It's that car's fault. Poor mutt.Why does Dog Lip's neck look weird....
The word you're looking for is AND.cheese or bacon?
The word you're looking for is AND.
Cheese AND bacon.
Who on Hype am I engaged to marry?
ZOMG! O.O What are you doing here?
Visiting. I figured I'd make my rounds. t:
Do you visit often? I'm hardly in community anymore so it's awesome to see you! Som many of the 'older' faces have left/ceased coming.
I imagine it sucks.WHy???
is you a proper exmeee?
Alderaan= p?
How is ( or was) your mom love-making stile?
How do you know?
Why not?Why did you waste .8 calorie(s) to create this thread?
'Cause we need DECENT leadership around here.Why is the SHH presidential run so important?