I dont think Whedon will direct. Whedon, like a lot of directors, likes to be involved in the development of his projects. Hes just as much a writer as he is a director, and I dont think he would be interested in directing Singers pitch as written by Moss, while confined to a universe created by Singer and further complicated by Ratner and Hoods previous visions.
In fact, this is one of my worries for the X-Men franchise. The franchise is so far along, and has been passed around enough, that good, creative directors may begin to pass it up because they dont want to be limited by who and what has come before, not to mention being limited by a studio whos developed a reputation for micro-managing its talent. I know having multiple directors has worked for other franchises without limiting their ability to attract quality talent, but the X-Men franchise has never maintained the reception and subsequent attractiveness of, say, the Harry Potter franchise.
Anyway, with regards to Whedon, I especially dont think hell be interested since Fox is supposedly looking to rush First Class along to meet a 2011 release date.
I agree this movie has been passed around way to much...
Personally i feel that this movie became uncreative when fox got too much involved with x-men 3...
Bryan Singer's - X-Men was brilliant it set the mark and had two somewhat good stories. Now you could see where Singer was going to go with the film in X3, i mean the whole phoenix story was building up magnetos war would come to a head. This is what i feel...
By time they were making x3 and found singer couldnt commit, they thought they had enough ideas and combination that they believed they could continue his work through another director. But they were wrong.
The trouble was they needed a director that could be as creative and innovated like Bryan Singer - at the time there wasnt really anyone out there that could commit. I always felt JJ Abrahams was ideal, i liked his work with Lost, i felt he could bring something to the table but JJ was at the time extremely busy with LOST and wouldnt of been able to come on board. Now some could suggest well you had Whedon a huge comic book nerd who would love to get his hands on the goods, but then so was brett ranter, only difference between the two was that Whedon had actually written for x-men where as Brett not so much...
The thing is, ive always felt that a comic book movie could either be a direct translation because the source material is solid, or you need to retranslate the stories into a new film ultimate universe retelling.
By the point of x3, Bryan singer had already lad the ground work and opted for going into the new film ultimate universe retelling... I believe that if Whedon Or Brett had gotten there hands on the movie franchise from x-men 1 we would of had an x-men story that was almost a direct translation from the source material... i.e basically x-men 1 would of probably been something like the second genises where the original x-men are supposidly died and the wolverine and storm are brought in... blah blah blah.
Now the problem with X3 was that we already had the film ultimate universe that was lade down by bryan singer... Fox new the direction they wanted it to go. But Brett stuck closer to the comics... ultimately if i were to quote the ghostbusters "crossing the streams, you shouldnt cross the streams" so essentially you had x2 ending on a new film ulternate reality retelling of x-men to x3 being a direct translation from the comics... and that is why it didnt work.
The best option Fox should of took was to delay making X3 and wait for Bryan Singer.
Now its future is on the line because both Ratner and Hood, borrowed too much from comics and the stories are no longer original...
If First Class is to work, do not use the source material be original, & GET JJ ABRAHAM! because he knows story structure and how to be original... there is alot of original ideas used within lost.