Superman: Doomsday - produced by Bruce Timm and written by Duane Capizzi, from a story by Timm & Capizzi
late 2007/early 2008
Will this be the "Death of Superman" story or something else? It's reasonable to say that Doomsday could be an enemy. Whatever the story may be, at least Timm is behind the project.
I wonder if the animation will follow the Superman: TAS style? It will be cool to have a straight to video release of a PG-13 Superman movie, though! Too bad that it's a while off.
late 2007/early 2008
Will this be the "Death of Superman" story or something else? It's reasonable to say that Doomsday could be an enemy. Whatever the story may be, at least Timm is behind the project.
I wonder if the animation will follow the Superman: TAS style? It will be cool to have a straight to video release of a PG-13 Superman movie, though! Too bad that it's a while off.