The Last Shot of the Teaser

Jack Napier

Jan 15, 2005
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It seems to me that everyone thinks Daniel Craig looks very un-Bond like in the last shot of the trailer. This is just one man's personal opinion, but I think the whole set-up of that shot made Craig look like the farthest thing from James Bond, and it had nothing to do with how he looked at all.
There was a very dramatic whip-pan to Craig from across a casino table. The shot was so ridiculous, it reminded me of the Scooby-Doo teaser trailer where you think it's Batman's silhouette in the darkness and it drastically swivels around to show Scooby Doo. I mean, in this teaser trailer, they zoomed into Craig so quickly, like he was about to say "One HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!"
If Craig winked or something, and played that shot in a cheeky way, it would've been fine. Or if the shot was a still, medium shot with Craig just sitting there with the same look, it'd be fine.
In my own opinion, a more fair shot would be something like this:
The trailer opens with slow motion spinning of the roulette wheel that Craig's sitting in front of. Throughout the trailer, you cut to close-ups of hands holding cards. Then at the end of the trailer, splice a slow pan towards Craig with clips of the exotic action scenes. I think that'd be much more fair to Craig. Any thoughts?
I don't think the shot has anything to do with Craig not looking like Bond. I hate to say this but picture Brosnan in the same shot.
I figured they wanted to finish the teaser to symbolize the finished transformation of the young Bond into the bond we all knew.

So Campbell wanted to have a shot which looks like Connery's first appearance in Dr No.

But what a failure. it proves how much Craig isn't Connery, the best bond for the majority of bond fans.
Bet you any money you like that that shot is not in the film.
there is nothing wrong with that shot of bond, i dont understand why people are so concerned about the these little insignificances.
One the one hand I understand that the franchise is made for the fans as they are who pay the franchies way, so of course you're entitled to your opinions.

I just think it gets a little picky at times
the gael said:
But what a failure. it proves how much Craig isn't Connery, the best bond for the majority of bond fans.

You dont get it do you. Its not about Craig trying to be Connery, its about Craig being Craig and giving us a different Bond from the others. Craig's Bond is an inexperienced 007 who will evolve as he does more movies.
The problem with so many people about Craig is that they're to hooked on the past. Bond is Bond, the aesthetics of the charcter mostly stays the same but CR is the genesis of Bond's career as a 00 agent and Craig's look does perfect job in complementing what this movie is set out to achieve.
I have no problems with that shot at all. I'll take it over "This never happened to the other fellow;)" any day of the week!......
To be honest, that was the one shot that made me a tad uneasy. Its strange because in Layer cake he pulled off the formal suit perfectly.
Flame on! said:
Bet you any money you like that that shot is not in the film.

Does anyone think that shot is actually in the movie?
omg...i totaly agree dat da last shot of craig...was sooo UN BOND....he looked just plain ugly...but i'm still gonna wait for da movie until i can coment as to how good of a bond he is...but sooo far...he does not look like a bond
I think the last shot, minus any winks or cuteness is reflective of the fact that this is a harder-edged Bond, within no more nonsense. Which I agree with. I think that Brosnan's run was lacking because they were still injecting a certain amount of silliness into the films (As well as poor scripts and whimpish villains...)

But having said that- Craig still just looks wrong. Every time I watch that shot I get creeped out. As others have said, I thought I was looking at a Bond villain- not Bond himself. When Craig was cast, I was one of those willing to give hiim a shot. But I'm very, VERY skeptical at this point.
I dont like the last shot very much.
It didnt fit to me.

Daniel Craig will do great as Bond, nonetheless.
Personally I think that's a great shot of him but I seem to be in the minority on that one.
drunkhomer said:
omg...i totaly agree dat da last shot of craig...was sooo UN BOND....he looked just plain ugly...but i'm still gonna wait for da movie until i can coment as to how good of a bond he is...but sooo far...he does not look like a bond

Speak english.
Yeah, I doubt that last shot is even in the film... Feels like it was shot for the teaser.
drunkhomer said:
omg...i totaly agree dat da last shot of craig...was sooo UN BOND....he looked just plain ugly...but i'm still gonna wait for da movie until i can coment as to how good of a bond he is...but sooo far...he does not look like a bond

Ouch... You just killed the English language :(
Mentok said:
Ouch... You just killed the English language :(

If you can explain to me what he just wrote down, I would be very grateful... or not.
The Trainman said:
If you can explain to me what he just wrote down, I would be very grateful... or not.

I had to read it three times and all that did was give me a headache :(
my moms reaction to that last shot. i guess because thats the only good look of bond you get in the trailer. but yeah her reaction was..."ew!" lol. but i like the new look of bond. just wish he wasnt so blonde.
well, the shot is the only shot were they tried to make craig the " true " james bond. And he sucked so much... He seems to ask " were I am, What am I doing ? " lol

this guy sucks. Sean Connery is the only true james bond
The last shot was a little akward, when the camera first zoomed in, I thought he was going to say, "Bond. James Bond." But he just shifted his gaze, ah well...

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