Comics The Official X-Related Questions and Answers Thread


Aug 25, 2006
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This thread is for any questions related to the X-universe you have. Old, new, doesnt matter. I guess I'll start it off

How the heck did the X-men NOT know Jean was alive till Inferno? She was in X-factor soon after she was resurrected and its not like she kept herself hidden. The only disguise she had on were dark glasses. The premise of X-factor was to pose as mutant bounty hunters. They did press conferences, and were in the media, appearing in ads across town and in the papers. The X-men knew X-factor existed. There was one scene where Magneto saw them in public and was shocked at first to see Jean but then figured that it was Maddie instead. Okay I can get that but what about once Maddie joined up with the X-men and she told them that she hadnt seen Scott in months. Wouldnt that be the first clue that the red head by Scott's side who looks just like Maddie, could be Jean Grey? Can someone explain this?
They had more important things in their minds than bloody Jean Grey I guess... with Rogue being abused by Genoshan Magistrates and living in the middle of the desert there was no time to think about a resurrected harlot :p
They had more important things in their minds than bloody Jean Grey I guess... with Rogue being abused by Genoshan Magistrates and living in the middle of the desert there was no time to think about a resurrected harlot :p
haha, Im talking about pre-Australia. They explained that by having Maddie control all their media feeds since she took care of the computers, but what about back when they were living in NY, not to far from Jean and X-factor?
I guess they just didn't watch tv or something :p
Why was a character like Vulcan created?The Summers brothers,Scott and Alex were just fine by themselfs.
Why was a character like Vulcan created?The Summers brothers,Scott and Alex were just fine by themselfs.

While the identity of the Third Summers Brother had been a mystery for nearly a decade, the descision to deal with it once and for all(again), was probably sparked by Claremont making Gambit the third summers brother in X-men: The End.
I remember reading some interviews from last year and Brubaker didnt create Vulcan to be the 3rd Summers brother. He had the story set for him in DG and after plotting it, decided to tie him back that old plotline
I remember reading some interviews from last year and Brubaker didnt create Vulcan to be the 3rd Summers brother. He had the story set for him in DG and after plotting it, decided to tie him back that old plotline

...perhaps they will present him with an opportunity to correct his mistake...because the idea of Gabriel as a Summers is gag-inducing
I think a big miss with Vulcan is that he isnt interacting with Scott. He's the one that represents the Summers family and theres potential for more impact with a Scott/Gabriel feud rather than Alex as he hasnt had much to do with the family and definetly not Corsair. Unfortuently its been a matter of bad timing, and he's been preoccuppied with other things in other books
so Vulcan is being used to build up Havok's character...unfortunately...Havok doesn't incite the same feelings and reactions/attention that Scott does and well, nobody gives a **** about Vulcan/Gabriel, no matter how well he's being written.....time to throw in some Adam X *evil laughter*
While the identity of the Third Summers Brother had been a mystery for nearly a decade, the descision to deal with it once and for all(again), was probably sparked by Claremont making Gambit the third summers brother in X-men: The End.
But really, by Sinister using Scott's DNA, that means Remy would be more of a son and less of a brother. I mean, Corsair had nothing to do with it. It was a blending of Scott's DNA with Sinister's own.
yup...gambit is not a brother...just a love child of Sinister and Scott....and Gambit has the potential to be just as incredibly overpowered as Cable, Stryfe, X-Man and perhaps Jean isn't the real reason the kids are insane with energy....
Wow, wait a second guys, Gambit is the lovechild of Summers and Essex in X-Men: The End, NOT in 616. There has been no revelation yet that Sinister used the same process to create Remy in 616, so let's not confuse our heads.
Wow, wait a second guys, Gambit is the lovechild of Summers and Essex in X-Men: The End, NOT in 616. There has been no revelation yet that Sinister used the same process to create Remy in 616, so let's not confuse our heads.
I wasn't confused, I was simply clarifying the idea that in The End, Remy wouldn't be the third brother EXACTLY, not the way brother is typically meant. :up:
In theory could gambit just charge air molecules and cause explosions rather than just throwing things?
This thread is for any questions related to the X-universe you have. Old, new, doesnt matter. I guess I'll start it off

How the heck did the X-men NOT know Jean was alive till Inferno? She was in X-factor soon after she was resurrected and its not like she kept herself hidden. The only disguise she had on were dark glasses. The premise of X-factor was to pose as mutant bounty hunters. They did press conferences, and were in the media, appearing in ads across town and in the papers. The X-men knew X-factor existed. There was one scene where Magneto saw them in public and was shocked at first to see Jean but then figured that it was Maddie instead. Okay I can get that but what about once Maddie joined up with the X-men and she told them that she hadnt seen Scott in months. Wouldnt that be the first clue that the red head by Scott's side who looks just like Maddie, could be Jean Grey? Can someone explain this?

IIRC, Wolverine did know, he found out Jean was alive in Uncanny X-Men 213 or 214. Storm didn’t find out until Uncanny X-Men 240.

You should also keep in mind that when Jean came back the X-Men were still licking their wounds from their battle with the Marauders, hell a good part of the team were on the injured list. (IIRC)

That's my best guess.:woot:
IIRC, Wolverine did know, he found out Jean was alive in Uncanny X-Men 213 or 214. Storm didn’t find out until Uncanny X-Men 240.

You should also keep in mind that when Jean came back the X-Men were still licking their wounds from their battle with the Marauders, hell a good part of the team were on the injured list. (IIRC)

That's my best guess.:woot:


It wasn't in Claremont's book, it didn't exist. End of discussion.

It wasn't in Claremont's book, it didn't exist. End of discussion.

LOL, I promise you, it did happen.

AAMOF, when Wolverine got a whiff of Jean's scent he knocked the mess out of Storm. (That part is mostly for you.:oldrazz:)
No, no, no.

I meant it didn't exist in CLAREMONT's mind.

Thus no need to mention it in his UXM.
But really, by Sinister using Scott's DNA, that means Remy would be more of a son and less of a brother. I mean, Corsair had nothing to do with it. It was a blending of Scott's DNA with Sinister's own.
that would make Remy the first son of dudes......what I want to know is who was the mother?
Let's all pray for the next writer who retcons Vulcan out of existence hes ugly and has the worst code name .ever.

I like most would love for Remy to be a true Summers brother :
meaning corsair had an affair down in the Bayou-because I think Remy totally has his personality looks and pirate ways even more than Scott or Alex which Ironic since he never grew up/spent much time with him.

p.s I think why Scott's having a serious problem right now from what I observe of his facial expressions) is he's still grieving for Cosair (off panel evidently) and then mayb the loss of Jean if he's not a total bastard plus thinking Cable switched sides in which case thats just as bad as suspecting him to be dead.

I dunno the xmen are pretty cold-if u get separated from them like Remy or murdered like Banshee none of them seem to give a crap and yet that time they needed to go find the Baubier twins all of a sudden they gave a sht about Northstar + Aurora who hadn't been seen in an xtitle in fact here we are and no one knows where the hell they are now....

oK now with the questions. -
1. If a race is faced with no more babies...there's no couple willing to give it the old college try to save them from extinction? selective breeding of the most powerful couples?

2. Did Franklin richards ever grow up ? why the heck isn't he helping?

3. What's up with forge ?does he still have powers he's got to be useful to somebody in this plot..

4. I never read Xfactor because of the lamo characters even tho i love Multiple man who has untapped potential on a major xteam..
What are Layla Miller's powers what's her back story?

5. What are Monet's powers? I know her back story but what can she do?
comment:Why do people like Rahne? Useless.Her power is lame someone please kill her...

6. Where's the grownup Power Pack those 4 kids from the 80's?....

7. are Dr. Strange and Tony Stark really dead? These comics are getting too expensive to follow them all......

Im writing big because i hate getting a migrain reading posts on the computer so do on to others yadayada
2. Did Franklin richards ever grow up ? why the heck isn't he helping?
He's still a pre-teen. Nothing he can do.

3. What's up with forge ?does he still have powers he's got to be useful to somebody in this plot..
He still has his powers. He's playing his part.

4. I never read Xfactor because of the lamo characters even tho i love Multiple man who has untapped potential on a major xteam..
What are Layla Miller's powers what's her back story?
Layla first appeared during House of M. While everyone was blissfully living their fabricated lives, Layla used her wacky powers to make every see past Scarlet Witch's illusions, and remember how their lives should be. When House of M ended, Layla moved to Mutant Town, and kinda hired herself at Multiple Man's private investigation firm.

The first power Layla ever used was the power to restore memories. She hasn't used this power since House of M.
The power she uses regularly is the power to see the future. Or rather, she sees multiple possible futures, and knows how to manipulate events in order to get her desired results. Rictor gave her the codename Butterfly, because her powers work like the butterfly effect.

5. What are Monet's powers? I know her back story but what can she do?
She can fly, has super-strength, limited invulnerability, heightened intelligence, and telepathy.

comment:Why do people like Rahne? Useless.Her power is lame someone please kill her...
I like Rahne! She's cool. Redundant when around other feral mutants, sure, but still a nice character to have around.

6. Where's the grownup Power Pack those 4 kids from the 80's?....
Registered superhumans, but shifting randomly in and out of retirement, it looks like.

7. are Dr. Strange and Tony Stark really dead? These comics are getting too expensive to follow them all......
There's speculation that one or both of them have been replaced with Skrulls. No one knows for sure.
She can fly, has super-strength, limited invulnerability, heightened intelligence, and telepathy.
She also has a healing factor, night vision, super hearing, ability to sense mutant auras, supersonic flight

Why do people like Rahne? Useless.Her power is lame someone please kill her...
Rahen has been around for about 25 years. She has history and people like her personality, and her story

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