Start the movie in the streets Metropolis...the top of a skyscraper explodes, hurling Lois Lane over the side, screaming, towards the ground below. Go with Lois' POV...the wind screaming by as she falls, debris everywhere, frantically flailing and looking around. Then some of the larger chunks of concrete seem to vaporize in mid-air, as if hit by a strong blast of heat. She's starting to spin out of control when out of the corner of her eye, she sees something......weird. A flash of, blue...a strange shape that looks like it's coming towards almost human-like it another person thrown from the building? What are those colors...why is it flying towards me...oh my God I'm going to die...etc. Then as the strange object comes near her...and she's just moments from hitting the ground...she screams out again.....and.....
Cut to black......The Superman logo onscreen....
Then open up again in Metropolis...."three days earlier"....a cab pulls up to the curb and out leaps Lois Lane, rushing towards a small crowd of other reporters and cameras surrounding a police officer...she's there to get the scoop, but finds out there's already some tall guy in glasses that she's never seen before who says he's from the Daily Planet too...interviewing some cops and bystanders. She doesn't think much of him, but she's a bit put off by being beaten to the punch. She gets him back by stealing a cab from him...but when she arrives back at the Daily Planet...there's that friggin' guy again...already there in the office! WTF? It's then that he's introduced to her by Perry as Clark Kent, the newly-hired reporter.
And so on...and we'll get back to that opening scene where Supes saves and meets Lois for the first time. Something like that....starting with a heart-pumping action sequence but still not letting the cat out of the bag completely.