Superman II The Official Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Discussion/News Thread!!!!


Aug 11, 2005
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*Well I hate that every so often a new thread comes up on this subject. This should be the only thread with news and things like that.

"Warner Home Video"
"On November 28 2006 in celebration of the year of Superman, Warner Home Video will release a host of DVDs, all starring the late Christopher Reeve in his landmark portrayal of the Man of Steel. Leading the way will be the long-awaited Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut ($24.98 SRP), directed by Donner and representing Superman II as it was originally conceived and intended to be filmed. An overwhelmingly requested title, the movie features Donner's original footage, shot but never used before, including a never-before-seen beginning, a never-before-seen resolution, with 15 minutes of restored footage of Marlon Brando as Jor-El and much more."
(More info on it's release at this link)



I have the IRC version of Superman 2 and the newer scenes make the movie have a different feel, and it's obvious that Donner wanted to let Lois know Superman's secret but Lester added the memory kiss scene.
Lazlo Panaflex said:
I have the IRC version of Superman 2 and the newer scenes make the movie have a different feel, and it's obvious that Donner wanted to let Lois know Superman's secret but Lester added the memory kiss scene.

The International Restored Cut is different from the new Richard Donner Cut. It has some of donner's footage but this will contain alot more. It will be alot different from the IRC also. :supes: :up:
When is this coming out on DVD again??
i was watching that Look Up in the Sky documentary, and there was a shot of Lois Lane wearing Superman's shirt. i wonder if that's part of the deleted scenes of Superman 2. like after they make love or something.
Jlandsw said:
When is this coming out on DVD again??

Sometime in the last quarter of this year or maybe even next year if they need more time.
SFII said:
i was watching that Look Up in the Sky documentary, and there was a shot of Lois Lane wearing Superman's shirt. i wonder if that's part of the deleted scenes of Superman 2. like after they make love or something.

Well, it was in the original script...but the way it looked could've been a lighting/costume/make-up test
I read the whole Donner SMII script! Very cool. I like the idea of lois jumping out of the Daily Planet window better! On the other hand, I like the idea of Clark falling into the fireplace and revealing himself rather then Lois shooting him with a blank.
First of all. Superman II: The Donner Cut is my most anticipated release of the year. My question is. Is there anyone out there who's worried that the new version might be a let down? Donner himself isn't directly involved with the project, but at the same time they are editing based on the original shooting script. The pivotal scene of Lois firing a gun a Clark to reveal that he's Superman was never shot, however they will be using screen test footage of Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder. Plus Donner had only filmed about 70% of SMII so they will have to incorporate Richard Lester footage to fill the gaps.

My take is, there can never be a true Richard Donner version of Superman II based on the sole fact that Richard Donner never finished it. The version coming out will be as close as possible to the completed work. 70% is a lot and if it had been less then 70% I feel a Donner version would have been impossible. As far as the screen test footage goes. Yes, it will probably stand out, but I feel with proper editing they can make it look like it belongs with the rest of the film. You would think to just not have the scene in the movie, however it's a scene that's very important. Screen test or not, at least it exists in some form.
sidewinder57 said:
First of all. Superman II: The Donner Cut is my most anticipated release of the year. My question is. Is there anyone out there who's worried that the new version might be a let down? Donner himself isn't directly involved with the project, but at the same time they are editing based on the original shooting script. The pivotal scene of Lois firing a gun a Clark to reveal that he's Superman was never shot, however they will be using screen test footage of Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder. Plus Donner had only filmed about 70% of SMII so they will have to incorporate Richard Lester footage to fill the gaps.

My take is, there can never be a true Richard Donner version of Superman II based on the sole fact that Richard Donner never finished it. The version coming out will be as close as possible to the completed work. 70% is a lot and if it had been less then 70% I feel a Donner version would have been impossible. As far as the screen test footage goes. Yes, it will probably stand out, but I feel with proper editing they can make it look like it belongs with the rest of the film. You would think to just not have the scene in the movie, however it's a scene that's very important. Screen test or not, at least it exists in some form.

If scenes are unusable they will not use them or they will reshoot them using doubles if they have characters from far of.

It wont be some fan edit so it will be pretty good quality but look a little worn..... like the Superman dvds have been.

It's called Superman: The Richard Donner Cut.....

Can't wait!!!!:supes: :up:

It's gonna be a whole New Adventure but out of continity with Superman Returns.....

oh well....Its gonna be good.:supes: :)
Remember that report a few months back about how they were looking to hire a body double to re-shoot some Chris Reeve scenes that have since deteriorated for Superman II? Nothing specific I'm thinking...just like some reference shots from afar...

Still, nice to know that some real effort is being put into the Donner cut of Superman II. :up:
Finnally some NEWS::

According to the web site for Comic-Con International 2006 in San Diego, Warner Home Video and a variety of Superman celebrities will be participating in "Warner Home Video's Superman Through The Ages" Panel on Friday, July 21, 2006 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. This panel will feature a look at "extended exlusive footage for Superman II -- The Richard Donner Cut." Here's Comic-Con's description of the panel:
1:00-2:00 Warner Home Video's Superman Through The Ages— Featuring special guests from the film and television incarnations of Superman, including a special reunion with surprise guests and extended exclusive footage for Superman II—The Richard Donner Cut. Q&A with Marc McClure, Jack O'Halloran, Tom Mankiewicz (creative consultant), Michael Thau (editor in charge of the SII reconstruction), and more. Also in attendance super-secret special guests from the Adventures of Superman, Lois and Clark, Smallville, Superman The Animated Series, and Superman Returns! Room 20


YAY! I hope we get a Superman II: The Donner Cut trailier, that's gonna be pretty cool. Only like 2 weeks or so.....

cant wait!!

I found this on about a new opening for Superman II:

Ilya and me reckon the beginning of Donner's Superman 2 should open like this:

As the credits come to an end, in the background we see the Earth spinning backwards. This sends out shockwaves, they ripple towards us, even skewing the final credits.

The shockwaves from turning back the world cracks the phantom zone.

Cut to an aerial shot of Metropolis.

So now the ending of Superman carries more order to save one life, he has put the lives of millions in jepoardy. The stakes have risen dramatically, Superman can't turn back time again either knowing the dangerous pitfalls. What do you guys think? What does Michael Thau think? No chance now, but I strongly believe this is the way it should open.

CinemaInsomnia has posted up interviews with Jack and Sarah. The host stumbles upon an interesting idea, he thought that the consequence of turning back the world sent shockwaves across the galaxy thus shattering the phantom zone, you know...I think that's a great idea. Superman doesn't pay the price despite his father's warning, but he should and that host got it.

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut is the official title and has been awarded a PG rating [sequences of action violence, some language and brief mild sensuality] by the MPAA. A limited theatrical release is not outside the realms of possibility. This means that this is not a rough cut as such, but a film ready to be shown on the big screen. John Williams has not been asked to score the film.


This is from last month but I never saw this stuff posted last month.
In the Wikipedia article, it states Donner, Tom M. and Michael Thau will be involved in the "restoration" process. However, I've read posts that state Donner isn't involved. Could someone please clear this up for me!

Side Note: No John Williams *Shakes head in disappointment*
Furious Styles said:
In the Wikipedia article, it states Donner, Tom M. and Michael Thau will be involved in the "restoration" process. However, I've read posts that state Donner isn't involved. Could someone please clear this up for me!

”Moriarty”: So are you involved in the new DVD release of SUPERMAN II?

Richard Donner: Here’s how I’m involved. Michael Thau... it was his idea because he had read so much on the internet about how people wanted to see it.

”M”: Sure.

RD: So he went to Warners... with my blessings. He asked me. And at first, they weren’t going to do it. Then they did the research, and lo and behold, they flew the negative over from England and started reprinting every foot...

”M”: Wow.

RD: Yeah. But even so, there’s a lot of stuff missing. Michael... he asked me come in every once in a while, and I do... but it’s his picture. I don’t really want to see it early. I want to see it in the theater. It was too many years ago for me to be involved. If I were going to redo it, I’d do it totally different. The reason it’s... the reason it is what it is... I was so naive then, and there were so few things you could use. Technically speaking. So it’s not my cut. It’s not really my film anymore at all.
Thanks BW13, it's kind of a shame Donner isn't around, but I guess some capacity is better than nothing.
Steelsheen said:
this is a great thread dude :up:

Thanks, its was time an official thread was made, because thisis coming out in November of this year and news is going to pick up and one would expect many threads to pop up about the exact same news......its also a haven of links and stuff.

Enjoy!! This thing is coming in November....!!!!!

3 months baby!

:supes: :up:
boywonder13 said:
Thanks, its was time an official thread was made, because thisis coming out in November of this year and news is going to pick up and one would expect many threads to pop up about the exact same news......its also a haven of links and stuff.

Enjoy!! This thing is coming in November....!!!!!

3 months baby!

:supes: :up:

3 months? I can't wait 3 months. I thought Superman Returns would fill the void, but that certainly didn't happen.

Is the Donner version still only going to be available on the 14 disc set as stated in the Q&A? Or with the good buzz, might it be available on it's own? Also, is it being released in theatres? I've heard yes and no.
matthooper said:
3 months? I can't wait 3 months. I thought Superman Returns would fill the void, but that certainly didn't happen.

Is the Donner version still only going to be available on the 14 disc set as stated in the Q&A? Or with the good buzz, might it be available on it's own? Also, is it being released in theatres? I've heard yes and no.

Yes it will be relased seperately though you can still get it with the 14 disc set.

and yes it will proably run for a limited time iin a few theatres most likely....

because I read that they are actually working hard on this so it can actually be on the big screen.
Check this out! Saw this posted a supermancinema.

iF: How much do you know about Richard Donner’s cut of SUPERMAN II that is currently being re-assembled?

SINGER: Oh yeah. Not only am I aware of it, but I ran into Dick on the lot recently and he took me into the editing room with [uncredited SUPERMAN 1 and II screenwriter] Tom Mankiewicz and showed me the first part of it and it was awesome?

iF: So what exactly are they doing? How intensive is this? I thought Donner wasn’t involved and now he is?

SINGER: He came in to take a look at it. They had an editor to work on it, and he and Tom came in and were going through it. A lot of it is elements of sequences that were shot and put together. I feel bad we’re talking about it, because I’m sure they want to talk about it, but it was such an impressive and fun thing to watch. They took two separate screen tests and cut them together and it’s this great scene where Lois Lane puts Clark to the test, because she believes he’s Superman and there’s a gun involved. That’s all I’ll say. At first you’re watching it and it’s very odd to watch these two separate things. It keeps looking differently to your eye. The lighting of the scene and construction of the scene is so good, that by the time the scene pays off you’re captivated by it. I watched it in the cutting room. It was a thrill for me. I had just laid the opening credit music for my movie and then suddenly I was in the cutting room in a building across the street watching this with Dick and Tom and it was a thrill?

iF: Are they shooting any additional stuff to link it to SUPERMAN RETURNS?

SINGER: That I don’t know. I just watched the first 20 minutes or so. They did want to want to borrow a prop at one point, but I don’t know if that was used.

iF: If they borrowed a prop, then they must have been shooting stuff?

SINGER: They did -- they shot certain things. They shot and reconstructed certain things. It isn’t for a massive release I don’t believe or anything, but they did shoot additional elements. They really went back to Richard Donner’s original intention of the film before he left it.
yah, I was gonna post that also.

Singer is acting like we've never heard of the Donner Cut before, even though we proably know as much if not more about it.
This is great and all and ill get Superman II, but I gotta say I want them to release the full version of Superman I taped off of TV when I was a kid. That version is 3 hours long!, Not including commercials and has stuff the dvds dont! And this is good stuff they took out, like Superman saving more people, Luthor making funny jokes and such, theres alot of side plots that were removed.

Second they should release all the deleted material of Superman II on an extended Lester Cut, and the Donnor Cut.

Thirdly, a extended cut of Superman III should be released, it exists.

And finally going back and editing Superman IV properly and adding the correct restorations to it.

That would call for the 14 set, and I wish they did that.

However this Donnor cut is going to be awesome!
I hope they remove some of the goofy rubbish, like when Zod, Ursa and Non are blowing at the people, the phone box falls over and the bloke continues his conversation whilst laughing - get rid of it!!

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