well, after following this thread for the past few months, i finally register and it all gets erased. Thems the breaks. Should have taken the opportunity to rename it "the Darth Barakapool thread"
It had a ton of information about specific details and scenes from the leaked footage, so under the new policy they just removed the whole thing and started fresh.
I cant wait to see how this character is handled! Deadpool is so awesome, in his black and red mask and wise cracking ways. Some people like their superheroes with ridiculous powers like laser blasts and what have you...but not me. Deadpool is like a souped up ninja, and theres no way they can get something that easy and awesome wrong!
YAY FOX! You have made this fanboys dream come true!
I agree 100%! I've always described Deadpool to my non-comic-reading friends as "a badass mercenary with guns and swords, who happens to be crazy." Seems like a recipe for success to me! You'd have to be pretty silly to mess with that formula; A movie with Deadpool should practically sell itself.
A solo Deadpool movie wouldn't really appeal to a lot of people.