The Spider-Woman Thread

I really hope Marvel allows Spider-woman to actually be a major player in the MU. They seemed to have done that but erased all of her developments thanks to Secret Invasion and now she's back to square one and so far she hasnt done anything. She's just here
In hindsight, Spider-Woman being a Skrull all this time explains why Jessica Drew went from being a low-key private detective who bumped into Jessica Jones during Alias, to a SHIELD agent who became a high profile member of the New Avengers overnight.
anyone read it? Not feeling the art. Maleev is alright but they need to change whoever is coloring this thing bc the colors are way too bright, especially for such a dark book.
I wasn't planning on buying it but I had the extra money this week. I read it and thought it was decent. I definately see the criticisms that follow Bendis, but I have to say that is work on solo characters typically isn't bad. I loved Alias and Daredevil, and his solo issues of Avengers (such as the Luke Cage solo issue of the Civil War tie-ins) are typcally good.

This issue ended up being better than I expected. It was slower but I found myself into the story the whoel time it was being told. Her joining Sword, while long expected, was still neat. I love seeing Brand making her way around the Marvel Universe and the story seems to be going right along with what will be happening in the Sword ongoing coming out soon.

I figure I'll keep on it for now on an issue to issue basis.
I've read it. As much as I've complained about Bendis' writing in the past, my complaints usually stem from Bendis not knowing his own limits, and constantly writing out of his element. As long as the man stays in his wheelhouse, his writing is actually pretty good. That wheelhouse, of course, is noir comics with small casts to focus on (which is why I love Alias so much more than New Avengers). Spider-Woman #1 was pretty good.

As for the art, I can see what Maleev was going for with the colors (which he apparently did himself). For the most part, the comic stays pretty dark. It's just that every now and then, you get an inexplicably bright element in certain panels. Dark Jessica is walking down a dark street, but her umbrella is a bright and brilliant yellow. Madripoor is dark during the day, but those lamps on the street and the sun reflecting in the water are a bright red/orange color. It's a creative choice to emphasize some colors over others. It makes some of the panels pop, rather than letting the entire comic be a greyish/blackish blur.
I'm so happy for this series. It's been a long while since Maleev was on a regular book. His art is beautiful. And the story so far is great. It's good to see how Spider-Woman was actually affected by Dark Reign.

Bendis is always best when he works on single-character books, like Alias, Daredevil, Ultimate Spider-Man, and his older stuff. This is clearly no different. I'm hoping this will bring back the types of stories that Bendis used to tell.
I really hope Marvel allows Spider-woman to actually be a major player in the MU. They seemed to have done that but erased all of her developments thanks to Secret Invasion and now she's back to square one and so far she hasnt done anything. She's just here
She wasn't really too much of a major player before, and even with the oddball justification of Secret Invasion thinking she was. Honestly, the Skrulls knew more about her than anybody else even actually cared to. And being in a position between Nick Fury who was spying on Hydra, who was using Drew to spy on Fury didn't really make her -that- important to anybody. Other than Fury and Hydra, that is. I still think the whole Skrull Queen thinking she was in the position to do the most damage made zero sense, but hey, who am I to judge?

I'm so happy for this series. It's been a long while since Maleev was on a regular book. His art is beautiful. And the story so far is great. It's good to see how Spider-Woman was actually affected by Dark Reign.

Bendis is always best when he works on single-character books, like Alias, Daredevil, Ultimate Spider-Man, and his older stuff. This is clearly no different. I'm hoping this will bring back the types of stories that Bendis used to tell.

Yeah, Bendis does do good with single character, more detective gritty types like this. He'll probably do well here.
I actually have an old marvel team up issue with her and SPidey. He was helping her against the Wrecker (ol Wreckie thought they were an item.)

And of course, Peter copped the black costume design from her original look.
I felt freaking robbed when I bought it and it was EXACTLY the same story as the one online from I tunes, didnt know that was going to be the same, I mean whats the point of having both? Are they doing this with the Astonishing X men series they are doing with the motion media?
I felt freaking robbed when I bought it and it was EXACTLY the same story as the one online from I tunes, didnt know that was going to be the same, I mean whats the point of having both? Are they doing this with the Astonishing X men series they are doing with the motion media?
why would you assume it would be different?
Those motion comics Marvel puts out are adaptations of their print comics. Same story. Same art. The Astonishing X-Men motion comics are going to be Whedon and Cassaday's first storyarc all over again.
I would buy the iTunes Spider Woman comics knowing it was the same as the comic just to hear the voices of the characters. AM SO happy for this Spider Woman series! Also picked up the ROSS Spider Woman poster & framed it. AWESOME!
Hulu's got all five episodes of the motion comic now:

Most comments I've heard/read about this have been negative. Either people hate motion comics or don't like Bendis or Spider-Woman. I thought it was pretty fun. Some of the voice work is really good, then it veers into stiff caricature here and there. But I love Maleev's art. I wanna see them continue to mess around with this medium.

I personally like this style more than what they're doing with Astonishing X-Men. There's too much character movement in that one. Looks like Southpark-style animation the way the characters talk, it's just crude.
PREVIEW: Spider-Woman #4


It's Spider-Woman versus the Thunderbolts. That's right...all of them. A daring chase through the streets of Madripoor finds Jessica Drew pushing herself to the limit with nowhere to turn. Another dazzling chapter from the Eisner award-winning team of Bendis and Maleev featuring tons of material not seen in the accompanying motion comic.
Bendis Spins Spider-Woman's Web of Intrigue



The initial arc of "Spider-Woman" tells the story of Drew's first mission for S.W.O.R.D., one which finds her confronting several personal demons. She began by traveling to the island nation of Madripoor to hunt down a cell of fugitive Skrulls. When she arrived, Spider-Woman quickly became entangled with the forces of Viper, a terrorist who believes that she's Drew's mother.

"This is one of those books where I'm getting a lot of e-mail from people going, 'I thought you liked her.' They don't understand that if you like a character you don't throw a party for them. You throw their demons at them, and Spider-Woman is a character with a lot of demons. She's a character based in these demons," Bendis told CBR News. "This is a character who feels that no one trusts her and no one loves her. She's completely disconnected. The premise that all the relationships of your life have changed without your interaction is a big one. It's not an easy thing get over."

"She's different from any kind of character that I've written before," Bendis continued. "Writing 'Spider-Woman' made me realize that. I'm trying to capture the conspiratorial-noir feeling that she had in the Carmine Infantino issues of the "Spider-Woman' series from the '70s, but at the same time balancing that with the completely new look of Alex Maleev who is doing the work of his life."

"Spider-Woman" #5 is in stores this week and features guest appearances by the Thunderbolts and Drew's comrades, the New Avengers. "Alex draws a kick-ass Wolverine, and I think this is a first arc that where it starts, where it ends and what's going to happen next are all defined by the character's choices. By the end of this arc, she'll have to come to grips and forge her own status quo or put one of her venom blasts in her mouth," Bendis remarked. "This first story arc will help determine who Jessica Drew is in the larger framework of the Marvel Universe and what kinds of stories we will be able to tell with her afterwards."

The first arc of "Spider-Woman" comes to an end in March with issue #7. "It was going to be issue #6, but there were a few things about that issue that made that difficult to do," Bendis explained. "Because of the 'Spider-Woman' motion comic, we plan out this series differently. Alex knows all the art he has and we script the comic accordingly. Alex felt there were seven issues there. So it will be seven issues."
While the first arc of "Spider-Woman" the comic book is seven issues long, the initial run of "Spider-Woman" the motion comic series was only five episodes. Both series are telling the same tale, but in "Spider-Woman" the comic book, Bendis and Maleev are free to expand certain elements and make the story richer.

"The frustrating thing about 'Spider-Woman' the comic is that a lot of people have seen the motion comics on iTunes and I believe it's still free on Hulu, so you should definitely check them out, but those who've seen the motion comics think they know the whole story. So they're not buying the comics," Bendis said. "I can understand that, but if you really like the motion comics, you should check out the [printed] comic because Alex's art is a completely different animal and there's completely different artwork. Plus, the story has been completely rewritten for comics. For those who love both mediums and want to compare and contrast, I can't stress enough how interesting you might find each of them. I like that people can compare and contrast them. I also feel that people may not have realized that we were going to have so much different material in the comic book."

After the first arc of "Spider-Woman" the comic series wraps, the Marvel Universe will be a very different place thanks to the current event mini-series "Siege," which Bendis is also writing. "The entire Avengers franchise, which includes 'Spider-Woman,' will be rocked and reeled because of 'Siege.' You'll find out how and why very shortly when the solicitation for 'Siege' #4 hits, which will be followed by some shocking announcements for the publishing line.

[Editors note: CBR has the solicitations here] Then, the month after that, you'll find out what it all means," Bendis said. "And those who saw the last second of the last 'Spider-Woman' motion comic got a glimpse of some of the possible storylines to come."

One thing that Bendis definitely plans on doing in upcoming story arcs is expand the series supporting cast. "Right now we've got Agent Brand, Viper, and the Avengers. Jessica's friends on the team, like Carol Danvers, will be entering the book," Bendis stated. "She'll also be receiving some friends that people who have the 'Essential Spider-Woman' collections will find familiar. It won't matter if you don't know who they are, though. Also there will be some new characters appearing as well."
"Spider-Woman" the comic series will continue, but it hasn't been decided yet if there will be more episodes of the "Spider-Woman" motion comic. Bendis would love to do more episodes, but there are several mitigating factors involved in whether or not this happens.
Check this out, guys.. Spider-Woman total rip-off from an upcoming Indonesian TV series called 'Supergirl' stars Manohara Odelia Pinot.


If you are pissed, the same here. I sent an email to Marvel, I hope they can do something about it. It's really annoying.
Hahahahahahaha what? Is this for real?
Do you have a link to the trailer? Cant seem to find it.
Can't find the trailer on the net myself.. it's not online yet.. Maybe they will put it on the production house' official website soon;

You can check it under the TV Show section.
Ah, finally, you guys can check the trailer, footage, and images here:

The producer recently said in a news article that they are not copying the Spider-Woman costume, they said the costume was researched and inspired from the Catwoman costume. Meh!

They also claimed the wings and shoes are different from Spider-Woman. Again, Meh!

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