something I've always explored while watching these films is that at the end of BB Batman says: "I'm not going to kill you...but I don't have to save you"
This is very indicative of the LoS training; it's something I can see Ra's saying; in fact he has a similar line:
You burned my house and left me for dead, consider us even"
What if Ra's was alive during TDK; what would he think of Batman's place in Gotham? Isn't this kind of what he wanted? Batman became gotham's biggest hope and it all comes crashing down, the one person who can protect them is in their crosshairs, if he's destroyed by the people of Gotham then that's it.
"When the Chips are down These Civilized people, will eat each other"
Or eat him? Turning on Batman IS turning on Gotham, surely they don't have a choice given the information they have but:
"sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded"
Shouldn't Bruce/Bat's faith in his city be rewarded? and if it isn't; isn't this Ra's ultimate win?
Now how does that fit in with Young Ra's?
Seeing some of Ra's motives, some of who he was to become the man we know in BB might serve as some insight to who Batman is becoming, a parallel story of sorts.
I don't consider Ra's evil; he's willing to do things for the "greater good" that many people wouldn't; in certain situations, this may make him the hero. He gave Bruce purpose, a new life, turned him from a mourning child to a powerful man.
Exploring briefly what makes Ra's the way he was, what made the man who taught Bruce how to fight crime, might show us more clearly where Batman is failing and what he can do to "Rise"
If we know more about the creator we may learn more about the creation and if Batman can avoid the same falls that turned Ra's Al Ghul into the leader of a group of assassins then maybe he can become something more.
His goal in BB was to become a Symbol, infinite, eternal, incorruptible.
He failed at this, the vision of Batman is tarnished; so maybe its time to look back at the ideals that made Batman in the first place to help him heal those wounds and become the Batman he intended to be.