The relationship between Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch


Dec 29, 2005
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so Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are lovers. did anyone see this coming?

and if this has been posted sorry.
It's more like, "How did you miss seeing it coming?" would be a better question to ask.
Millar's been making s******ing jokes about it since their debut in Ultimate X-Men.

Now, I am surprised that Loeb openly acknowledged it.

EDIT - Huh, apparently the swear-bleeper on this sight picks a swear out of s-n-i-g-g-e-r-i-n-g.

Dude, how could you not tell? Do you hold YOUR SISTER like this?
so Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are lovers. did anyone see this coming?

and if this has been posted sorry.
Do you remember how close and cuddly Wanda & Pietro were back in the first arc of Ultimate X-Men? Especially in that one scene when they were sitting in the grass, talking about how Magneto was treating Scott more like a son than Pietro?

That was our first hint. Back in 2001.
sorry i meant that they joked about it but i didn't think that they would do it is all. whats next there mother was Kay Parker.
Wow, the UU has officially gone off the edge into pure fanfic dementia.

Well "American Comics" has taken another step in contreversy on mainstream items that were Taboo.

What's next.
I find it hilarious that people are so "in shock and awe" about this.It's been obvious since they first appeared in Ultimates and UXM.Now everyone is all "Incest?$%^& Loeb!What a hack!"
So, what wctually happened between the two of them that made it more obvious then before?
So, what wctually happened between the two of them that made it more obvious then before?
They didn't do anything more than usual. Wasp just told Captain America about it.
What I loved about ULTIMATES 3 #1 was that Loeb has someone outright SAY, "Yo, dudes, they're incestious!", in case anyone didn't notice. Yep, that's what an audience loves, being spoon-fed. :rolleyes:

Think about this...Mark Millar, the same fella who makes a living writing obnoxious shock value, was more subtle about this subplot than Loeb was. As in Millar was more subtle than another writer. I mean it was obvious, but not so much that anyone outright SAID it, or you saw them macking on panel.

That is cause for worry for any Loeb fan, really. Because for those who need reminding, Millar makes Spike Lee look vague. And Loeb is now LESS SUBTLE than that.
Ultimate is basically Bendis-Universe. As long as they don't carry this over to 616 I'm happy. :o
Ultimate is basically Bendis-Universe. As long as they don't carry this over to 616 I'm happy. :o

Don't worry. Ultimate has been strip mined of most talent and ideas and now they pretty much are flirting with giving it a "crisis" like event next year. The fears of 616 becoming Ultimate, I can now thankfully say, are out-dated. The books are in a limbo now; artistically divoid of purpose, but selling too well to cancel.

Besides, in 616, Wanda is a crazy PMS ****, and Quicksilver is busy in X-FACTOR...or not. So don't worry.
Is Wanda crazy? She seemed almost eerily sane the last couple times I read her. Those being that Hawkeye CW ish of New Avengers and the X-Men backup
Losing your memory, erasing mutants and flipping out randomly about your dead kids that you supposedly got over a decade earlier before a certain bald, eager-to-cement-a-legacy-writer came along, and sleeping with any random man who wanders into Transia looking for you tends to count in my book as crazy.

I didn't read the X-Men back up. I hear Beast was looking for her. Did Wanda sleep with him? Or at least try? :rolleyes:

And that is one of many things I'll never forgive DISASSEMBLED for. Scarlet Witch was one of the Avengers' most longtime heroines. She has a dark past and F'd up things that happened to her, but she recovered from her freak-outs and managed to stay strong. When you thought Avengers, she was one of the first 5 or so names you'd rattle off. Now? Horny Amnesia Maguffin in 616, Dead Incest Vixen in Ultimate. Ugh.

George Perez used to say she was his favorite Avenger to draw. He must be beside himself. :(
I mean. It's like. "Bendis always has girls win." "Wanda is a crazy PMS ****."

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