The Superhero Cinematic Civil War - Part 60

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Seriously, Star Trek to get me interested again would need an A-list director who makes actual good movies. The franchise has just been uninteresting for a long time for me at this point. Short of scoring some big name director of repute, reviews will have to be amazing to win me back.

Simon Kinberg doesn't fit that bill lol
I wonder if my premonition of them rebooting Star Trek: The Next Generation like the Abrams movie rebooted the Original Series will come true with this.
Before the panic starts, I will bet cold hard cash that he won't be the only writer on it. Maybe not even the final writer either.
That's where I am at. I am more curious for choice of director.
Also, there’s the rumor of Ryan Coogler being in talks to direct, and looking at his IMDb page, with all the movies that he’s been involved with, if he’s not the sole writer, he’s very heavily involved in the writing process and polishing/finalizing the script. So, it’s very likely that this person being announced is probably just being tapped to write the initial draft, and someone else will come on and rework/do their own take.

I get this board’s immediate reaction to cry doom and gloom, and understandably so, considering a lot of the stuff in the news about the behind-the-scenes politics going on at Disney, but I’m willing to wait and see how this all pans out before making any snap judgments.

Kinberg is the top choice? :funny: As long as he isn't writing (or directing!) anything...
Pretty much. Kinberg is a terrible writer but he's a fine producer. He has been involved in various solid sci-fi projects, including The Martian or the most recent TV show Sugar that just finished its first season. If he was anywhere near a writer's room for this I'd instantly consider it dead in the water, but him producing I'm very ok with.
Pretty much. Kinberg is a terrible writer but he's a fine producer. He has been involved in various solid sci-fi projects, including The Martian or the most recent TV show Sugar that just finished its first season. If he was anywhere near a writer's room for this I'd instantly consider it dead in the water, but him producing I'm very ok with.
By all means, he can produce to his heart's content but keep him away from the script and the director's chair.

Though I will say I'm shocked that he was the only writer on Days of Future Past because for my money that's second only to First Class as the best X-Men movie.
Seriously, Star Trek to get me interested again would need an A-list director who makes actual good movies. The franchise has just been uninteresting for a long time for me at this point. Short of scoring some big name director of repute, reviews will have to be amazing to win me back.

Simon Kinberg doesn't fit that bill lol

:argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:

{I will let flickchick scold you about Strange New Worlds]

Also, there’s the rumor of Ryan Coogler being in talks to direct, and looking at his IMDb page, with all the movies that he’s been involved with, if he’s not the sole writer, he’s very heavily involved in the writing process and polishing/finalizing the script. So, it’s very likely that this person being announced is probably just being tapped to write the initial draft, and someone else will come on and rework/do their own take.

I get this board’s immediate reaction to cry doom and gloom, and understandably so, considering a lot of the stuff in the news about the behind-the-scenes politics going on at Disney, but I’m willing to wait and see how this all pans out before making any snap judgments.

And Iger's comments do not allow me to trust them.
By all means, he can produce to his heart's content but keep him away from the script and the director's chair.

Though I will say I'm shocked that he was the only writer on Days of Future Past because for my money that's second only to First Class as the best X-Men movie.
Mine too, and I love these two films more than most in here. It's shocking really, but maybe outside Vaughn and Goldman having a go at an early script, Singer having more input probably helped after all. I know of at least three cases where he scrapped Kinberg's ideas and it worked for the best. Rogue's cut in an unnecessary sequence that dragged the pacing and only existed as fan service, replacing Juggernaut with Quicksilver in what became one of the most iconic superhero moments and the Apocalypse post credit scene (regardless of how they butchered the character in the next film). Kinberg originally wanted him to be an alien who lands on earth and possesses Magneto's body. 🤢
Who are we fancasting as Spock because we all know Ryan Gosling will get the Captain Kirk gig.

Mine too, and I love these two films more than most in here. It's shocking really, but maybe outside Vaughn and Goldman having a go at an early script, Singer having more input probably helped after all. I know of at least three cases where he scrapped Kinberg's ideas and it worked for the best. Rogue's cut in an unnecessary sequence that dragged the pacing and only existed as fan service, replacing Juggernaut with Quicksilver in what became one of the most iconic superhero moments and the Apocalypse post credit scene (regardless of how they butchered the character in the next film). Kinberg originally wanted him to be an alien who lands on earth and possesses Magneto's body. 🤢

TIL this. Wow.

That's right up there with Storm being an abusive prison guard in The New Mutants. Just ridiculous.
Seriously, Star Trek to get me interested again would need an A-list director who makes actual good movies. The franchise has just been uninteresting for a long time for me at this point. Short of scoring some big name director of repute, reviews will have to be amazing to win me back.

Simon Kinberg doesn't fit that bill lol
Aw. I really enjoyed the Chris Pine movies. I don't want another reboot. :(
Mine too, and I love these two films more than most in here. It's shocking really, but maybe outside Vaughn and Goldman having a go at an early script, Singer having more input probably helped after all. I know of at least three cases where he scrapped Kinberg's ideas and it worked for the best. Rogue's cut in an unnecessary sequence that dragged the pacing and only existed as fan service, replacing Juggernaut with Quicksilver in what became one of the most iconic superhero moments and the Apocalypse post credit scene (regardless of how they butchered the character in the next film). Kinberg originally wanted him to be an alien who lands on earth and possesses Magneto's body. 🤢
That's the thing about Singer. Terrible person but the X-Men movies he helmed were good with the obvious exception of Apocalypse, which he was checked out for anyway.

Aw. I really enjoyed the Chris Pine movies. I don't want another reboot. :(
I don't see the point in them doing a second reboot with Kirk, Spock and the rest of the original crew. I think people would rather see a fourth movie with that cast if given the choice.
Mine too, and I love these two films more than most in here. It's shocking really, but maybe outside Vaughn and Goldman having a go at an early script, Singer having more input probably helped after all. I know of at least three cases where he scrapped Kinberg's ideas and it worked for the best. Rogue's cut in an unnecessary sequence that dragged the pacing and only existed as fan service, replacing Juggernaut with Quicksilver in what became one of the most iconic superhero moments and the Apocalypse post credit scene (regardless of how they butchered the character in the next film). Kinberg originally wanted him to be an alien who lands on earth and possesses Magneto's body. 🤢
All that hype for the Rogue Cut and I thought it was a big disappointment. I thought that the theatrical cut was better. It didn't improve the story any, just added fan service.
That's the thing about Singer. Terrible person but the X-Men movies he helmed were good with the obvious exception of Apocalypse, which he was checked out for anyway.
Part of it was because he was checked out. The other part was because he would disappear, so Kinberg directed the rest of the movie. He acted the same way on Bohemian Rapsody.
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I think that Star Trek Voyager and DS9 were very, very good, and they had excellent numbers when they were on Netflix. Though it won't happen, I'd like a movie in that timeline ten or fifteen years after, without the nonsense from Abrams and Kurtzmann.

The galaxy is wide open at the end of DS9 and Voyager. The Dominion is receding. The Borg are weaker. The Vaudewar are raiding the Delta quadrant. It's good stuff.

:argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:

{I will let flickchick scold you about Strange New Worlds]

And Iger's comments do not allow me to trust them.

The guy still loves the MCU. I wouldn't expect him to remember what good genre shows even look like at this point! :oldrazz:
*Shrug* Difference being the MCU produces content I still largely like, even if it's not every project. Strange New Worlds i just have never cared about cause the vast majority of Trek content i have tried watching recently just hasnt been good. So my brand loyalty to it isnt high. Star Wars is now in same boat for me. I just dont care like I used to about it, and similarly I havent watched Andor. Which I know has good buzz, but I just dont care about the IP at this point
*Shrug* Difference being the MCU produces content I still largely like, even if it's not every project. Strange New Worlds i just have never cared about cause the vast majority of Trek content i have tried watching recently just hasnt been good. So my brand loyalty to it isnt high. Star Wars is now in same boat for me. I just dont care like I used to about it, and similarly I havent watched Andor. Which I know has good buzz, but I just dont care about the IP at this point
*shrugs* Your loss!
Part if it was because he was checked out. The other part was because he would disappear, so Kinberg directed the rest of the movie. He acted the same way on Bohemian Rapsody.
IMO even if Apocalypse had been competently made, even at the time it felt unnecessary after Days of Future past acted like a finale to the mainline X-Men movies with the way it ended. The franchise would have left a better legacy if Logan and the Deadpool movies were the only ones to come after DOFP.
Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix were so lazy in the way they kept repeating the same story beats and set pieces they had already done before. Oh boy! We get to see Weapon X creating Logan and him escaping! Never seen that one before! By Dark Phoenix this had filtered down to everyone in the cast and it was clear they were just doing it for a paycheck or because they were contractually obligated to do it.
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