The Power Rangers Thread


Dec 21, 2005
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Now, I know Power Rangers gets a lot of flack, but we need to pay tribute to it. The show opened an era of live action children's programming and had the highest selling toy brand for fifteen years. I think they deserve a space on the boards.

So... anyone have a ranger memories? Toys you wish you had gotten? Toys you did get?
Power Rangers use to be the best show it's crap but it was a classic...i had all the toys when i was younger...
Now, I know Power Rangers gets a lot of flack, but we need to pay tribute to it. The show opened an era of live action children's programming and had the highest selling toy brand for fifteen years. I think they deserve a space on the boards.

So... anyone have a ranger memories? Toys you wish you had gotten? Toys you did get?

Make that 30+ years in Japan. The first time America saw Power Rangers/Super Sentai was when Japan was in its 16th season of it. I don't know if I still have any, but I had many from back in the day. Parents might've sold'em when they moved though.
Your right Ryo. Its ben 32 years of sentai in japan which what power rangers uses as a base for its show.

I was gonna make a thread for these but ill put them here. Take a look at these new figures



Dont mind the silver ranger and that blue monster in the first picture. The green ranger looks amazing and he even has his dagger, lord zedd has his staff which isnt pictured but looks good, and the white ranger looks just badass. Not pictured is the gold ranger from zeo

These are chase figures but they shouldnt be hard to find. They are suppossed to be one per case and if anyones walmart is like mine, they are stocked up with power rangers and so it looks like these wont be too hard to find.
I remember power rangers being one of the bright spots I had as a kid when I was going through a rough time with my dad being an alcoholic. One of the few things I had to look forward to when I got home from school.

I still haven't forgiven him for not letting me get the original megazord. It was so hard to find and I finally found it one time I was with him. He wouldn't let me spend my own money on it because he said it would just get broken and thrown behind a couch. Funny thing? I still have my original Power Ranger figures that I was actually able to get, like the original dragon zord. Most are in good condition but I am missing a few parts.
I sold mine off a couple months ago just because my collection needs to be thinned down. Kinda regret some I sold but these should make up for it
Your right Ryo. Its ben 32 years of sentai in japan which what power rangers uses as a base for its show.

I was gonna make a thread for these but ill put them here. Take a look at these new figures



Dont mind the silver ranger and that blue monster in the first picture. The green ranger looks amazing and he even has his dagger, lord zedd has his staff which isnt pictured but looks good, and the white ranger looks just badass. Not pictured is the gold ranger from zeo

These are chase figures but they shouldnt be hard to find. They are suppossed to be one per case and if anyones walmart is like mine, they are stocked up with power rangers and so it looks like these wont be too hard to find.


Are these out already?
I believe the green ranger and zedd wont be coming out until later this month or next month. The white ranger is coming in the summer I believe
This thread saved me $$$$$, I was going to bid on the ORIGINAL Green and White Rangers on EBay. These ones are obviously 1000X better.
The only ones I had were the Thunder Megazord and the Falconzord. The Zords were so hard to find back in the day, you were lucky if you managed to get your hands on one; I also had Saba the White Ranger's sword.
I had/have Sabu [White Ranger Sword], Green Ranger's Dagger, Megazord, White Tiger Zord, Red Dragon Zord, all six original [American] Power Rangers, and Zedd from what I can remember.
Loved these things. Came for the dinosaurs, stuck around for the rest. I have the original Dinosaur megazord, the Green Ranger's Godzilla zord, his subsequent White Ranger Brachiosaurus, along with the next two lines of zords- The Mystical Zodiac like red dragons and stuff, along with the Wolf, bear, crane things, the black Frog, all of that. I also have the giant green turtle zord, the white tiger, the white falcon... also, the evil giant Green Dragon thing. Have the old command center playset, which STILL kicks ass, one each of the original dino-rangers, a silly putty guy and a few other badguys- like the shark dude and the man made of eyes. Also, what would a collection of power ranger toys be without some red ranger gloves, his dinosaur gun, and the green ranger's dagger and white ranger's sword! Man, this stuff was awesome!
best Christmas I ever had...

I was very young at the time, and was obbsessed with power rangers.
My mum couldn't get the Megazord, everywhere she went, they had sold out, she had been trying for months to find it, but nothing.

Eventually she sat me down, and told me she was gonna be able to get me it, and that she was sorry. I took it, and for a kid to find out he's not getting the toy he wants for christmas, I took it really well. I even acted like I didn't want it my mum says, haha.

Anyway, I wake up on christmas, and there it is. The Megazord.

Turns out my nan went to town on christmas eve, and Woolworths got 3 in that morning. she went to a pay phone to call my mum to ask if she should get it and my mum told her, to got back there, and within the 5 mins she was gone, 10 mins after opening, there was only one left.

Honestly, I still remember ripping the paper open and seeing the box on that gift, I can't believe how happy I was at that time, haha.
As dumb as it sounds, I had a lot of fun just putting the stickers on the Zords let alone putting them together.
Now, I know Power Rangers gets a lot of flack, but we need to pay tribute to it. The show opened an era of live action children's programming and had the highest selling toy brand for fifteen years. I think they deserve a space on the boards.

So... anyone have a ranger memories? Toys you wish you had gotten? Toys you did get?

i pretty much have every zord from the first 2 generations... besides the mega zord and titanius or whatever it was called.... ill get them before i die...
I have the Thundermegazord, White Tigerzord, Titanus, Tor the carrier zord, the Shogun megazord, Falcon zord, Zeo ranger 5 Battlezord, Turbo Rescue megazord and the carrier zord that turned into a giant robot or a train, the Astromegaship/zord, Delta megazord, the Megavoyager megazord, the Zeo, Turbo, and Space weapons and morphers, Saba, and figures of all 5 original rangers and the White and Green rangers. Also had an awesome command center playset that had a Zordon with a light in the bottom of his tube and a voice changer so you could sound like him lol. I WILL buy those new white and green rangers and Lord Zedd, and somehow track down the original Megazord and Dragonzord.
Gold Zeo Ranger


And another BADASS picture of the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger


I'm a big fan of Power Rangers, but none of the local stations here carry Toon Disney so I haven't seen Power Rangers since SPD.
My favorite show's are SPD, Time Force, Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder.

I'm actually looking for all the SPD Swat figures, not had much luck, I look in ebay, but there isn't much and what they do have in really expensive, anyone know where I might find them at a reasonable price?
so let's see, if you're a mighty morphin fan, you can get new versions of the previously released red ranger, green ranger, white, gold, and lord zedd pink,yellow, black, or blue? WHY?
Wheres the red ranger? Anyways theyre chaser figures so thats probably why but I agree, theres no excuse
These new power ranger figures are they going to be available to buy in shops?
White, Green and Gold have yet to hit stores, right?
None have hit stores yet but the green ranger and lord zedd should be in stores this month. THe other two will be in stores around august......

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