Batman Begins The REAL reason why Batman Begins is so well regarded


Jun 3, 2003
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Keep in mind everybody; Yes, this thread is the antithesis of the pre-existing and similarly named thread, but it's all in good fun and love of Batman. I liked Batman Begins but I'm definitely in the Burton camp and I think that the REAL reason why BB is so well regarded is that some people are so impressed by the inclusion of minute details from the comics that they're willing to completely overlook the fact that movie was lacking in the mystery and excitement necessary (imo) to really due Batman justice. I'm glad they're taking the franchise in a serious direction, but they have some major catching up to do in terms of entertainment value. Horribly conceived (and executed) action sequences, coupled with stilted dialogue and cornball lines left me wanting more, to say the least, hehe.
No, that's not it at all. It's because it's a hundred times better than Burton's efforts (as good as those were.) You are completely wrong.
i dis-aggree "myway".

The movie has terrific acting and mind blowing stunts. OK, maybe im exagerating by the mind blowing part lol, nobodys mind has been blown up yet. That would be dangerous. But nonetheless, the film is great. I just think that so many people enjoy the film that some people like you jump to conclusions thinking its not too good to be true. When airplanes first started flying, nobody could believe what they saw and therefore denied that it was possible at all. Perhaps your not willing to accept the fact that the film is under rated and that you enjoy burton's style of non realism more.

Tell me dear sir, how do you define Batman?

Theres many ways to define this character, and this film is just one of them. You must learn to except what was released, knowing that many people see the character differently in their own vision.

Judging by my experience in trying to explain this kind of information to people, you have 3 options to do after reading this accurate description of your in-accurate post. You can:

A - Post a blur of words of maddness only because you know you were wrong and cannot accept what my opinion states.

B - Completley ignore my discription, as if nobody even saw it.

C - Say that you did not mean to make anybody mad, even though nowhere in my post did i mention being mad.

I hope you realise that there is no choice to completley aggree with me. That choice is in a seperate list of choices for the other posters. This is behind the reasoning that in fact you will defend you in-accurate truth even after you know the non-truth to that. There is a possiblity you may do this, but the pecent of that happening based on my personal experience is 4.9%.

Make your decision mr. "myself". We are all waiting for you to decide upon that.

Meanwhile, that long paragraph if you mind to read, is exactly why his statement in the beggining of this topic is completley wrong.
Why can't people just accept that a good majority of people thought BB was...great and....better than B89.

It boggles my mind. It's not like it's hurting you.
myway said:
Keep in mind everybody; Yes, this thread is the antithesis of the pre-existing and similarly named thread, but it's all in good fun and love of Batman. I liked Batman Begins but I'm definitely in the Burton camp and I think that the REAL reason why BB is so well regarded is that some people are so impressed by the inclusion of minute details from the comics that they're willing to completely overlook the fact that movie was lacking in the mystery and excitement necessary (imo) to really due Batman justice. I'm glad they're taking the franchise in a serious direction, but they have some major catching up to do in terms of entertainment value. Horribly conceived (and executed) action sequences, coupled with stilted dialogue and cornball lines left me wanting more, to say the least, hehe.

Aside from The Man who Falls, I haven't read a single comic in my life. I know a lot about them from what I read on these boards, but I actually haven't read them. I'm more into the DCAU. Regardless, I think the film's inclusion of elements of the Batman stories only enhance the story-telling, not define it. They aren't the "REAL reson why Batman Begins is so well regarded." Because, if they were, how do explain the millions of other viewers (most of whom aren't comic followers) who enjoyed the film? And what about most of the critics?

As for entertainment value, I guess you just have different tastes than I do.

EDIT: Oh, and I don't think you are in any position to tell us that BB had "horribly conceived and exected action sequences," especially when you take into consideration the action sequences in B89 and BR.

Just to clarify, I've always disliked the Burton movies. The man hasn't made a genuinely good film in a very long time.
Can't people accept that both Begins and Burton's films are great movies? Both present very different interprtations of the character, and both work well within the mythos. Batman can be interpreted numerous different ways. Burton's films, TAS, Begins and even Schumacher's films are all valid interpretations (even if Schumacher's films are garbage in its purest form).
Can't people accept that both Begins and Burton's films are great movies? Both present very different interprtations of the character, and both work well within the mythos. Batman can be interpreted numerous different ways. Burton's films, TAS, Begins and even Schumacher's films are all valid interpretations (even if Schumacher's films are garbage in its purest form).

I can accept that both are interpretations of the character (whether or not they are "valid" is in the eye of the beholder), but I just happen to think that the BB interpretation is superior and more in line with what I envision to be Batman (the DCAU.) And I cannot accept that "Burton's films are great movies" either. Because in my opinion, they aren't. But I don't make threads about it.
Even when I could contradict many of the points here exposed... you had it coming 'myway'. Yours is just an assumption. I love Burtons movies, even so, I liked Begins for its own cinematographic merits.
Myway , i totally agree. Still best version for me remains BTAS! B89 is close second.
(Disclaimer: Don't read this if you have an almost religious devotion to batman begins.)

Begins' biggest defenders are proabably residing at this board so you knew posting your thoughts about the flm would be challenged and crushed with passion, didn't you? I'm sure you did. Brave of you, but foolish...

Anyway to throw my body on the flames, I think it's so well regarded for the simple fact that it's not batman and robin or batman forever. It took liberties with the source and i think it wasn't all that great except for the acting by some great performers, but it's made out to be the best superhero movie ever with everybody ignoring it's flaws every time while taking out a highlighter on the burton movies to mark every single misstep to glorify begins. I hate when people around here do that. It's a given that a batman movie made now would have to be better than the previous ones if it was to do well. So why act like it's such a lucky pot of gold that the movie wasn't miserable crap? (THEY HAD TO SCREW IT UP TWICE TO GET IT BEFORE MAKING AN ACTUALLY GOOD ONE) Wow...I don't know what's up with that, but I give begins an average rating. It didn't send me to heaven the way the hulk did, or sm2 or even the first serioius batman film did but it was good.

I just don't get the huge religious praise being poured on it by some is all. I don't get it. It confuses me too which does hurt a little. I'm grateful it wasn't shoomakers movie, and was actually quite good and full of seriousness mostly, but that shouldn't be its greatest strength. The next one should be completely awesome without needing comparision to older flicks to boost it up. Yeah, believe it.

I was around here when begins came out and left and right everyone was shooting cream into each others mouths over this movie that I thought was decent batman, but nothing too spectacular... And before you throw fruit at me, let me say I liked katie holmes in the movie back then while everyone said she was crap. So I just don't know what is making my brain work so different than the rest of the internet... whatever.
I was pro-Burton until I sat down and saw 89 again...It made me go from a casual comic fan to diehard as a kid - But seeing it know made me feel dirty inside :(

BB is amazing and way more true to Batman - even his campy version.
The Bruce said:
I was pro-Burton until I sat down and saw 89 again...It made me go from a casual comic fan to diehard as a kid - But seeing it know made me feel dirty inside :(

Go to a good shrink.
The Bruce said:
I was pro-Burton until I sat down and saw 89 again...It made me go from a casual comic fan to diehard as a kid - But seeing it know made me feel dirty inside :(

BB is amazing and way more true to Batman - even his campy version.

Yeah, B89 just doens't seem to have aged well. I mean... music by Prince?!? wtf?
Wesyeed said:
(Disclaimer: Don't read this if you have an almost religious devotion to batman begins.)

Begins' biggest defenders are proabably residing at this board so you knew posting your thoughts about the flm would be challenged and crushed with passion, didn't you? I'm sure you did. Brave of you, but foolish...

Anyway to throw my body on the flames, I think it's so well regarded for the simple fact that it's not batman and robin or batman forever. It took liberties with the source and i think it wasn't all that great except for the acting by some great performers, but it's made out to be the best superhero movie ever with everybody ignoring it's flaws every time while taking out a highlighter on the burton movies to mark every single misstep to glorify begins. I hate when people around here do that. It's a given that a batman movie made now would have to be better than the previous ones if it was to do well. So why act like it's such a lucky pot of gold that the movie wasn't miserable crap? (THEY HAD TO SCREW IT UP TWICE TO GET IT BEFORE MAKING AN ACTUALLY GOOD ONE) Wow...I don't know what's up with that, but I give begins an average rating. It didn't send me to heaven the way the hulk did, or sm2 or even the first serioius batman film did but it was good.

I just don't get the huge religious praise being poured on it by some is all. I don't get it. It confuses me too which does hurt a little. I'm grateful it wasn't shoomakers movie, and was actually quite good and full of seriousness mostly, but that shouldn't be its greatest strength. The next one should be completely awesome without needing comparision to older flicks to boost it up. Yeah, believe it.

I was around here when begins came out and left and right everyone was shooting cream into each others mouths over this movie that I thought was decent batman, but nothing too spectacular... And before you throw fruit at me, let me say I liked katie holmes in the movie back then while everyone said she was crap. So I just don't know what is making my brain work so different than the rest of the internet... whatever.

Bravo! Thanks you man, i totally agree! :up: :up:
Hey, maybe in a few years time, maybe when BB2 comes out , if it happens to be very much better, people will finally see BB as it really is and stop sugarcoating it! Until then i doubt they will really give it a more investigative/deeper look. Just thinking of the fear gaz effect makes me want to laugh...
"Just thinking of the fear gaz effect makes me want to laugh..."

You have a malfunctioning sense of humor!
Wesyeed said:
(Disclaimer: Don't read this if you have an almost religious devotion to batman begins.)

Begins' biggest defenders are proabably residing at this board so you knew posting your thoughts about the flm would be challenged and crushed with passion, didn't you? I'm sure you did. Brave of you, but foolish...

Anyway to throw my body on the flames, I think it's so well regarded for the simple fact that it's not batman and robin or batman forever. It took liberties with the source and i think it wasn't all that great except for the acting by some great performers, but it's made out to be the best superhero movie ever with everybody ignoring it's flaws every time while taking out a highlighter on the burton movies to mark every single misstep to glorify begins. I hate when people around here do that. It's a given that a batman movie made now would have to be better than the previous ones if it was to do well. So why act like it's such a lucky pot of gold that the movie wasn't miserable crap? (THEY HAD TO SCREW IT UP TWICE TO GET IT BEFORE MAKING AN ACTUALLY GOOD ONE) Wow...I don't know what's up with that, but I give begins an average rating. It didn't send me to heaven the way the hulk did, or sm2 or even the first serioius batman film did but it was good.

I just don't get the huge religious praise being poured on it by some is all. I don't get it. It confuses me too which does hurt a little. I'm grateful it wasn't shoomakers movie, and was actually quite good and full of seriousness mostly, but that shouldn't be its greatest strength. The next one should be completely awesome without needing comparision to older flicks to boost it up. Yeah, believe it.

I was around here when begins came out and left and right everyone was shooting cream into each others mouths over this movie that I thought was decent batman, but nothing too spectacular... And before you throw fruit at me, let me say I liked katie holmes in the movie back then while everyone said she was crap. So I just don't know what is making my brain work so different than the rest of the internet... whatever.

You liked the Hulk so your opinion isn't worth anything.
And the only one that is, is "Batman begins is teh best!ever why make a sequel? they'll just tarnish begins... all praise begins!11 wwooot bale dammit"

I already know. I'm ok with begins except for obvious complaints most have made about it... but how overrated it is...with reasons mostly hung up on how much of a miracle it is that this time, they got batman right even though certain things were still changed that personally i don't give a crap about, but others seem to not notice when they claim it's perfectly translated from the source. Well Im rambling again...

edit: the hulk movie really knocked me out when I saw it years ago. So whatever, I'm not even going to ask why liking it automatically disqualifies me from the opinionlympics.

Just leave it at this: I don't care what you think either.
"Overrated"?? hmm go watch the movie again little boy.
Little boys and drunk guys always tell the truth.
Then whats this i see above ^ ? Overrated? Indeed!

Beelze said:
"Just thinking of the fear gaz effect makes me want to laugh..."

You have a malfunctioning sense of humor!

uh huh...

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