Comics The Ultimate X-MEN Thread

The Black Mask

Sep 18, 2005
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I love Ultimate X-men, I have since I got the very first issue. The only bummer is what they did with Ultimate Gambit but I'm hoping that gets recified soon in some manner at least. It won't be enough for me to stop reading it tho. Rock on!
Ultimate x-men is the best ultimate book, imo.
Thanks for making the thread Henry.There is alot of UXM discussion on here but it's really scattered.

COMICBOY is right.UXM is the best Ultimate book alongside The Ultimates.

I started following UXM at issue 1 but stopped after I bought issue 3.I really wish I followed it up to now but I fell off the comic thing for a long time.I've recently been purchasing what back issues are available of UXM.I really hope they keep the Ultimate brand running for as long as they can.They definitely brought onboard a sh/tload of new fans,so getting rid of it may only get rid of them.

The current arc,Magnetic North,is shaping to be huge and proably one of the series' best arcs thus far.It's going to have a huge impact,I can feel it.
Though it's highly unlikely,wouldn't it be awesome if someone like Jim Lee drew UXM for a while?
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Henri DuCard said:
loeb will be writing for MARVEL again, so ya never know. it could happen.

What title?
I believe he's taking over The Ultimates after Millar and Hitch finish up on Ultimates 2.
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I'm glad they finally give Cyclops a personality. I like most of the changes UXM has but why don't they just say Ult Colosus is gay?
Caliber said:
I'm glad they finally give Cyclops a personality. I like most of the changes UXM has but why don't they just say Ult Colosus is gay?
Maybe they are afraid to offend someone. I for one wish they would simply hook him up with someone -- not Northstar, he's too arrogant for such a sensitive guy like Colossus -- but somebody. It's almost like saying it's okay to be gay as long as you're alone. The guy needs to get laid, seriously! :p
well, its pretty obvious. I dont think its about offending anyone so much as not being crass. After all, theyre pretty open about Northstar.
squeekness said:
Maybe they are afraid to offend someone. I for one wish they would simply hook him up with someone -- not Northstar, he's too arrogant for such a sensitive guy like Colossus -- but somebody. It's almost like saying it's okay to be gay as long as you're alone. The guy needs to get laid, seriously! :p
Henri DuCard said:
ultimates volume 3 with mauderia art.

JoMaud art?Whoa,don't know what to think of that.
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squeekness said:
Maybe they are afraid to offend someone. I for one wish they would simply hook him up with someone -- not Northstar, he's too arrogant for such a sensitive guy like Colossus -- but somebody. It's almost like saying it's okay to be gay as long as you're alone. The guy needs to get laid, seriously! :p

I don't it would offend anyone but its stupid reading it half of the time. He hits on every guy they meet. Northstar, Longshot, Wolverine, just give Colossus a love interest.
It was good to see dear old fatherland Finland housing the Weapon X base, though I can guarantee you won't find mountains like that here. There are a couple of things I hate about Ultimate X-Men. First is Sabretooth. He's pretty much a carbon copy of the main series one. Oh look, he's got adamantium! Big f-ing deal. How does that change his character? The other thing is Forge. He uses the word 'dude' in a way that should constitute as grounds for capital punishment.
squeekness said:
I love Ultimate X-men, I have since I got the very first issue. The only bummer is what they did with Ultimate Gambit but I'm hoping that gets recified soon in some manner at least.

No offense or anything, but THIS is why we as comic book fans are given no credit as discerning readers. We complain that deaths aren't a serious thing, but everytime a character dies, even if it's done really well, people complain. Just let him be. He's dead.
I love this comic and belive the current arc is shaping up to be the best.

About U. Gambit, I was sad when he died, but I hope they never bring him back cause i would like death to be a serious thing in the Ulitmate universe. IUts like Gwen Stacy in Ulitmate Spider-Man, her death was sudden, but thats life and I would not wanting her to be brought back.
Ultimate X-men has been very lackluster lately until Magnetic North.

I am really digging the current arc, but the few issues before this have not interested me at all, and I'm not exactly a fan of Ultiamte Sinister, or the fact Apocalypse is most likely his delusion.
So are they going to make Ult Apocalypse soon?
Caliber said:
So are they going to make Ult Apocalypse soon?

hopefully not, Apocalypse is such a yawn when he's trying to be taken seriously.

I like the whole "figment of imagination or not?" thing going right now.
i cant wait for the apocalypse story, i hope they make beast and gambit part of his horseman, i know it sounds a little xtreme but, i think its a good idea.
gambitx925 said:
i cant wait for the apocalypse story, i hope they make beast and gambit part of his horseman, i know it sounds a little xtreme but, i think its a good idea.

I hope it happens but I hope its good and not slow in development.
Magnetic North is the best story in a while.

I bought back issues of Cry Wolf and The Most Dangerous Game just to see what I missed out on.They aren't as bad as some people have made them out to be.But they're not as good as Magnetic North.

New Mutants was pretty good.

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