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The Dark Knight Rises The Miscellaneous Wishlist


May 15, 2008
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It's the little things that make films great; the Batman-Gordon-Dent triumvirate on the rooftop of the GCPD taken straight outta the Long Halloween, the iconic shot in Batman Begins with Batman on the ramparts of some building, surveying the city with his cloak draped around him like folded wings.

So basically,

Name all the miscellaneous little ideas or comic-book references that you'd love to see but don't really relate to a specific character or thread. And post some pics of comic book panels that just have to be Nolanised.
I want to see some serious damage to a skyscraper. The burning bat building poster gave me a thirst for some 9/11-esque repurcussions to Gotham city - and whilst we had a hospital building blow up, it's not quite the same as seeing some sick rogue literally tear down a pillar of civilisation. Skyscraper's have inherent connotations of security to us, they represent wealth and stability - which is why 9/11 was so horrifying. Lets see the world burn.

I want some sort of reference to the Year One scene where Batman strikes at the Comissoner's dinner - "Ladies, Gentlemen. You have eaten well."

And I want Barbara Gordon murdered in a Non-Man's-Land Sarah-Essen style. That kind of "WTF!" moment.

Oh and, should Catwoman be involved, we're gonna have to see this.

1.I thought you were against the whole "bigger explosions and terror" and "outdoing joker's carnage" angle? now youre asking for 9/11, gotham style?
2.i agree about the " youve eaten well " scene, but it looks like the new punisher has a very similar scene, where punisher darkens a room, stands on the banquet table,lights a flare, and delivers a similar message. it immediately made me think of that scene in year one. i know the lowly punisher film should in no way hinder our bat-enjoyment, but its something to consider. it really sucks when something rips something else off, and somehow makes the original source look like the copycat, simply because it manages to beat the original to public exposure.
3. gordon destroyed the signal, and it wasnt big enough for selina to straddle
1.I thought you were against the whole "bigger explosions and terror" and "outdoing joker's carnage" angle? now youre asking for 9/11, gotham style?
There's loads of different ways that the next film could go, but I'd love to be pinned in my seat in absolute terror as the unthinkable unfolds on screen before my eyes. It might be a bit much for a whole skyscraper to collapse, but there's ways of evoking 9/11 (that deep-seated horror) without being over-the-top. Maybe 'just' have a massive fire on multiple floors, with Batman caught in the midst of it (and having to glide away with burning wings!!!) or have something tear a chunk out of a building as the climax.

2) No way! Damn. I hate it when that happens. That scene belongs in a Batman film, and, whilst I haven't and will never see a punisher film, it's terrible that they've claimed some sort of cinematic ownership of the scene. Having said that, punisher films aren't exactly wide-exposure. It's mainly a fare for action-nuts and Marvel fans isn't it?

3) Well maybe the new bat-signal (they'll have to have the bat-signal re-installed in the sequel) is a bit bigger...!
I'd like to see Gordon, at some point in the film, ousted as Comissioner. After the Batman goes on the run, the city doesn't believe Gordon to be doing all he can to catch him, and thus pressure the mayor to bring in someone who will, at all costs, take down the bat. If that happens, I'd love an Ellen Yindel type character.

Of course, he'd be restored by the end of the film, but it would be interesting to see Gordon, like Batman, as a renegade. Imagine him sneaking into the GCPD headquarters to steal evidence and secretly help Batman.

Also, bringing in a new Comish detirmined to find Batman could lead to the introduction of the Riddler as an operative of the GCPD, who slowly becomes more and more obsessed with the identity of Batman and develops this criminal persona to draw him out.

Those are my wishes for the plot of the next film. Also, if not a full-fledged appearance, I want to hear something about the Joker, and perhaps see his influence on the criminal aspect of Gotham.
Dear Santa-Nolan:

For Batman 3 I want:

1.Catwoman (played by a GREAT actress, preferiably Marion Cotillard)
2.The Riddler (not played by Johnny Depp)
3.A chaotic Gotham (less than in TDK, tho)
4.A fantastic script
5.Nolan to return
1.I NEED(not want,need) Catwoman. And the actress needs to be good
2. A good storyline
3.Batman to stop growling
4. Just keep doing what you are doing, its awesome

-"Caped Crusader" as title
-Not Catwoman
-The Riddler
-Something about The Joker (reference or influence). He can´t be ignored
-The return of the Batsignal, Wayne Mayor and a new Batcave
-A final who matches with the Batman we know and love: HE´S A LEGEND
We start bad since the title :O
i liked all choche's choices except the title, and the idea of not including catwoman, im thoroughly convinced she must be in it since she can fill the vacant love interest slot and provide costumed supervillainy at the same time. she's needed.
I want to see Batman use batarangs. I found it really strange that they were completely absent from TDK, with the exception of him looking at them in the Batbunker.

I'd like to see a return of the lenses, but not as sonar, obviously. They'd work as nightvision, I suppose.
1. Nolan to continue his hot-streak and deliver us a stupendous third entry surpassing it's bigger brother "TDK."
2. Catwoman needs to come in.
3. Either Penguin or Riddler as the main antagonist with a lesser known villain as the secondary villain. I'm looking at you Black Mask, Bane, Ventriloquist, or Talia.
4. Rupert Thorne and Alberto Falcone need to be the remaining mob factions.
5. Gordon should either be stripped of his commissioner title or have Bullock and Ellen Yindel keeping tabs that he'll go with his word on capturing the Batman. Bullock will think he is a ***** while Ellen will think he is not man enough for the job.
6. Peter Paulsing, instead of commissioner could be a crooked cop on the take for Rupert Thorne. Gordon could see that there's still some shadiness going on behind the scenes inside his department.
7. Possible cameos by Batman rogues or allies.
8. A hint at Robin maybe by movie's end by having Bruce go to the circus with a date but we don't see or know what happens and if they even went to see the Flying Graysons.
1. Nolan to continue his hot-streak and deliver us a stupendous third entry surpassing it's bigger brother "TDK."
2. Catwoman needs to come in.
3. Either Penguin or Riddler as the main antagonist with a lesser known villain as the secondary villain. I'm looking at you Black Mask, Bane, Ventriloquist, or Talia.
4. Rupert Thorne and Alberto Falcone need to be the remaining mob factions.
5. Gordon should either be stripped of his commissioner title or have Bullock and Ellen Yindel keeping tabs that he'll go with his word on capturing the Batman. Bullock will think he is a ***** while Ellen will think he is not man enough for the job.
6. Peter Paulsing, instead of commissioner could be a crooked cop on the take for Rupert Thorne. Gordon could see that there's still some shadiness going on behind the scenes inside his department.
7. Possible cameos by Batman rogues or allies.
8. A hint at Robin maybe by movie's end by having Bruce go to the circus with a date but we don't see or know what happens and if they even went to see the Flying Graysons.

A hint at Robin somewhere would be kinda cool even though I don't really like him...

1) Really the only request that I can come up with right now is to have the batmobile back (whether be the tumbler or something different) and to have Wayne Manor and the Batcave back!
Cool new, sportier Batmobile (modified Ferrari enzo?)
The Batcave in all it's gothic, high-tech glory!
A new, less techy Batsuit (NO BOBBLEHEAD!)
A less gloomy, dank Gotham City
Batman evolving into the hero of Gotham City
More humor
Thank you for your consideration!

(Regarding the Tumbler, I always thought it funny that all it would take is for one person who worked on it for Wayne Ent.
to recognize it on the news and finger Bruce Wayne as a likely suspect as the Batman)
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1. If the Riddler is included, have his dickish narcissism brought to the fore, even if his demeanor is classy and reserved, he must still manage to be quite obnoxious, it is possible to be all those things at once, believe me. i hate to invoke the dreaded Batman Forever, but one of my favorite moments was always when riddler lasers his giant question mark in the sky, using the bat signal as the period. It sends me to the floor laughing every time, and is totally in line with what the characters all about. He is a showman, there is nothing "behind the scenes " about this man. For all his talk of mystery, he always loses because he gives it all away.I know this alone cant be the driving engine for a character in a series of movies that so far has covered epic, universal societal themes, but hell maybe ego and vanity could tie into the next installment's larger themes.Dont make him too homicidal either, he should only be willing to kill if someone stands directly in his way.
2.Small cameos and mentions for a few bat rogues- the freaks should be sprouting up by now in joker's wake. lets hear some arkham names on the news. i remember when there was that false hope that the guy dent interrogated in the alley was tetch, but he turned out to be some guy called schiff. Man why couldnt that have been tetch? he was a paranoid schizophrenic and everything, he even looked rather like john tenniel's original illustration of the hatter.
3.More familiar GCPD cops, Allen, Bock, Corrigan, Bullock, Sawyer, Cohen, Chandler, Essen. the ranks got thinned out last time out, the MCU could use some new faces. Id say the police are highly likely to be an integral part of the next flick's story.
4.yeh, the joker has to be mentioned in some capacity, a few times actually. remember how long people talked about the OJ trial or 9/11 after they happened? The impact of one of history's most brazen and diverse crime waves must be felt.
5.bring scarecrow back, even if for just another small scene.
6.If Catwoman's in, dont give very little detail as to her past, make her a mysterious socialite who blows into town, let her hint at her shady background intimately to bruce maybe. we dont need much exposition or explanation for her character, much like the joker, she just does what she does, in her case very adeptly stealing things.
7. maybe yet another batsuit upgrade, one he could have from the get go without any exposition this time. maybe just one little line( well the new suit's "blah blah blah" allowed for me to "blah blah blah")
8. slightly more stylized new car. it probably gets cold up in gotham, he cant be riding around in open air all year.i doubt he would rebuild the tumbler without revisions in its design. in the comics hes got a new car every few months.
9.Let us see more of the train again. Im not saying build another set piece around it, but in TDK you only see it way in the background of that first shot of joker on the street from behind. The presence of his parents as a whole was not felt in TDK. they werent mentioned once. odd for a bat flick. but it could be a good or bad thing depending on your point of view.
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1. Gordan still working secretly with Batman. They meet in back alleys and such so their alliance is secret. Gordon is trying to weed the corruption out of the GCPD and Batman is helping him. I think it would be foolish for Gordon to be stripped of the commissioner title already.

2. A 'new' mob meeting. Similar to the mob meeting in TDK but between the new heads of organized crime in Gotham. Penguin, Black Mask, Ventriloquist, etc... Showing Gotham taken over by the freak criminals.

3. Catwoman as a woman inspired by Batman. She steals from the rich and gives to the poor. She adopts the 'cat' motiff because of Batman. Obviously one of the people she targets is Bruce Wayne. Perhaps stealing something, maybe the only thing he has left of his parents. Gives him the motivation for going after just a thief like Catwoman.

4. Batman fully realized. He embraced his role as Batman at the end of TDK, now I want to see the Batmobile, Batpod, and different Batsuits all contained in the newly, technologically revamped Batcave.

5. Joker and Two-face's actions continue into the next one. Joker knows the truth about who really killed those people, and he wants Batman to know he's not done yet. Trapped in Arkham, he uses the Riddler and Harley Quinn to continue his seige on the city. Riddles arrive at police Hq saying they know the truth about Harvey, leading Batman and Gordon to feverishly pursue the Riddler before the truth gets out.

6. No redemption for Batman. Sure he will be redeemed in the eyes of some Gothamites, but really he wasn't mr. popular in TDK so I don't think its a neccessary plot point for 3. All of Gotham shouldn't love him anyway, or it will turn into Spider-man 3.
1) Bullock

2) A batcave

3) Batman actually being a detective

4) Catwoman inspired by Batman

5) Bane hired to go after Batman

6) Penguin in a similar role as Maroni in TDK (mob presence)
^^hey, he did some detective work last time out, the whole bullet/ fingerprint thing. that was enough detection for me.
1. Gordan still working secretly with Batman. They meet in back alleys and such so their alliance is secret. Gordon is trying to weed the corruption out of the GCPD and Batman is helping him. I think it would be foolish for Gordon to be stripped of the commissioner title already.

2. A 'new' mob meeting. Similar to the mob meeting in TDK but between the new heads of organized crime in Gotham. Penguin, Black Mask, Ventriloquist, etc... Showing Gotham taken over by the freak criminals.

3. Catwoman as a woman inspired by Batman. She steals from the rich and gives to the poor. She adopts the 'cat' motiff because of Batman. Obviously one of the people she targets is Bruce Wayne. Perhaps stealing something, maybe the only thing he has left of his parents. Gives him the motivation for going after just a thief like Catwoman.

4. Batman fully realized. He embraced his role as Batman at the end of TDK, now I want to see the Batmobile, Batpod, and different Batsuits all contained in the newly, technologically revamped Batcave.

5. Joker and Two-face's actions continue into the next one. Joker knows the truth about who really killed those people, and he wants Batman to know he's not done yet. Trapped in Arkham, he uses the Riddler and Harley Quinn to continue his seige on the city. Riddles arrive at police Hq saying they know the truth about Harvey, leading Batman and Gordon to feverishly pursue the Riddler before the truth gets out.

6. No redemption for Batman. Sure he will be redeemed in the eyes of some Gothamites, but really he wasn't mr. popular in TDK so I don't think its a neccessary plot point for 3. All of Gotham shouldn't love him anyway, or it will turn into Spider-man 3.
Obviously, the next movie would take place sometime after this one, just as TDK took place a while after BB. He'd probably be Comissioner for about a year by then. Gordon can't sit on his ass anymore--he's actually got to go out there and bring in his friend. A Gotham that wants the Batman brought down at all costs probably isn't going to buy the guy who's been not-so-secretly cooperating with him for upwards of a year. It makes sense that they'd demand someone who they believe is actually going to accomplish it.
4.yeh, the joker has to be mentioned in some capacity, a few times actually. remember how long people talked about the OJ trial or 9/11 after they happened? The impact of one of history's most brazen and diverse crime waves must be felt.
I found it a little odd that there was very little reference to the attack on the narrows. Something like that would have had a huge effect on Gotham - it would have totally changed the way that the police dealt with rioting and terrorism - but it was kinda forgotten. The frustrating thing about Super-hero sequels is that the previous conflict is forgotten in light of the new one, whereas in reality, even once the villain has been subdued, the effects of his crimes are going to reverberate within the public deeply.

After the Joker, the people of Gotham will demand higher security - it would instigate a right-wing shift politically. Nolan's films are grounded in a plausible, realistic world, so this is something that, I feel, has to be adressed to maintain credibility.

I'd like to see Gordon, at some point in the film, ousted as Comissioner. After the Batman goes on the run, the city doesn't believe Gordon to be doing all he can to catch him, and thus pressure the mayor to bring in someone who will, at all costs, take down the bat. If that happens, I'd love an Ellen Yindel type character.
I really dont want that. It took two films to establish him in the role that Gordon most regularly occupies in the comics, so why abandon it so soon? Sure there's going to be lots of pressure on him, including public dissent - but this all makes good drama - showing how he can handle that and do his job regardless. I would want at least one film where he is commisioner throughout.

I definately want to see continued insight into the mayor and the legal workings of Gotham city. I like Nestor Carbonnel's portrayal, and think that with the hunt for Batman it would be natural to see a little more of him. It'd be interesting if it was shown that the guy wasn't totally legit; after all, Gotham is rife with corruption - perhaps see him cutting a deal with the mob.

No redemption for Batman. Sure he will be redeemed in the eyes of some Gothamites, but really he wasn't mr. popular in TDK so I don't think its a neccessary plot point for 3. All of Gotham shouldn't love him anyway, or it will turn into Spider-man 3.
Total redemption would counter the developments of the Dark Knight. Batman isn't meant to be seen as a public hero - he is the outcast, and that is why he is the hero. Because he can "make the choices no-one else can face". It should never be explicitly clear that he is not the murderer, however, there could be public events that cause lots of Gothamites to question the validity of the media message. Perhaps a reporter picks some holes in the idea that Batman was the killer - or perhaps there is media footage of Batman doing some good. It'd be far more interesting to have Gotham's mind split over whether Batman is good or bad than to have everyone thinking he's one or the other.

Batman should always be mysterious - Gotham should never have the full details of his actions. There should be conflicting information - some good, some bad.
Bruce Wayne/Batman-centric. (Taxi Driver, Batman-style)
Dark gray suit, straight from the comics.
No love-interest. (Sorry Catwoman-lovers, but he needs to go at this alone)
New Batmobile.
Riddler, played by someone who is not Johnny Depp.
Penguin, played by someone who is Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Violent-ass action. (Make Batman so farther in his fugitive status now.)
No happy ending. (Not one that requires more movies, but one that states there is way more story to tell in this Batman universe... Possibly in an animated series?...)

That's mine.:woot:

No Catwoman
Full Cast Is Back

graveyard scene
Batman experimenting in a lab like a scientist (in costume)
Bruce Wayne in costume without the mask
Bruce endlessly training himself (with weights, target practice, holding his breath, martial arts, foreign languages, etc.)
Batman knowing all his limits
Bullock and Montoya

I don't know what really, I want to see these ideas but I am pretty happy with how they handled it in part one and then especially in part two.
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