The Office: Season Finale


IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
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For some reason I could NOT find the thread...a mod can feel free to merge if they can find it :confused:

Anyone watch the season finale? Pam and Jim kissed, Michael got the girl. Great episode!
It's great that they're adding more drama, yet it's still hilarious! Now there's a whole summer until we find out what the heck will happen with Pam and Jim!

One part that I thought was really funny that probably slipped by most people was in the beginning when Michael said he was a big philanderer, when he really meant to say philanthropist. I thought that was great.

I love how they continue to play out the themes that they started in previous episodes. From Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, to all of the screwed up love-lives. Kelly and Ryan are perfect, as are Dwight and Angela, but Michael's new love triangle is great! Who'd have thunk that Jan was really interested?!

I'm really glad the show is doing well and it's progressing a lot!
I liked that Jim finally told Pam how he felt, the one thing I would've liked even more is if he said he requested a transfer because of it.
I loved the British version, but I love this one as much, which is rare.

I honestly thought Jim was going to hookup with Jan once Pam dissed him. Too bad for him, because Jan is hot. Though he loves Pam so its a real toss up. ;)

Creed owns us all: "They smell like death."<--from the last episode.
Gamma Ray said:
It's great that they're adding more drama, yet it's still hilarious! Now there's a whole summer until we find out what the heck will happen with Pam and Jim!

One part that I thought was really funny that probably slipped by most people was in the beginning was when Michael said he was a big philanderer, when he really meant to say philanthropist. I thought that was great.

I love how they continue to play out the themes that they started in previous episodes. From Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, to all of the screwed up love-lives. Kelly and Ryan are perfect, as are Dwight and Angela, but Michael's new love triangle is great! Who'd have thunk that Jan was really interested?!

I'm really glad the show is doing well and it's progressing a lot!

And yet oddly enough, Michael ended up a bit of a philanderer by the end!

Great finale, WOW at that ending. Awesome season in total, can't wait for the DVDs and Season 3.
Philanderer was great.

Yea...I loved the ending. Pam's "Yea, I do" to her mother seems to imply that she was saying she is inlove with Jim.

Highlight of the episode:

The look on B.J. Novak's face when Jim asked Ryan if that "thing" was still going on.
Michael and Toby's conversation was the funniest part.

I found the original season two thread. It was way back in April, but it was on my subscriptions.

This season finale ended on a real positive note for everyone except Jan. And in the British season two ended on such a downer and one of my favourite moments (because it made the Xmas Special great) was when Dawn turned down Tim but it was in silence.
slinger said:
Michael and Toby's conversation was the funniest part.

I found the original season two thread. It was way back in April, but it was on my subscriptions.

This season finale ended on a real positive note for everyone except Jan. And in the British season two ended on such a downer and one of my favourite moments (because it made the Xmas Special great) was when Dawn turned down Tim but it was in silence.

Yea, it seemed originally that it was going to end the same way with Jim getting turned down by Pam. I'm glad they changed it though. It would suck if this were a carbon copy of the British version.

Speaking of the British version...anyone notice the nod to it tonight? Michael wanted to give to Comic Relief and on the British version they had a Comic Relief day where they raised funds for Comic Relief?
Matt said:
Yea, it seemed originally that it was going to end the same way with Jim getting turned down by Pam. I'm glad they changed it though. It would suck if this were a carbon copy of the British version.

And after the series premiere a lot of people groaned how similar the two were and wanted it to fail. Now look at it. Arrested Development is dead, The Office continues on.
By the way, did anyone else really like the scene with Jan and Jim? It was as if Jim saw Jan, an entire mess because of Michael being with someone else...and instead of the writers taking the easy route (Jim and Jan hooking up)...they made it inspiration for Jim. He didn't want to be that...and when she said he should tell someone...he knew what he had to do. It was really a well done scene.
slinger said:
And after the series premiere a lot of people groaned how similar the two were and wanted it to fail. Now look at it. Arrested Development is dead, The Office continues on.

Yep. The differences are subtle, but enough. Jim and Tim for example. Tim was a bit of a loser (living with his parents, no chance for job advancement)...Jim on the other hand has his own place, and seems to be able to advance were he to choose to do so (as last weeks episode proved). The differences are there...and they make it all the better. The Office is probably the funniest show on TV right now. I look forward to Jim and Pam potentially being together next season. I would love to see the show's take on the office romance, friends trying to be more, etc.
I'm glad they "interviewed" some of the other office workers. Creed is awesome and he finally got some good screen time and a subplot.
Matt said:
Yep. The Office is probably the funniest show on TV right now. I look forward to Jim and Pam potentially being together next season. I would love to see the show's take on the office romance, friends trying to be more, etc.

There could be four romances going on next season. Of course a couple won't work out which will lead to hilarious results.
I just read Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (creators of the original) are writing scripts for the U.S. Office next season. Great news :up:
Steve Carrell wrote the episode.

Nice to see Carrell work with his wife, Nancy Walls.
Dr. Evil said:
Steve Carrell wrote the episode.

Nice to see Carrell work with his wife, Nancy Walls.

I was wondering when they were going to incorporate her into the show. They had great chemistry on The Daily Show way back in 2001.

Carell was credited for writing the episode, but all the writers worked on it.

Michael: Tonight, the Scranton Business Park is having Casino Night, and we are converting our warehouse into a full-blown gambling hall. And I know it's illegal in Pennsylvania, but, uh, it's for charity. And I consider myself a great philanderer.

Pam: It's a nice tux.
Dwight: I know. It belonged to my grandfather. He was buried in it. So…family heirloom.

Kevin (about his charity): Something with animals…or people.

Angela: We are giving money that has been gambled. Why don't we just deal drugs or prostitute ourselves, and give that money to charity?

Jim: Why did I talk to Jan about transferring? Well, you know…I have no future here.

Creed: Oh, I steal things all the time. It's just something I do. … Honestly, I love stealing things.

Michael: Lady Fortune is your boss.
Stanley: Will Lady Fortune give me a raise?

Toby: I don't really play cards, but I'm not gonna lie to you. It felt really good to take money from Michael. … Gonna chase that feeling.
It was hilarious when Kevin, claiming to be a poker champion, lost to Phyllis who didn't even know what she had! What a great night it was!
Creed: Oh, I steal things all the time. It's just something I do. &#8230; Honestly, I love stealing things.

Best line ever.
Matt said:
I just read Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (creators of the original) are writing scripts for the U.S. Office next season. Great news :up:
I suppose that means they approve. :up:

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