The last big budget blockbuster that wasn't based on an earlier property


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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Everything we've been going on about for the past 8 years as far as winter and summer big budget flicks have all been movies that were based on stuff we've read, seen or heard about before. Are there going to be any more Back to the Futures, Gremlins, etc. in the future that studios are willing to take a risk on that aren't already established properties? Even stuff I think is original material turns out to be based on some obscure novel.
True. It's easier for them to make and market which requires the least effort. Hollywood is a business after all.
The last one that I remember was "Independence Day", but I'm sure there have been some since then. I just can't think of any.
And Stargate, another Roland Emerich movie.
Yeah, 10000 B.C. is one also. Emmerich, say what you want about him regarding Godzilla, does make his own stories.
Everything we've been going on about for the past 8 years as far as winter and summer big budget flicks have all been movies that were based on stuff we've read, seen or heard about before. Are there going to be any more Back to the Futures, Gremlins, etc. in the future that studios are willing to take a risk on that aren't already established properties? Even stuff I think is original material turns out to be based on some obscure novel.

I don't even know if studios even look for or read original scripts anymore. I've written screenplays, but they were my first attempts so - they were very crude. Now, I have some very intresting ideas but I can't seem to write them into screenplay form. I've thought about re-reading my screenwriting books and seeing if that sparks anything because I really want to write some of these ideas into screenplay form.

My question is, similar to terry78's, do they even look at original works anymore?
The last one that I remember was "Independence Day", but I'm sure there have been some since then. I just can't think of any.

But the topic is about good ones.

The last one I can think of was the original Matrix.
I would say all the Matrix movies fit the bill.
"Independence Day" was good. It's just that everything Emmerich did since then has gone down the tubes.

I happen to think it's a steaming pile of dog poop, each second more annoying than the last.

To each his own.
What about Pirates of the Caribbean? Besides taking its name from the ride, it had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Everything we've been going on about for the past 8 years as far as winter and summer big budget flicks have all been movies that were based on stuff we've read, seen or heard about before.

You're right. :wow: But thats okay. Atleast its being balanced with stuff like Knocked Up and Superbad.
Was The Day After Tomorrow based on an already existing property?
Okay, that's one of the only ones I could think of off the top of my head.
mr.and mrs. smith, bruce almighty, wedding crashers...
none of the movies in the last 2 posts, except maybe Mr. and Mrs. Smith, were big budget blockbusters...
none of the movies in the last 2 posts, except maybe Mr. and Mrs. Smith, were big budget blockbusters...

They may not have had big-budgets, but they were ultimately blockbusters. Does it really matter?

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