The Official Skaar: Son of Hulk Thread

Mr. Green

Where the Wild Hulks Are
Jan 30, 2005
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We're seven issues in and with the announcement of Planet Skaar I thought it was time to start a Skaar thread.

If you haven't heard, in issue 11 Skaar gets stuck on Earth and just like there was Planet Hulk, now there will be Planet Skaar. Here's the solicit:


Written by GREG PAK
Penciled by DAN PANOSIAN

Reed Richards just found out that the Hulk has a son. A great, big barbarian son named Skaar who's known nothing but blood and rage after being abandoned by his father to be born on fire on a war-torn alien planet. And now Skaar's coming to Earth, where a showdown with his father could literally split the globe in two. So with just twenty four hours to spare, Mr. Fantastic must determine how to face the advent of… PLANET SKAAR! Don't miss the perfect jumping on point for a brand new epic in which the Son of Hulk finally slashes straight into the heart of the Marvel Universe! PLUS, 8 pages of Director's Cut style extras!
Apparently in this Skaar fights a giant, blacked-out penis.


Written by GREG PAK
Penciled by RON LIM

Too savage for the savage planet of Sakaar, the Son of Hulk has been exiled to the puny little mudball known as EARTH! Can a confrontation with his father be far behind? Also -- the return of the Warbound! These monstrous alien heroes stood by the Green Goliath throughout the epic tales of Planet Hulk and World War Hulk. Now can they save the soul of the Hulk's barbarian boy? Skaar, Son of Hulk, begins his epic clash with the Marvel Universe with PLANET SKAAR, PART ONE!

So anybody else reading this or looking forward to Planet Skaar? In issue 7 there was a sick Skaar/Silver Surfer fight. Anyone else read that?
I think Skaar and the new Savage She-Hulk will collide eventually Hopefully they don't do it. cause they are half brother/sister.

I'm pretty sure thats not a big blacked out penis. I think Skaar is going to unhulk in this issue.
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There will indeed be a battle of She-Hulks.

Penciled by PETER VALE

As the all-new, all-different She-Hulk continues her relentless rampage through New York, the mysterious target of the desperate mission that brought her to our time period is revealed -- and it's a doozy! Only one thing stands between the daughter of Hulk and Thundra and the object of her quest -- her name is JENNIFER WALTERS, and she won't let the She-Hulk mantle be taken away from her without a catfight that measures 10 on the Richter scale! And no matter what the outcome, the DARK AVENGERS wait in the wings to take on the winner! Plus, 8 pages of Director’s Cut-style extras!
So far all the upcoming Hulk stuff looks good. if only we could get HULK a new writer
I look forward to seeing the Warbound again. Ever since their mini wrapped up they've been out of the spotlight and I can't wait to see how they respond to Skaar's arrival and how their reuniting with Hulk will go.

I wonder if he'll be going up against Osborn and HAMMER or what. I can't wait til this comes out.
That shadow has been expanded. When it was first released it looked like this.


Making me think that the shadow is of Franklin Richards.

Son of Hulk VS Son of Richards

Oh and I'm also tired of all these strongmen getting upgraded and meanwhile Marvel's First strong guy is starting to fall behind EVERYONE.

I say let the Thing put Skaar in his place while he's here. Ben deserves it.

:ff: :ff: :ff:
I'm just looking forward to getting some freakin closure on the whole Planet hulk saga, cause ever since WWH ended they've completely ignored it. Banner has no reaction to what happened to him, hulk is dumb again and the warbound are nowhere to be it'll be nice to finally get some sort of closure on this.
The Warbound deserve to be back in the Spotlight and Hulk was at his very best in WWH. I'm hyped for Skaar, but I'll be waiting for the TPB.... I hate waiting months for a story to resolve :(
Oh and I'm also tired of all these strongmen getting upgraded and meanwhile Marvel's First strong guy is starting to fall behind EVERYONE.

I say let the Thing put Skaar in his place while he's here. Ben deserves it.

:ff: :ff: :ff:

I hear ya, Colossus has been in the same boat as Ben for quite some time now :(
That shadow has been expanded. When it was first released it looked like this.


Making me think that the shadow is of Franklin Richards.

Son of Hulk VS Son of Richards

Oh and I'm also tired of all these strongmen getting upgraded and meanwhile Marvel's First strong guy is starting to fall behind EVERYONE.

I say let the Thing put Skaar in his place while he's here. Ben deserves it.

:ff: :ff: :ff:

If Skaar does Unhulk, it'll be into a kid instead of a man....:oldrazz:
That shadow has been expanded. When it was first released it looked like this.


Making me think that the shadow is of Franklin Richards.

Son of Hulk VS Son of Richards

Oh and I'm also tired of all these strongmen getting upgraded and meanwhile Marvel's First strong guy is starting to fall behind EVERYONE.

I say let the Thing put Skaar in his place while he's here. Ben deserves it.

:ff: :ff: :ff:
Hmm... That's interesting. I kind of think it might be Cho but if it really were Son of Hulk vs. Son of Richards, that would be pretty cool. Franklin Richards, if he starts getting his powers now, will be cool as hell. I hope they do that thing they do in comics where they gradually age him to an adult, meanwhile nobody else ages.
I just hope it's better than World War Hulk. Skaar's a second chance for Pak to actually write a story instead of a series of fights in this situation. I hope he does it well. :up:
I just picked up the newest issue with the Silver Surfer. I only picked it up because I love all things Cosmic and the Silver Surfer and Galactus caught my interests. I'm not sure if I'll be sticking around but it was definately an interesting read. It's got until the end of the arc to hook me. Problem is, I don't have the money for more titles so I'd have to drop something else, so it'll really have to make me like it to stay on.
I look forward to this obviously. I am especially curious to see the Hulk's reaction. Will the Gravage personality come back when he finds out he had a son?
I just picked up the newest issue with the Silver Surfer. I only picked it up because I love all things Cosmic and the Silver Surfer and Galactus caught my interests. I'm not sure if I'll be sticking around but it was definately an interesting read. It's got until the end of the arc to hook me. Problem is, I don't have the money for more titles so I'd have to drop something else, so it'll really have to make me like it to stay on.
Drop Hulk!
Ah, I see. It sounds like an actual name, so I thought it was another character.
Will have to pick this up when it comes to TPB, hopefully this will mean the Planet Hulk stroyline comes full circle and actually gets finished now.
Yeah, Greg Pak said a while that he had a trilogy planned. Planet Hulk, WWH, and now Planet Skaar, or probably more like the Skaar run in general.

I really hope Skaar's either stranded on Earth for good and becomes a normal part of the MU, or gets to go on crazy cosmic adventures.

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