell you who they are and what they do. All it takes is one movie and everybody could love (or possibly hate) J'onn!
Yes, but how many times do we have to see a comic book character use telepathy or shapeshift. I think i've had enough of that to last me a long while with all these X-Men movies. With what Professor X and Mystique have been doing for 4 films, plus there's a couple more in the making. Besides his Superman esque powers, yeah he has a couple more things that the LEAGUE doesnt..but it's stuff we've seen in many movies already. He's not exactly bringing anything new to the table.

Ill admit, my mind is slowly changing, and i may be warming up to having Cyborg instead. Ill get behind it if it works for the story and its not just a scheme to promote the new comic line. I need to stop thinking of the "original lineup" because things change on film and even Avengers didnt use the original lineup. Nobody seemed to weep when Ant-Man wasnt announced.
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Yeah but the one thing MM has done (at least from the animated series) he was always shifting into some creature that's even more alien and unique than he is and kicking ass that way. Sure he is occasionally a human or whateve but by and large, I think it can be done in a fresh way. I kind of see what you're saying with the psychic thing and I don't want to see J'onn touch his temple and close his eyes, or just look really hard at someone lol (ala professor X) but I think they can make the way he uses his abilities unique. Have his eyes start to glow like it did in the animated show. Maybe have him actually go into the person's mind looking for the info inception style or something..

I just don't want them to go half-assed.. Go big or go home imho.
Well, there's also his phasing and invisibility. He's definitely useful for stealth.
Well, there's also his phasing and invisibility. He's definitely useful for stealth.

Definitely, there's that too. The post above mind just mentioned the other 2 so that's what I responded to.

J'onn J'onzz FTW
I understand, I would also like to point out his telepathic and empathic abilites along with his detective experience could allow him to be quite an interrogator. I could see him and Bats playing good cop/bad cop only in tights.
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If DC/WB actually puts the effort into him as a character for the movie, he could steal the whole show.
^Agreed. Much like the Hulk.

I would like a story where J'onn is captured by Cadmus after he is beamed to earth. Batman could investigate with Superman, blah blah blah. That being said, I loved the JL cartoon.
^Agreed. Much like the Hulk.

I would like a story where J'onn is captured by Cadmus after he is beamed to earth. Batman could investigate with Superman, blah blah blah. That being said, I loved the JL cartoon.

Bingo! AND, they could use the White Martians as the threat that bring the JL together for the first movie then get into the heavier, more complex villains like Brainiac or Darkseid in later movies.

I definitely like the idea of Cadmus getting involved somehow (like in my Concept for JL movie post XD)
J'onn is so much more than his powers.
Yeah..he's an alien invasion waiting to happen, an attempted spotlight stealer, Mr. Monotone who relates to each member of the League? Big whoop.

Who needs some alien as a 7th member who stands there feeling all warm & fuzzy now because he can relate to each hero from earth. While he makes it completely impossible for any villain to cause any damage because he's so damn powerful with all his powers...

And I guess Martian Manhunter wont be celebrating their victory with his fellow League members, when they decide to drink some beers and toast some marshmellows over a nice cozy fire...

You may want to retract that statement. J'onn is over the 'fire' thing.
They'll probably bring it back for a movie. Guy needs a weakness.

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