The Man Thread


Dec 8, 2005
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this isnt strictly a thread for men, but its a take on the man show. We'll bascially discuss subjects that guys regularaly talk about;women,sex,sports,cars, and make jokes.
isn't the whole hype that already.
I feel so tough and empowered now.

All thanks to this thread. :)

And 8 shots of Vodka. :)
aww come on guys, all it is you have to do is talk shnit when your around your guy friends, i dunno why you guys are acting like you dont do it.
CConn said:
I feel so tough and empowered now.

All thanks to this thread. :)

And 8 shots of Vodka. :)

Pfft...I drink 8 shots for breakfast! *Puffs out chest and beats it in apelike manner*
GoldenAgeHero said:
aww come on guys, all it is you have to do is talk shnit when your around your guy friends, i dunno why you guys are acting like you dont do it.
Pfft...I drink a whole f**king bottle of Everclear when I wake up. Then I score free breakfast at the hospital when getting my stomach pumped.
Dr. Victor Lehnsherr said:

ewww. her breasts are flabby.

has anyone watched a porn, they thought the woman in was butt ugly, but for some reason you kept watching ti anyways?
my dreams of her have shattered! anywho. so have anyone experience the porn problem two posts above
If I ever download porn, which I haven't in a while, it's with a porn star I like. So no, can't say I have.
CConn said:
I feel so tough and empowered now.

All thanks to this thread. :)

And 8 shots of Vodka. :)


Also, forget the shot glass; you've nothing to be ashamed of. Just enjoy the bottle.
her boob apears to return to it's resting position quicky enough. that's what big boobs do when you lift them up like that.
This reminds me of the thread Kainedamo made about that dumb book by Maddox.
Don't we do this kinda thing in every thread?
She got punched in the face by an old woman. Hard. It was hilarious. Eight second video.
I don't put milk in my cereal, I put moonshine and arsenic in. Then when I'm at hospital, I get *****. Take that for manlyness:o
Master Chief said:
She got punched in the face by an old woman. Hard. It was hilarious. Eight second video.

Are you serious? i got to see that.
dmcnx said:
I don't put milk in my cereal, I put moonshine and arsenic in. Then when I'm at hospital, I get *****. Take that for manlyness:o

Son! I aint seen you in ages. What up though

*makes a note to put you in my homies list later*

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