Superman Returns the rtk not being used...


May 5, 2005
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ok well after finding the script to t he movie the whole seqence where he goes back to see the remains of krypton still erks me cuz how would kryptonite hurt him still after it hasnt past thru any radiation? nor is he around a yellow sun... could this be why they didnt use it cuz they werent sure
I think Superman should have covered his spaceship with lead to protect him from radiation.
He's saying that the scene makes no sense. In the scene, the Kryptonite weakens him, but why would kryptonite weaken him without a yellow sun and in the original kryptonian environment? Kryptonite doesn't weaken kryptonians who were living on Krypton, so why would it hurt Superman on the remains of Krypton.

Boy I used variations of the word Krypton a lot there.

It will never be used because it makes no sense. Another Singerman *****.
Kryptonite doesn't weaken kryptonians who were living on Krypton, so why would it hurt Superman on the remains of Krypton.

Kryptonite didn't exist on Krypton because the planet would have to explode first before chunks of it could become radioactive. Krypton's destruction created Kryptonite, so how could you know what effect it would have on people living on Krypton?
Precisely, it was the destruction of the planet which transformed it into a lethal substance to Kryptonians under any colour sun.
Kryptonite didn't exist on Krypton because the planet would have to explode first before chunks of it could become radioactive. Krypton's destruction created Kryptonite, so how could you know what effect it would have on people living on Krypton?

I don't know, but since the yellow sun gives Superman his power, it's only logical that the effects of Kryptonite only affect Superman where he has his powers. Kryptonite since it is radioactive seems to affect the powers Superman has, since the first thing it does is take them away. They are basically human on Krypton, so why would it affect them in the same way it would when they have powers on earth or with another yellow sun?

I realize that different continuities might deal with Kryptonite differently, but I remember once when Superman was stranded on a planet with a red sun he had no powers and kryptonite didn't affect him.

I guess there is a lot of discussion on this matter. It seem some people think the yellow sun is the reason Kryptonite weakens him and others feel otherwise. Just read this on a Superman board.

"... The yellow sun juices him up, but the green kryptonite interacts with our sun's radiation and within a certain radius it negates the effect."

I just read somewhere else that the effect of Kryptonite is only amplified by the yellow sun's effect on Superman. So a regular Kryptonian would not be affected the same way without a yellow sun.
ok well after finding the script to t he movie the whole seqence where he goes back to see the remains of krypton still erks me cuz how would kryptonite hurt him still after it hasnt past thru any radiation? nor is he around a yellow sun... could this be why they didnt use it cuz they werent sure

When Rao exploded, that irratiated large chunks of Krypton, not all of which were thrown into space, some will have remained.
I don't know, but since the yellow sun gives Superman his power, it's only logical that the effects of Kryptonite only affect Superman where he has his powers. Kryptonite since it is radioactive seems to affect the powers Superman has, since the first thing it does is take them away. They are basically human on Krypton, so why would it affect them in the same way it would when they have powers on earth or with another yellow sun?

I realize that different continuities might deal with Kryptonite differently, but I remember once when Superman was stranded on a planet with a red sun he had no powers and kryptonite didn't affect him.

I guess there is a lot of discussion on this matter. It seem some people think the yellow sun is the reason Kryptonite weakens him and others feel otherwise. Just read this on a Superman board.

"... The yellow sun juices him up, but the green kryptonite interacts with our sun's radiation and within a certain radius it negates the effect."

I just read somewhere else that the effect of Kryptonite is only amplified by the yellow sun's effect on Superman. So a regular Kryptonian would not be affected the same way without a yellow sun.

thanks i thought i was rigon this...
ok well after finding the script to t he movie the whole seqence where he goes back to see the remains of krypton still erks me cuz how would kryptonite hurt him still after it hasnt past thru any radiation? nor is he around a yellow sun... could this be why they didnt use it cuz they werent sure
The reason why krytonite would have still hurt him was becasue the planet was destroyed by the sun blowing up, and from that the matter of the planet was infused with the radiation of the sun. It is radiation that is harmful to anyone with Kryptonian DNA, weather they be in a yellow sun environment or not.

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