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MAN! What a good week. Big one too. I'm tired so I'll make this brief.
Wolverine & the X-Men Annual 1 - FINALLY! Kid Gladiator is back, and Aaron doesn't skip a beat with him. It's great to see him again.
Wolverine & the X-Men 38 - A dead book walking, Aaron's been crappy since AvX. Fortunately, this issue ended up being very enjoyable. I'm eager to see how this plot plays out. Note... read this issue AFTER the Annual.
All New X-Men 19 - This was a pretty good issue. I'm not used to seeing the O5 with Cyclops' group yet, but I'm interested in it. I'm very curious what's going on with Laura. But man has Peterson's art suffered. He ranged from amazing to okay, but this was barely even okay in my opinion. I miss Immonen.
Uncanny Avengers 14 - Well, we get our deaths (one more than I was expecting) but none of them feel legit. Especially since this title has already resurrected 3 people. I'm curious what'll come of Kang's plot here with Ahab, Stryfe, Doom 2099, Venom (from Earth X), and the others. That's got my attention big time. Good issue.
Infinity 6 - This was a pretty good ending, but nothing amazing. I felt Thanos' defeat was fairly anti-climactic and disappointing, but then, he's been disappointing for this entire event himself. This issue was actually the first time I actually enjoyed Thanos' generals, and now I'm hoping to see them again soon.
So now that it's concluded, yes, all in all I still feel this event was a disappointment. It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it was just mediocre with some good moments. I don't regret reading it, but I do regret all the money I spent on it. If I didn't buy and like New Avengers, I'd have been better to have just skipped it. I do think it's ended up being better than I've previously stated in regards to other events, but not by much. Certainly not to the hype other people have placed it.
New Avengers 12 - Ah, the old Marvel tradition of ruining endings with covers. That aside, the issue was a decent aftermath issue that deals more with the events of New Avengers prior to and during Infinity than Infinity itself. They're getting quite the collection of prisoners. I'm still very intrigued with this title. I hope it remains separate from Avengers so I can keep buying it. Once it needs the other title, though, I'll likely drop it.
Justice League Dark 25 - I thought this was going to be the first part of Blight, but it isn't. It's actually part 2 of the previous issue and the lead-in to Blight. That said, the issue was fantastic. I was disappointed that the Swamp Thing for this event was going to be a rip off, but this issue fixed that quickly. Swamp Thing is the official one in the story. Oh, and I'm starting to really like the Nightmare Nurse. Now I can't wait for next week when Blight begins in Phantom Stranger.
Talon 13 - The events of this entire series is building to a head with Tynion IV moving on from the title. It's very interesting, and the art is better here than it's been in a while. I'm eager to see the final throw down with the Butcher and how it all ends. I enjoyed the issue, though I don't know how much longer this title has left.
Aquaman 25 - And this marks the end of Geoff Johns' run on the title he launched with the New 52, which is also one of the best titles on the stands. It's been huge and epic, and this ending does not disappoint. But it isn't a clean ending and leads into an upcoming Justice League event called Rise of the Seven Seas. It sounds very interesting, and I can't wait to get to it.
There's a potential continuity error here, but I don't think it is. I felt that the final scene took place right after or during the final Aquaman scene, but it doesn't necessarily have to. Therefore, the final scene takes place after the prison break of Forever Evil 1, and not the whole issue. That'd make sense.
Still, it was a great issue. Johns has sold me on the character enough to give Parker a chance on it. I hope he's able to keep up the quality.
Best and Worst of the Week
Best: Aquaman - I'm going to miss Johns. He turned me from a person who didn't give a crap about Aquaman to someone who loved him and looked forward to his title every month. This was a great conclusion to his run with a promise of more greatness in the pages of Justice League (and hopefully this one).
Worst: All New X-Men - This wasn't a bad issue; it was just a really good week. Of them all I enjoyed this one the least, but I still enjoyed it.
Wolverine & the X-Men Annual 1 - FINALLY! Kid Gladiator is back, and Aaron doesn't skip a beat with him. It's great to see him again.
Wolverine & the X-Men 38 - A dead book walking, Aaron's been crappy since AvX. Fortunately, this issue ended up being very enjoyable. I'm eager to see how this plot plays out. Note... read this issue AFTER the Annual.
All New X-Men 19 - This was a pretty good issue. I'm not used to seeing the O5 with Cyclops' group yet, but I'm interested in it. I'm very curious what's going on with Laura. But man has Peterson's art suffered. He ranged from amazing to okay, but this was barely even okay in my opinion. I miss Immonen.
Uncanny Avengers 14 - Well, we get our deaths (one more than I was expecting) but none of them feel legit. Especially since this title has already resurrected 3 people. I'm curious what'll come of Kang's plot here with Ahab, Stryfe, Doom 2099, Venom (from Earth X), and the others. That's got my attention big time. Good issue.
Infinity 6 - This was a pretty good ending, but nothing amazing. I felt Thanos' defeat was fairly anti-climactic and disappointing, but then, he's been disappointing for this entire event himself. This issue was actually the first time I actually enjoyed Thanos' generals, and now I'm hoping to see them again soon.
So now that it's concluded, yes, all in all I still feel this event was a disappointment. It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it was just mediocre with some good moments. I don't regret reading it, but I do regret all the money I spent on it. If I didn't buy and like New Avengers, I'd have been better to have just skipped it. I do think it's ended up being better than I've previously stated in regards to other events, but not by much. Certainly not to the hype other people have placed it.
New Avengers 12 - Ah, the old Marvel tradition of ruining endings with covers. That aside, the issue was a decent aftermath issue that deals more with the events of New Avengers prior to and during Infinity than Infinity itself. They're getting quite the collection of prisoners. I'm still very intrigued with this title. I hope it remains separate from Avengers so I can keep buying it. Once it needs the other title, though, I'll likely drop it.
Justice League Dark 25 - I thought this was going to be the first part of Blight, but it isn't. It's actually part 2 of the previous issue and the lead-in to Blight. That said, the issue was fantastic. I was disappointed that the Swamp Thing for this event was going to be a rip off, but this issue fixed that quickly. Swamp Thing is the official one in the story. Oh, and I'm starting to really like the Nightmare Nurse. Now I can't wait for next week when Blight begins in Phantom Stranger.
Talon 13 - The events of this entire series is building to a head with Tynion IV moving on from the title. It's very interesting, and the art is better here than it's been in a while. I'm eager to see the final throw down with the Butcher and how it all ends. I enjoyed the issue, though I don't know how much longer this title has left.
Aquaman 25 - And this marks the end of Geoff Johns' run on the title he launched with the New 52, which is also one of the best titles on the stands. It's been huge and epic, and this ending does not disappoint. But it isn't a clean ending and leads into an upcoming Justice League event called Rise of the Seven Seas. It sounds very interesting, and I can't wait to get to it.
There's a potential continuity error here, but I don't think it is. I felt that the final scene took place right after or during the final Aquaman scene, but it doesn't necessarily have to. Therefore, the final scene takes place after the prison break of Forever Evil 1, and not the whole issue. That'd make sense.
Still, it was a great issue. Johns has sold me on the character enough to give Parker a chance on it. I hope he's able to keep up the quality.
Best and Worst of the Week
Best: Aquaman - I'm going to miss Johns. He turned me from a person who didn't give a crap about Aquaman to someone who loved him and looked forward to his title every month. This was a great conclusion to his run with a promise of more greatness in the pages of Justice League (and hopefully this one).
Worst: All New X-Men - This wasn't a bad issue; it was just a really good week. Of them all I enjoyed this one the least, but I still enjoyed it.