I'm thinking that SPOILER isn't the Power Broker. Metaphysician probably has it right about her.
Powerbroker could be a lead to Shang Chi.
really?I continue to boggle at people thinking the Mandarin is the Power Broker. There is zero evidence for it aside from "Madripoor is in Asia, and the Mandarin is Asian", which is both *not* evidence and also kind of racist.
This is Wandavision all over again. People making wild speculation for cameos that won’t happen. The most obvious answer is Sharon as the power broker
Sharon Bohner confirmed!
I do think though that this show may have made a similar mistake to WV in leaving too much stuff to resolve for the last episode, which is why the finale of WV felt so rushed IMO.
Hopefully that's not the case here, but I fear it might well be...
I think people were speculating only because we know Shang-Chi is coming, the trailer has conveniently dropped just before Ep6 of FAWS showing Mandarin and we know Marvel love tying their projects together. I myself can see how people got there (even if I myself don't think he is Power Broker) and I don't think it was due to any sort of racist stereotyping.Okay, maybe that's going a bit far. But seriously, the only evidence for "Power Broker is Mandarin!" is "Madripoor is in Asia". There isn't a wiff of proof or even thematic ties. It pretty much is "This crime lord is in Asia, so a dude who we have no reason to believe is active any closer than 'somewhere on the same continent sort of' is the same guy!" What's more, even just from the premise sheet for the Shang-Chi movie we knew was coming, one could very reasonably go "So why would this dude care about the SSS? He's already got access to superhuman kung fu training for himself and others."
This is Wandavision all over again. People making wild speculation for cameos that won’t happen. The most obvious answer is Sharon as the power broker
possibly but the actions are muddled. powerbroker wants karli dead all series but then sharon helps her w/ batroc.
so in a few hours might know:
my guess: Thunderbolt Ross
new guess: the Mandarin
hope not: Sharon Carter